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scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


Ruby5 #415

Ruby5 - Episode #415 - October 29th, 2013 FFI is over dynamic c library loading hackernews licensing selenium-webdriver, guard, vagrant TryTo obj1.try(:met1).try(:met2).try(:met3).to_s try_to { obj.met1.met2.met3.to_s } TryTo.exceptions <<…

RubyTapas #141 - #146

141 Bounded Queue ? set a maximum size on our queue class def initialize(max_size = :infinite) ... def full? return false if @max_size == :infinite @max_size <= @items.size end condition_predicate wait_for_condition( @item_available, ->{@…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #72 ★★

thoughtbot : Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast : Episode 72: Up in the Mountains (Nathan Barry) Up in the Mountains (Nathan Barry) 本を書いて収入が上がった話 具体的な金額を言っている 読者のターゲットを考えるのが大事 Ema…

RubyTapas #134 - #140

134 Rake Clean ★★ コンバート sh "ebook-convert book.html #{t.name}" sh "kindlegen book.epub -o #{t.name}" Rake clean task require "rake/clean" CLEAN # => [] CLEAN.include("book.html") CLOBBER CLOBBER << "book.epub" CLOBBER << "book.mobi" $…

NSScreencast Episode #92 Background Fetch

Background Fetch - NSScreencast Weather appでlocationからの検索をバックグラウンドを使って実行 weather app search by location WeatherFetcher sharedInstance cachedResult needsRefresh NSTimeInterval interval = abs([lastUpdated timeIntervalSin…

thoughtbot Build Phase #13

thoughtbot Learn I'm a Professional! Episode #13 MapViewをカスタマイズとかするとき、overlayで面倒な部分があるみたいな話 細かい実装方法の話、いろいろパターンある delegate, proxy, idにcastとか, intercept NSProxyがよく分からない decoratorパタ…

Ruby5 #414

Ruby5 - Episode #414 - October 25th, 2013 Casting delegation library Delegate methods in Ruby and preserve self user.cast_as(UserRepresenter) autoprefixer Autoprefixer is a tool to parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using value…

Ruby5 #413

Ruby5 - Episode #413 - October 22nd, 2013 Rails 3.2.15 & 4.0.1 RC1 security fix rails4 450 bugfix Upgrading to Rails 4 Build the book yourself kitabu can export ePub and HTML Migrant Migrant gives you a clean DSL to describe your model sch…

NSScreencast Episode #91 AFNetworking 2.0

AFNetworking 2.0 - NSScreencast AFNetworking 2.0使って画像を表示とか Podfile platform :ios, '7.0' pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 2.0.1' view controller #import "AFNetworking.h" AFHTTPSessionManager [self GET:@"/search" parameters country term dis…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #71

thoughtbot Learn The Power of the Truth Episode #71 Josh Clayton and Ben Orenstein thoughtbot内部の話 アドバイザーとしての話 Learnで良かった部分の話とか メディア関連のfull timeの人を雇った thoughtbot boston office sales aspect code review …

Ruby5 #412

Ruby5 - Episode #412 - October 18th, 2013 NewRelic X-Ray sessions Rubinius X ActiveModel::Serializers no direct access to serialize object Less code Less complicated design Performance improvement def filter(keys) Parallel Tests w/Docker A…

thoughtbot Build Phase #12

thoughtbot Learn The Island of Dr Gordó Episode #12 顔を入れ替えるアプリの話してて爆笑してた Form Bindingのライブラリを作っている オープンソースにするか考えている face swapping bookmark this site change gravatar email address campfire form…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #70

thoughtbot Learn Let Your Freak Flag Fly Episode #70 Jeff Atwood about Discourse, forum software, and soylent Disclosure (next-generation discussion platform) discourse/discourse · GitHub stack exchange guidance moderation from community d…

Ruby5 #411

Ruby5 - Episode #411 - October 15th, 2013 Refactor book [Refactoring in Ruby] Shrimp Shrimp is a Ruby library that uses PhantomJS to render PDF Middleware Shrimp comes with a middleware that allows users to get a PDF view of any page on yo…

