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Rebuild 55

Rebuild: Aftershow 54: Emacs Will Never Die (naan, N) Hipchat SlackはOK 名前の問題 emacs Matzのプレゼン 中毒 emacsメンテナー DOS Sublime モード emacsはエディタじゃない、環境 ssh .emacs0行 デフォルト中 AWSに入ってない RubyMotion Swift 正規…

thoughtbot Build Phase #52

Nobody Wins Flip Cup Error handling Api client lots of duplication duplication in test dci mvc error handling alert user networking layer password if they dont have network connectivity api client glue layer model factory parse json transf…

GoRails 21. Rails 4.2 Introduction

Rails 4.2 Introduction | GoRails Active Job standarize queuing jobs AdequateRecord Web console anywhere in browser <%= console %> config.web_console.default_mount_path = '/debug' whitelisted_ips gem install rails --pre rails _4.2.0.beta1_ …

NSScreencast Episode #133 Auto Layout in Code

Auto Layout in Code - NSScreencast コードでAutoLayoutを指定 reason to use code in storyboard, accidentally break with drag and drop NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem attribute (引数, 2回?) relatedBy attribute [headlineView addConstrain…

MotionInMotion Episode 39 - Publish and Subscribe with NSNotificationCenter

Publish and Subscribe with NSNotificationCenter - MotionInMotion NSNotificationCenterを使ってデータの登録と更新 Publish and Subscribe singleton NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter userinfo receive message def viewDidAppear NOT def viewDidLo…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #113

Minimum Path to Awesome (Rob Walling) Rob Walling, founder of Drip and HitTail Drip :: Email Marketing Automation for Visitors, Trials and Customers mailchimp niching down Ben reported bug of that service interpolation email template (incl…

iOS Bytes #34

iOS Bytes - Episode #34, August 21, 2014 Auto Layout Myths some layout and performance issues AutoLayout Myths, Table View Performance, and Side-by-Side iPad App Multi-tasking Self-sizing Cells adopt self-sizing table view cells in iOS 8 U…

iOS Bytes #33

iOS Bytes - Episode #33, August 14, 2014 that thing in swift how Objective-C design patterns can be translated over to Swift called "that thing in swift" Apples to Apples: Part 2 performance benchmark tests of several different Objective-C…

iOS Bytes #32

iOS Bytes - Episode #32, August 7, 2014 AlamoFire Mattt Thompson released the first version of his "AFNetworking for Swift" library 1Password Extension AgileBits, the company behind 1Password how they are enabled 1Password use via iOS 8 ex…

iOS Bytes #31

iOS Bytes - Episode #31, July 31, 2014 Flex Flipboard open sourced an internal tool debug multiple parts of y our app without being connected to Xcode FLAnimatedImage Flipboard easily display animated GIFs on iOS in a UIImageView Understan…

Ruby5 #491

Ruby5 - Episode #491 - August 22nd, 2014 Semaphore Free for OSS Semaphore CI service now has a free plan for open source projects Starter plan by $10 PostRank URI postrank-uri gem PostRank::URI.extract, PostRank::URI.clean Renewed Life for…

thoughtbot Build Phase #51

Waiting For the Beer Endorsements Upcase.com Uber cheaper, safe ZeroPush - Simple Apple Push Notifications for Developers 自分でやると3日かかるが、5分でできる ns baby sitter ns george michael upcase com tdd mvvm enthusiastic answer no long…

MotionInMotion Episode 38 - RMQ Validations

RMQ Validations - MotionInMotion Validation with RMQ Documentation | RMQ valid? rmq.validation.valid?('https://www.infinitered.com', :url) #true rmq.validation.valid?(98.6, :number) #true field rmq.append(UITextField, :user).validates(:ema…

5JS #40


5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #40 - August 14th, 2014 JavaScript Weird Parts a fun presentation of some oddities in the JS world by David Luecke and Eric Kryskl 1 hour video Angular D3 Directives create custom directives in AngularJS t…

5JS #39


5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #39 - August 7th, 2014 Angular.20 Routing AngularJS Weekly Meeting back-port the Angular 2.0 Router to 1.3 Eloquent Javascript Free ebook (Cover bird - pheasant キジ) the second edition of Marijn Haverbeke…

