50: Open Mic | The Bike Shed Matt Sumner Boston office Hunchpig haskell monad Velocity.js faster than jQueyr better than css 51: Is Sim City Running? (Steve Klabnik) | The Bike Shed discussion with Steve Klabnik Ember, Rust has good docume…
180: We Don't Deal With Paper | Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast don't like beer not that much beer Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World - Cal Newport 181: Tying Your Work to Impact (Brian Balfour…
Ruby5 - Episode #618 - February 12th, 2016 Proper Counter Cache UPDATE posts SET comments_count = (SELECT count(1) FROM comments GLI Make awesome command-line applications the easy way ERB Template Rendering Ruby 2.3 is almost 4x faster Ya…
Ruby5 - Episode #617 - February 9th, 2016 Rails 5 Beta 2 all the new dependencies introduced in Beta 1 for ActionCable have been removed Deploying ActionCable GoRails 18 min video sudo apt-get install redis-server good_migrations Disable m…
Ruby5 - Episode #616 - February 5th, 2016 scientist carefully refactoring critical paths Stubs, Mocks and Spies in RSpec Arrange, Act, Assert Action Cable and WebSockets: An in-Depth Tutorial Pros: open connection that is extremely lightwe…
Ruby5 - Episode #615 - January 29th, 2016 Upgrading to Rails 5 Requiring that we use at least Ruby 2.2.2 or newer The models inherit from ApplicationRecord (although not required) The jobs inherit from ApplicationJob (although not required…
Rebuild: 127: Post-mature Optimization (omo) モバイルにFacebookを入れたくない バッテリー消費 集中できるようにする One Signal push通知 subscribeボタンを自分で作るとうざくない OFFにされると見てもらえない 年の割に無責任という立場を維持したい …
48: Is Everyone Trying Their Best? | The Bike Shed software quality in general software crisis Coq is a formal proof management system Welcome! | The Coq Proof Assistant coding standard for NASA GitHub - sgrif/diesel: A safe, extensible OR…