194 String Format ★ "Average high: %.1f, low: %.1f" % [avg_hi, avg_lo] # => "Average high: 49.7, low: 25.4" format, sprintfも同じ %.1f %d %x -> 17 (hex) %#x -> 0x17 %#X -> 0X17 %o %#o -> 027 %b %#b -> 0B10111 %e -> 2.400000e+19 %g 123.0 ->…
iOS Bytes - Episode #26, June 26, 2014 Multiple Animations includes a few best practice tips for getting animations right Snapshots Xcode plugin called Snapshots that makes it easier to work with Facebook’s FBSnapshot library in Xcode Fram…
iOS Bytes - Episode #25, June 19, 2014 The Swift Standard Library Practical Swift revealed all 74 functions that are part of the standard library of the initial release of Swift 10.10 Foundation Notes outlining all of the major changes to …
iOS Bytes - Episode #24, June 12, 2014 Inside Swift experiments reverse engineering Swift to see what makes it tick His conclusion - things work pretty similar to the way that Objective-C works under the hood Objective-C Shell Scripting th…
5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #33 - June 26th, 2014 CDNPerf helps you find fast and reliable JavaScript CDNs to make your websites snappy and happy It lists latency, uptime and downtime for a handful of the most popular CDNs like jsDel…
5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #32 - June 19th, 2014 ES6 at Rdio the destructuring assignment syntax and the module syntax Multiple Sources fetching data from multiple sources and keeping it all in sync ember-cli v0.0.34 the addition of…
5JS #30 - quattro_4 scribble FireFox 30 Developer Tools Interfaces/APIs/DOM AngularJS Controllers Rethinking AngularJS controllers Angular with Rails 5 Tips on using Angular with Rails gem 'rails-assets-lodash' gem 'rails-assets-angular' g…
Swift Basics - NSScreencast swift not intended to be replacement of objective-c under NDA repl var x = 30 no semicolon let y = 50 constants var count: Int # count: Int: 0 all variable initialized by default value var letter: Character = "A…
Animations with CALayer - MotionInMotion CALayerを使ってflipやshrinkのアニメーション UIImageの場合 image_view.image = UIImage.imageNamed('title') @image_layer = image_view.layer CALayerの場合 layer.addSublayer(@image_layer = CALayer.layer)…
Ruby5 - Episode #475 - June 24th, 2014 Mongoid 4.0.0 Mongoid now uses ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber and ActiveSupport::Notifications Keep a CHANGELOG present the new features, removed features, breaking changes and bug fixes Lotus complete …
Ruby5 - Episode #474 - June 20th, 2014 Ember Tutorial 22 chapters gemoji Images can be copied to your public directory with rake emoji def emojify(content) it's raining :cat:s and :dog:s! stack_rescue config.rack_dev_mark.enable = !Rails.e…
Ruby5 - Episode #473 - June 17th, 2014 Bundler 1.6.3 store private gem source URLs outside of your Gemfile using a bundle config source-url command but Gemfile.lock still stored the secret keys Guide to AREL use AREL separately from Active…
Maintaining The Meat Machines (Adam Wiggins) Adam Wiggins, Heroku co-founder and former CTO prototypeかすぐだがmature productには時間がかかる Good Software Takes Ten Years. Get Used To it. - Joel on Software teamの大きさの話 podcast H.I. #…
Best Language for the Gob swift regular expressionは言語のものでなくfoundationを使う必要がある array, constant arrayの挙動がおかしい officialの言語なのにRubyMotionと同じ仕組み replの仕組み Open Sourceになれば、Rubyとかのようにclient, serve…
Method Swizzling - NSScreencast Objective-C runtimeでメソッドの実装を置き換える #import <objc/runtime.h> swizzle - がぶ飲みする、かき混ぜ class_getInstanceMethod class_addMethod method_getImplementation method_getTypeEncoding method_exchangeImplementation</objc/runtime.h>…
