quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


Ruby5 #595

Ruby5 - Episode #595 - October 27th, 2015 What’s New in Rails 5 Ruby 2.2.1 Rack 2 Deprecate alias_method_chain Render templates outside of controller Turbolinks 3 Action Cable Added #or to ActiveRecord::Relation belongs_to will now trigger…

Ruby5 #594

Ruby5 - Episode #594 - October 23rd, 2015 Default UUIDs In Rails enable_extension 'uuid-ossp' config.generators do |g| g.orm :active_record, primary_key_type: :uuid Trix A rich text editor for everyday writing Basecamp Safe Navigation in R…

Ruby5 #593

Ruby5 - Episode #593 - October 20th, 2015 Elasticsearch Async Callbacks codemy video Basecamp Dynamic Def Memoization, State Machines, Fibonacci Functional Service Objects on Rails inspired by Piotr Solnica's talk "Blending Function and OO…

Ruby5 #592

Ruby5 - Episode #592 - October 16th, 2015 Rails Downloads Accelerated Rails Downloads with NGINX config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = "X-Accel-Redirect" # for NGINX proxy_set_header X-Accel-Mapping /home/deployer/apps/my_app/releases…

Ruby5 #591

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/634-episode-591-october-13th-2015 Rust for Rubyists Rocky Mountain Ruby 2015 - Rust for Rubyists by Steve Klabnik - YouTube PostgreSQL and Rails Speed up with Materialized Views Web Server with Ruby 2.…

thoughtbot Build Phase #91

91: Baseball Phase | Build Phase Regular Season Standings | MLB.com Argo, Runes

Rebuild 111, 112

Rebuild: 111: Not Too Technical (Naoya Ito) El Capitan Skypeクラッシュ スペイン語でcaptain /usr/local 退避しなくていい Metal GPU 古いマシンで早く感じる San Franciscoフォント ツールバー消せる Yosemite DiscoveryD 日本語変換 戻すコストがかか…

thoughtbot The Bike Shed Episode #35-36

35: GitHub Ate My Résumé | The Bike Shed you should always use a personal email address in your Git configuration sgrif (Sean Griffin) · GitHub 36: Python Unchained | The Bike Shed Python is more explicit than Ruby Django tutorials Writing…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #165-167

165: Everyone's Welcome Here (Adam Stacoviak & Jerod Santo) | Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast Adam & Jerod of The Changelog Podcast Beyond Code - Season 1 Teaser Trailer #1 - The Changelog Keep Ruby Weird 2015 • Austi…

Ruby5 #590

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/633-episode-590-october-9th-2015 Build a Sinatra built my own Sinatra Dashed Amazon Dash button minitest-volkswagen passing tests Volkswagen style you can now fake all your tests Rails Composer kicksta…

Ruby5 #589

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/632-episode-589-october-6th-2015 Lotus 0.5.0 Mailers, custom data mapper coercions, command / query separation Hello Ruby children’s book that teaches children basic concepts of programming Threading C…

Ruby5 #588

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/631-episode-588-october-2nd-2015 Strange Loop 2015 videos Strange Loop 2015 - YouTube Home - Strange Loop Matz at Full Stack Fest Full Stack Fest 2015: Ruby 3.0, by Yukihiro Matsumoto - YouTube Full St…

Ruby5 #587

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/630-episode-587-september-29th-2015 Introducing Serial Serial - lightweight serialization library Rails 5: ActionController params.to_h gottfrois/link_thumbnailer takes images from a given URL and gene…

Rebuild 109, 110

Rebuild: 109: So Begins The War (naan) アメリカの配送 On track 悪くなってる マイク Condenser, dynamic Podcasting Microphones Mega-Review – Marco.org コンテンツブロック tracking mix panel Do Not Track - Universal Web Tracking Opt Out ad blo…

thoughtbot The Bike Shed Episode #31-34

31: Oxidizing an ORM | The Bike Shed Rust String Rust web framework active record web用語辞典 - インピーダンス・ミスマッチ Leaving thoughtbot 32: Bug For Bug Compatibility | The Bike Shed windows 10 start button is back Developer Resources…