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Ruby5 #372

Ruby5 - Episode #372 - May 24th, 2013 New relic - interesting blog postあるらしい should be using new relicを連呼している ActiveRecord Intervention intervention 介入、介在 MotionBundler group :motion do MotionBundler.setup GemConfig Backbo…

thoughtbot podcast Episode #1

thoughtbot Learn Episode #1 Polymorphism vs. Conditionals Joe Ferris (and the surprise special guest Seana Quental) cto, marketing show note見るとバージョン管理システムの話と、デザインパターン的な話が多いな git awesome svn expensive git re…

RubyTapas #094 - #099

094 Bang Bang ★ explicit conversion method serializeする時 (json) !! nil to_jsonとかで使う -> true/false返す、でないと null 095 Gem-Love Part 6 ? TDDしてるけどよくわからん 096 Gem-Love 7 ? 'In the last episode of RubyTapas' 恐ろしげなBGM…

Ruby5 #371

Ruby5 - Episode #371 - May 21st, 2013 Herokuがスポンサーめずらしい Developer Rules 100-LINE CLASSES FIVE LINES PER METHOD ONLY INSTANTIATE ONE OBJECT IN THE CONTROLLER ProMotion RubyMotion framework navigation handling (UINav, UITabbar, ..…

thoughtbot podcast Episode #2 ★

thoughtbot Learn Episode #2 Design with a sip of Bourbon Phil LaPier, the creator of Bourbon and a designer at thoughtbot 兄弟の影響でxboxの何かのwebsiteかなんかがきっかけでデザイナーっぽいことをし始めた 印刷の仕事もした、webとだいぶ違う T…

thoughtbot podcast Episode #49 ★★

thoughtbot Learn Episode #49 The psychology of work Gregg Pollack and Nathaniel Bibler from EnvyLabs and codeschool.com Ruby5, Rails envy, CodeSchoolなどで昔から見てる 実際にも一度あったことある giant robot smashingのsound clipのoriginal a…

thoughtbot podcast Episode #3 ★

thoughtbot Learn Episode #3 The FactoryGirl Representation of a Factory Josh Clayton, the maintainer of FactoryGirl, and a developer at thoughtbot 主にFactoryGirlの話 railsは2006から factory girl metaprogramming 難しい点 association trait …

Ruby5 #370

Ruby5 - Episode #370 - May 17th, 2013 Ruby Security Patches - 確認必要そう herokuまで対応して、対応済み minitest minitest/testになったとか jsonapi.org - standard for JSON yehuda PostgreSQL tagging active record 4 array RubyMotion Authentic…

thoughtbot podcast Episode #4

thoughtbot Learn Episode #4 I've got a little thoughtbot angel or devil on my shoulder David Thyresson, the founder of Stattleship and a past client of thoughtbot もともとthougtbotがみたいな話しあったけどクライアントか Consulting factory_g…

thoughtbot podcast Episode #5

thoughtbot Learn Episode #5 My wife is getting really into whiskey “Cowboy” Ben Alman, JavaScript open source developer and Director of Pluginization at Bocoup jQuery pluginを50とか作った すべてのプラグインにはunit testがある bocoup screen…

thoughtbot podcast Episode #48

thoughtbot Learn Episode #48 Barista imposter syndrome @RailsCOnf 2013 Jon Larkowski, closet hippie and developer at CareZone なんかプライバシー性の高いデータを扱うとかのサービスっぽい healthy programmer book 健康に関心が高い meditation is…

Miyagawa's Podcast ep-8

Rebuild: 8: Screencasts, Pair Programming, English (伊藤直也 高林哲) 海外と日本のエンジニアの違い 海外 CTOでもコードすごい書く コーダーとしてのキャリアパスがある 面接でコード書かせる 日本 マネージメント framework OR process Screencasts Rai…

RailsCasts #115 Model Caching (revised)

#115 Model Caching (revised) - RailsCasts Mini Profiler Reduce database access by caching Rails.cache.write/read Rails.cache.class model.cache_key Rails.cache.fetch 途中で飽きた キャッシュは嫌い キャッシュの使い過ぎは、state machineと並ん…

Ruby5 #369

Ruby5 - Episode #369 - May 14th, 2013 multi_json必要なくなる JoyBox 1.0 - RubyMotion library for writing games ContextValidations - public/admin page have different validations base_validations / create_validations DCI FormObjects KidsCode…

Ruby5 #368

Ruby5 - Episode #368 - May 10th, 2013 Ruby Motion 2.0 - happy birthday, OS X support Sidekiq Pro Double-Colon Method Calls - deprecated? 2.1 Reform - cellsとかの人の記事だ ♫ Michael Jackson - Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough by SoundHound マ…

thoughtbot podcast Episode #47 ★

thoughtbot Learn Episode #47 Two hours per minute Ryan Bates of RailsCasts いつもの声だ 3 hours drive board game, resource management game Apples to Apples RailsCasts successful switched full time, quit job lack of real product experience …

RubyTapas #091 - #093

091 Ruby 2.0: Rebinding Methods ★ DCI - Data, Context and Interaction Roles source_account.extend(TransferSourceAccount) dest_account.extend(TransferDestinationAccount) Wrap source_account = TransferSourceAccount.new(account1) dest_account…

Ruby5 #367

Ruby5 - Episode #367 - May 7th, 2013 RailsConf videos - 多分見きれないか全く見ない Rails 4 Videos - free on CodeSchool Adequack - isolated unit test Rails 4 Server Better STI Passenger 4.0.1 - multiple ruby version mail-logger - monitor tr…

RailsCasts #415 Upgrading to Rails 4

#415 Upgrading to Rails 4 - RailsCasts prepare all of gems are up to date all test pass rais '4.0.0.rc1' sass, coffee remove group :assets RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake asset:precompile application.rb bundle update bundle outdated …

thoughtbot podcast Episode #46

thoughtbot Learn Episode #46 We don't have a monopoly on being unhealthy Joe Kutner, programmer and author of ‘The Healthy Programmer’ The Healthy Programmer買っただけで読んでない気がする 全体としてプログラマーの健康維持の話 bad habit Stan…

Ruby5 #366

Ruby5 - Episode #366 - May 3rd, 2013 New Relic - now is the time(今でしょ) Rails 4.0 RC1 Happiness - most important optimization (video) RailsConf XRAY-RAILS - UI bones (view elements inspector / new tool), RubyMotionにもxrayのやつあった。…

RAYWENDERLICH - Core Data on iOS 5 Tutorial

Core Data on iOS 5 Tutorial: How To Preload and Import Existing Data - Ray Wenderlich Core Data on iOS 5 Tutorial: Getting Started - Ray Wenderlich Command line Mac App Generate sqlite3 source data from JSON, xml, csv Copy on starting iOS …