STHTTPRequest - NSScreencast STHTTPRequestの実装とそのテスト STHTTPRequest light weight network library itunes.apple.com/search api stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding [STHTTPRequest requestWithURLString uploadPr…
Inspect 2014 Schedule - Confreaks, LLC RubyMotion State Of The Union - Laurent Sansonetti, Shizuo Fujita, Eloy Durán - Inspect 2014 best beer Orval flat logo performance (Benchmark) android Testing RubyMotion Applications Using Appium - Is…
Table Cells in MotionKit - MotionInMotion MotionKitを使ってセルのAutoLayoutを整える motion-kit/motion-kit · GitHub READMORE.md class EntryCellLayout < MK::Layout constraints do size.equals(:superview) ListController cell = table_view.deque…
Rebuild: 45: Remembering WSDL (gfx) Java良い perl mixi deploygate 部門、治外法権 gradle android default UIがだめ Storyboad team conflictしやすい Netflix RX Java RubyMotion xamarin xamarin-android xamarin-ios c# コードフリーズ リリースブラ…
Consulting the Consultants (Adam Wathan, Chris Keithlin) Adam & Chris of Vehikl プロジェクトへの人の割り当て方、予算、営業とか projectに3人、3ヶ月以上のプロジェクト それより短いとだめ trello board thoughtbot 85 people 8 offices 3 people ch…
Ruby5 - Episode #472 - June 13th, 2014 5 Reasons Why Rubyist Will Love Swift String Interpolation Optional Binding & Implicit Returns Keyword Arguments Type Inference Closures Add Some Jazz to Your Rails App Pry, Awesome Print, Hirb, Pry R…
Rebuild: 46: Worldwide Stockholm Syndrome (naan, hak) WWDC hardware無かった media不評 株価が下がらなかった リークが無かった Craig Federighi Tim Cook full screenモード使えてない Pocket iTunesでの共有 6人まで マルチアカウント対応しない 履歴…
WWDC 2014 swiftのtypeの話 Optional type haskelのtypeは良い haskelは実装系ではなくスペック === の挙動が変わった wwdc round table discussion funny playful keynote ibooks out of shadow steve jobs swift ios8 marvelicks not consumer my wife no …
Setup Wizards and Custom Container Controllers - MotionInMotion ContainerViewを使ってウィザード形式の遷移 SetupWizardController def init @current_controller ||= -1 loadView @nav = UINavigationController.alloc.initWithRootViewController(nex…
Ruby5 - Episode #471 - June 10th, 2014 Rails/Merb Retrospect most developers haven't embraced this modularity on their projects Orats stands for Opinionated Rails Application Templates wrapper around the rails command for creating new apps…
Put It Out To The World (Peter Cooper) Peter Cooper, of Cooper Press Cooper Press: Developer Newsletters, Training, and Screencasts Ruby Weekly, JavaScript Weekly, HTML5 Weekly, Postgres Weekly podcast Gregg Pollack RubyShow Ruby on Rails …
Animating with POP - NSScreencast Spring(バネ)の効果をアニメーションに付加する framework pop animation facebook extracted out from Paper POPSpringAnimation anim.springBounciness = 20; anim.springSpeed = 1; POPDecayAnimation anim.decelerati…
189 Assisted Refactoring ★ エディタがRubyMineになってる extract variable, extract method, inline variable 190 Gsub ★★★ LEXICON.each do |term, alternate| sanitized = sanitized.gsub(term, alternate) end 繰り返しは効率悪い terms = LEXICON.key…
5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #30 - June 5th, 2014 Node.js in Production recommendations for putting Node.js apps into production node cluster to load balance and route traffic around multiple node processes on the server Deploys will …
5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #29 - May 29th, 2014 Object.observe Object.observe is landing in Chrome 36 beta Object.observe is a method for asynchronously observing changes to JavaScript objects LoopBack by StrongLoop, makes creating …