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RubyMotion for Rails Developers: MotionKit (part 1 & 2)

RubyMotion for Rails Developers: MotionKit (part 1) - MotionInMotion RubyMotion for Rails Developers: MotionKit (part 2) - MotionInMotion MotionKit (part 1) gem 'motion-kit' class MainLayout < MotionKit::Layout def layout add UILabel, :lab…

RubyMotion for Rails Developers: Auto-Layout (part 3)

RubyMotion for Rails Developers: Auto-Layout (part 3) - MotionInMotion Auto-Layout (part 3) addConstraints NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat options: NSLayoutFormatDirectionLeadingToTrailing, metrics: { 'padding' => 20 }, view…

RubyMotion for Rails Developers: Auto-Layout (part 1 & 2)

RubyMotion for Rails Developers: Auto-Layout (part 1) - MotionInMotion RubyMotion for Rails Developers: Auto-Layout (part 2) - MotionInMotion Auto-Layout (part 1) AddTaskViewController < UIViewController view.layout_guide = self.topLayoutG…

RubyMotion for Rails Developers: Views in depth (Part 1 & 2)

RubyMotion for Rails Developers: Views in depth (Part 1) - MotionInMotion RubyMotion for Rails Developers: Views in depth (Part 2) - MotionInMotion Views in depth (Part 1) UIView hidden alpha opaque clipsToBounds like css overflow true -> …

RubyMotion for Rails Developers: View Controllers in depth (Part 1 & 2)

RubyMotion for Rails Developers: View Controllers in depth (Part 1) - MotionInMotion RubyMotion for Rails Developers: View Controllers in depth (Part 2) - MotionInMotion View Controllers in depth (Part 1) StatusBar configuration preferredS…

MotionInMotion RubyMotion for Rails Developers

RubyMotion for Rails Developers: Introduction Video - MotionInMotion RubyMotion for Rails Developers: Hello RubyMotion - MotionInMotion Motion Toolbox: A collection of RubyMotion libraries and wrappers Mac Bacon rake device rake device_nam…

MotionInMotion Episode 46 - From Interface Builder to NSLayoutConstraints

From Interface Builder to NSLayoutConstraints - MotionInMotion Interface Builderを使ってLayout実装 Interface Builder class BaseLayout attr_reader :controller, :root_view, :subviews def initialize(controller, subviews) @controller = control…

MotionInMotion Episode 45 - Size Classes in Xcode 6 Storyboards

Size Classes in Xcode 6 Storyboards - MotionInMotion XCode Preview Interface Builder でのプレビュー [iOS 7] Xcode 5 で始める Auto Layout 入門 #2 – Interface Builder 編 | Developers.IO Size class Size Classes with Xcode 6: One Storyboard f…

MotionInMotion Episode 44 - Converting Between Android with Java and Android with RubyMotion

Converting Between Android with Java and Android with RubyMotion - MotionInMotion Androidの基本チュートリアル Getting Started | Android Developers Building Your First App | Android Developers app.package = 'tv.motioninmotion.myfirstapp' re…

MotionInMotion Episode 43 - The Raw Experience of Setting Up RubyMotion for Android

The Raw Experience of Setting Up RubyMotion for Android - MotionInMotion Androidの基本 Welcome to RubyMotion sudo motion update sudo motion update --pre /Library/RubyMotionPre Install Java javac Java1.6 1.7, 1.8でも動くはず Eclipse ADT $ m…

MotionInMotion Episode 42 - Objective-C Basics and Conversion

Objective-C Basics and Conversion - MotionInMotion Objective-Cでの書き方 property attr_accessor method definition parameters literal string, number array @[@"foo", @42, @"bar", @3.14]; dictionary @{ @1: @"red", @2: @"green", @3: @"blue" };…

MotionInMotion Episode 41 - Application Workflows in Interface Builder with Storyboards and Segues

Application Workflows in Interface Builder with Storyboards and Segues - MotionInMotion Segueの設定 drag segue on button from view ctrl drag action segue push, modal, custom delete property (modal) prepareForSegue if segue.identifier == "S…

MotionInMotion Episode 40 - Interface Builder and the IB Gem

Interface Builder and the IB Gem - MotionInMotion ib gemを使って1からプロジェクト作成 gem 'ib' .gitignore ib.xcodeproj controller extend IB outlet :title, UILabel def button_pressed(sender) rake rake ib rake ib:project gem install libxml-r…

MotionInMotion Episode 39 - Publish and Subscribe with NSNotificationCenter

Publish and Subscribe with NSNotificationCenter - MotionInMotion NSNotificationCenterを使ってデータの登録と更新 Publish and Subscribe singleton NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter userinfo receive message def viewDidAppear NOT def viewDidLo…

MotionInMotion Episode 38 - RMQ Validations

RMQ Validations - MotionInMotion Validation with RMQ Documentation | RMQ valid? rmq.validation.valid?('https://www.infinitered.com', :url) #true rmq.validation.valid?(98.6, :number) #true field rmq.append(UITextField, :user).validates(:ema…