Ruby5 #410

Ruby5 - Episode #410 - October 11th, 2013 Pain-free Testing Don’t Use Cucumber Use Page Objects (capybara) Create Useful Failure Messages Embrace Asynchronous Testing expect(page).to_not have_css('.post') - waits for .post elements to show…

NSScreencast Episode #90 Table View Images in iOS 7

Table View Images in iOS 7 - NSScreencast TableView上のimageをロードする iTunes affiliate search api filter by entity type beatles , pink floyd artworkUrl100 sessiondatatask with url ns url session image cache depends on server cache contr…

thoughtbot Build Phase #11

thoughtbot Learn Podspec or Bust Episode #11 初ゲスト Mattt Thompson, Mobile Lead at Heroku, creator of AFNetworking, NSHipster and Helios 新しいAFNetworking2 新たにiOS7のNSURLSession (NSURLConnectionの代わり) classデザインが良い 多くのア…

Ruby5 #409

Ruby5 - Episode #409 - October 8th, 2013 Rubinius 2.0 Ruby Hero Brian Shirai the foundation for modern concurrent and distributed applications MRI 2.1 vs. Rubinius 2.0 benchmarks across MRI, JRuby, and Rubinius using the ruby­benchmark­sui…

Ruby5 #408

Ruby5 - Episode #408 - October 4th, 2013 Nestive template injection that what content_for affords Ruby Resty Resty command-line tool rescue_from include ActiveSupport::Rescuable binding.repl binding.repl allows you to get similar functiona…

NSScreencast Episode #89 Networking in iOS 7

Networking in iOS 7 - NSScreencast iTunes Affiliate Search APIから情報を取得して表示 iTunes Affiliate Search API http://itunes.apple.com/search?term=beatles&country=JP developer tool HTTP Client - Mac Developer Tool for HTTP Debugging term…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #69

thoughtbot Learn Geocoding in the Now Episode #69 Josh Clayton and Laila Winner on their book, Geocoding on Rails Ruby Geocoder geocoder gem with Redis, cache(memcache on heroku) area gem for USA cities jgv/area · GitHub finish new book ge…

thoughtbot Build Phase #10

thoughtbot Learn Grandmas Are Twice as Efficient Episode #10 Cookie ClickerがUSでも流行って、生産性台無し SubliminalというiOS integration testing framework 相変わらずKIFを絶賛している 1.X, 2.X accessor, deallocとかのmemory managementの話 …

Ruby5 #407

Ruby5 - Episode #407 – October 1st, 2013 Ruby 2.1 Walkthrough Refinements Decimal Literals Frozen String Literals Required Keyword Arguments Method Definition returns Method Name Removing Garbage Bytes from Strings StringScanner supports N…

Ruby5 #406

Ruby5 - Episode #406 – September 27th, 2013 Lambdas in Case === (a.k.a. the case equality operator) is_even = ->(n) { n.even? } is_even === 5 is_even.call(5) Rocker-Box a/b test static pages Snowden fuzzy search on text indices ["bacon", "…

NSScreencast Episode #88 Interactive View Controller Transitions

Interactive View Controller Transitions - NSScreencast スクリーンが上から垂れ下がるようなエフェクトの戻すパターン @interface InteractiveSwipe : UIPercentDrivenInteractiveTransition @property (nonatomic, strong) UIPanGestureRecognizer *pan;…

NSScreencast Episode #87 Xcode 5 Autolayout Improvements

Xcode 5 Autolayout Improvements - NSScreencast iOS7のAutoLayout Ctrl + drag to superview Top/Bottom/Leading/Trailing space to Container Center Vertically/Horizontally in Container Dragした方向のものが表示される Orange constraints -> not fu…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #68

thoughtbot Learn Simplicity and Elegance Episode #68 Paul Farnell, CEO of Litmus Eメールのサービス founder of Litmus email campaign 2005 very fortunate office US 5 years taking off focus on email agency deal browser testing email testing m…