Ruby5 #490

Ruby5 - Episode #490 - August 19th, 2014 Rails 4.0.9 and 4.1.5 Security release insecure parameter handling create_with FlattenRecord denormalizes your existing ActiveRecord models Http::Exceptions Http::Exceptions provides an easy way to …

5JS #38


5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #38 - July 31st, 2014 Flux Facebook released An application architecture for React utilizing a unidirectional data flow 2 demo app (TODO, Chat) Opinionated AngularJS Module definitions, Module method funct…

5JS #37


5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #37 - July 24h, 2014 JavaScript Best Practices Code School Nome.js adds additional features to the browser’s geolocation API HTML5 geolocation on steroids Transit conveying values between applications writ…

thoughtbot Build Phase #50

The One Where They Do The 50th Show MVVM ActionSheet transport mechanism KVO responder change easiest code is always best code movie - Airplane and Zero Hour Mashup - YouTube upcase com skype not feeling well didnt eat coffee never think a…

Ruby5 #489

Ruby5 - Episode #489 - August 15th, 2014 Dokkufy Your mini-Heroku with Dokku and Dokkufy dokkufy server View Models Rails Misapprehensions: Replace Helpers With View Models! JRuby The Hard Parts (slide deck) Xiki Kickstarter most then a sh…

Ruby5 #488

Ruby5 - Episode #488 - August 12th, 2014 Facebook SDK with RubyMotion creating a Facebook login app pod 'Facebook-iOS-SDK', '~> 3.16.2' rmq rails_param brings parameter validation and type coercion into your Rails controllers param! :q, St…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #112 ★

Data By Design (Joanne Cheng) Joanne Cheng interactive visualization d3.js book - Interactive Data Visualization for the Web Edward Tufte: Books - The Visual Display of Quantitative Information The Work of Edward Tufte and Graphics Press h…

NSScreencast Episode #132 Realm

Realm - NSScreencast realmというmobile databaseを使う realm database podfile pod "Realm" #import <Realm/Realm.h> RLMObject app delegate RLMRealm *realm = [RLMRealm defaultRealm]; [realm beginWriteTransaction]; [realm addObject:car]; [realm commitWriteTra</realm/realm.h>…

Rebuild 54

Rebuild: 54: Email Will Never Die (naan, N) Taiwan transcript メジャーリーガー 通訳 イチロー 他国の人は通訳つけられない 川崎の英語 日本人は英語を完璧にしてから使おうとする 「課金する」の使い方 unread appの作者の収入 99%儲からない Slack

Ruby5 #487

Ruby5 - Episode #487 - August 8th, 2014 tripit/slate Beautiful static documentation for your API Slate is just Markdown Out-of-the-box syntax highlighting Deprecating *_path in Mailers Deprecate *_path methods in mailers RubySteps Daily co…

Ruby5 #486

Ruby5 - Episode #486 - August 5th, 2014 ReactJS and Rails JavaScript library released by Facebook gem 'active_model_serializers' gem 'ffaker' Rubygems.org Nick Quaranto burned out gemcutter Privacy Policies and Code of Conduct posted by NP…

MotionInMotion Episode 37 - Test Driven Development and Creating a Gem Part 2

Test Driven Development and Creating a Gem Part 2 - MotionInMotion toolbarのgemの続き Opening変わった better toolbar gem vim :!rake spec :!git commit rake gem:release TDDは流れくらいしか参考にならない

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #111

Thinking Outside the Loop (Chris Granger) Chris Granger, creator of Light Table 17years programming create web framework around 2004 blog What is programming? Chris Granger - Toward a better programming Light Table - the next generation co…

Rebuild 53

Rebuild: 53: Less Code Is Better Code (Matz) Rebuild: Aftershow 53: Because We Are Global (Matz, zzak) Fukuoka Ruby Nights silicon valley訪問 2日6件2イベント rebuild 2回目 ruby 2.2 毎年1回マイナーを上げる 桁数2桁はやりたくない 3桁目は仕方…

NSScreencast Episode #131 Swift JSON Redux Part 2

Swift JSON Redux Part 2 - NSScreencast JSONをparseするライブラリの続き class JSArray<A, B : JSONDecode where B.J == A> : JSONDecode { class func fromJSON(j: JSValue) -> [A]? { let mapped = array.map { B.fromJSON($0) } let results = compact(mapped) generic type parameters </a,>…