MotionInMotion Episode 37 - Test Driven Development and Creating a Gem Part 2

Test Driven Development and Creating a Gem Part 2 - MotionInMotion toolbarのgemの続き Opening変わった better toolbar gem vim :!rake spec :!git commit rake gem:release TDDは流れくらいしか参考にならない

MotionInMotion Episode 36 - Test Driven Development and Creating a Gem

Test Driven Development and Creating a Gem - MotionInMotion Toolbarのgemを作る motion create better_toolbar --template=gem .gemspec書く ファイル削除 rm -R lib/project rm spec/main_spec.rb ディレクトリ追加 lib, spec Rakefileのパス修正 spec…

MotionInMotion Episode 35 - Tab Bar Controllers And How To Customise Them

Tab Bar Controllers And How To Customise Them - MotionInMotion TabBarの実装 Icons8 Download 1700+ Free iOS 7 Icons | Icons8 icon pack for iOS7 Apple iOS Human Interface Guidelines: Designing for iOS 7 @window.rootViewController = tab_bar_c…

MotionInMotion Episode 34 - Toolbars

Toolbars - MotionInMotion ツールバーを表示、ボタンを配置 ASCIICast Episode 34 ASCIICast - Working With Toolbars MainController viewDidLoad navigationController.toolbarHidden = false setToolbarItems UIBarButtonItem.alloc.initWithTitle UIBar…

MotionInMotion Episode 33 - Roll Your Own API Client Using NSURLSession

Roll Your Own API Client Using NSURLSession - MotionInMotion APIからデータを取得するclient class NSURLSession class API def get create_request create_task(request, &block).resume session NSURLSession.sessionWithConfiguration(config) def cr…

MotionInMotion Episode 32 - Classes to Procs to Blocks

Classes to Procs to Blocks - MotionInMotion Classをblockとして使う MainViewStyler def to_proc -> (view) { view.name_label.text = "#{@person.first_name} #{@person.last_name}" MainController loadView view.tap &MainViewStyler.new(@model) APIM…

MotionInMotion Episode 31 - Custom Video Players and Animating Videos

Custom Video Players and Animating Videos - MotionInMotion ビデオを再生しながらアニメーション PlayerController file_url = NSBundle.mainBundle.URLForResource('big_buck_bunny', withExtension: 'mp4') file_url = NSURL.URLWithString('http://cli…

MotionInMotion Episode 30 - Animations with CALayer

Animations with CALayer - MotionInMotion CALayerを使ってflipやshrinkのアニメーション UIImageの場合 image_view.image = UIImage.imageNamed('title') @image_layer = image_view.layer CALayerの場合 layer.addSublayer(@image_layer = CALayer.layer)…

MotionInMotion Episode 29 - Table Cells in MotionKit

Table Cells in MotionKit - MotionInMotion MotionKitを使ってセルのAutoLayoutを整える motion-kit/motion-kit · GitHub READMORE.md class EntryCellLayout < MK::Layout constraints do size.equals(:superview) ListController cell = table_view.deque…

MotionInMotion Episode 28 - Setup Wizards and Custom Container Controllers

Setup Wizards and Custom Container Controllers - MotionInMotion ContainerViewを使ってウィザード形式の遷移 SetupWizardController def init @current_controller ||= -1 loadView @nav = UINavigationController.alloc.initWithRootViewController(nex…

MotionInMotion Episode 27 - Hybrid Applications and Two Way Communication with UIWebViews

Hybrid Applications and Two Way Communication with UIWebViews - MotionInMotion web viewとメッセージをやりとりする hybridapp:// window.location Split message gsub('hybridapp://', '').split(':') hybrid web view delegate basecamp app Drawing …

MotionInMotion Episode 26 - Pick a good one with UIPickerView

Pick a good one with UIPickerView - MotionInMotion picker viewで色を選択 app/stores/color_store.rb Color = Struct.new(:color, :label) class ColorStore COLORS = [ Color.new(:black, "Black"), app/delegates/ class PickerDelegate UIPickerViewD…

MotionInMotion Episode 25 - Ad-hoc Deployment With Installr

Ad-hoc Deployment With Installr - MotionInMotion アプリ配布のInstallrについての説明 Installr - Easy iOS and Android beta app distribution similar to testflight hockeyapp taking care of provisioning stuff competition Show off your RubyMotio…

MotionInMotion Episode 24 - Formatting Rich Text With NSAttributedString

Formatting Rich Text With NSAttributedString - MotionInMotion いろいろなスタイルの文字を表示 NSAttributedString NSMutableAttributedString NSFontAttributeName UIFont.preferredFontForTextStyle(UIFontTextStyleHeadline) NSParagraphStyleAttribu…

MotionInMotion RubyMotion Pairing #2 - Pointers and Crazy Graphics with Shaun August

Pointers and Crazy Graphics with Shaun August - MotionInMotion 最初の5分でいい(全約1 hour) 後半は微妙、今三くらい、Pointerみたいなところずっとやってる canada vancouver part time programmer program hobby ab control flash rails HotCocoa::Gra…