https://iosbytes.codeschool.com/episodes/77-episode-75-june-25th-2015 Tropos Thoughtbot weather app iOS 9 NSHipster recap of some of the bigger changes Swift with DVR writing tests for networking code in Swift rnplay.org interacting with R…
https://fivejs.codeschool.com/episodes/88-episode-81-june-25th-2015 Comparing NodeJS IDEs Visual Studio Code Brackets Nodeclipse Sublime Text 3, Atom IntelliJ/WebStorm ES2015 Standard Approved official document in PDF and HTML Web Assembly…
82: Lets Start the Show on a High Note | Build Phase Swift property syntax closure 83: We Don't Ship Enough Stuff in Wood Crates Anymore | Build Phase thoughtbot WWDC breakfast baseball (San Francisco Giants) LemonJar - iOS Console Knuff T…
https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/603-episode-561-june-23rd-2015 Rails Releases 5 CVEs ActiveSupport::JSON.encode REXML or JDOM IP whitelist bypass in Web Console jquery-ujs and jquery-rails (CSRF) Rack ROM 0.8.0 Released nested input …
17: Railing About Performance (Sam Saffron) | The Bike Shed Sam Saffron about performance, benchmarking, and database migration strategies rack-mini-profiler stackprof rubybench Default scope N+1 queries Graphite Grafana - Graphite and Inf…
https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/602-episode-560-june-19th-2015 Connecting Containers Use names and links to communicate across containers Meta Ruby Ruby forum running on Discourse Profile your Gem Memory Usage with Derailed how much …
https://fivejs.codeschool.com/episodes/87-episode-80-june-18th-2015 HTML to Text node-html-to-text is a library that extracts all the content from an HTML file Polymorphic on React the latest episode of Polymorphic Podcast React expert Eli…
https://iosbytes.codeschool.com/episodes/76-episode-74-june-18th-2015 Gateway View Controller A Pattern for handling app login Swift: Five Excellent Undocumented Functions Simple string splits Calculate and round log 2 UIStackView kind of …
https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/601-episode-559-june-16th-2015 Tested Be Thy Name thy そなたの、汝の Testing levels Unit tests Integration tests System testing (end-to-end testing) Testing types Functional testing Acceptance testing …
Rebuild: 94: Tofu On Fire (fumiakiy) バイリンガルニュース特別編 Android M is known as Android Macadamia Nut Cookie (or MNC in short) Android Pay 指紋認証 Noto font (Noto Sans CJK) Noto(No Tofu)フォント □ Noto - Wikipedia Tofu on Fire Mater…
https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/600-episode-558-june-12th-2015 Regular Extremism advanced regular expression features Environment Variables Every process has its own set of environment variables A process gets its environment variabl…
https://iosbytes.codeschool.com/episodes/75-episode-73-june-11th-2015 Swift 2.0 Changes to the Swift Standard Library Exponent web app you can use to write React Native apps without the need for Xcode CryptoSwift Realm.io Swift Summit Spac…
https://fivejs.codeschool.com/episodes/86-episode-79-june-11th-2015 Rangle.io Contest Angular U in San Francisco, June 22-23 Chakram end-to-end tests on JSON REST endpoints BDD testing style describe, it, expect Angular Classy Injecting De…
https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/599-episode-557-june-9th-2015 Awesome Events A collection of awesome Ruby events planetruby/awesome-events · GitHub Torba Bundler for Sprockets (Bower-less asset manager for Sprockets) Why Rails May Ki…
https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/598-episode-556-june-5th-2015 Ruby Dispatch Strategies Avdi Grimm benchmarked different techniques for event handling classes Benchmarking Ruby Dispatch Strategies | Virtuous Code Rails 5 how they are …
https://iosbytes.codeschool.com/episodes/74-episode-72-june-4th-2015 SwiftCov Kishikawa Katsumi test coverage reports for Swift projects JSPatch call Objective-C methods in JavaScript react-native-sudoku iOS Auto Layout Issues tips for deb…
https://fivejs.codeschool.com/episodes/85-episode-78-june-4th-2015 Angular 2.0 The CTO of rangle.io gave a presentation AngularJSTO meetup group 1 hour video More on Angular Version 1.4 was recently released planning spreadsheet and video …
https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/597-episode-555-june-2nd-2015 Make Your Own Rack Server rack-compliant web server 32 Rack Resources to Get You Started | Jason Seifer Hash and default_proc how to speed up an expensive operation in a P…
https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/596-episode-554-may-29th-2015 React for Rails A guide for Rails developers ruby-patterns Examples of Patterns in Ruby Oga XML/HTML parser ROM 0.7.0 new adapters rom-rethinkdb rom-neo4j rom-event_store …
https://iosbytes.codeschool.com/episodes/73-episode-71-may-28th-2015 My Testing Toolbox Bug database client (internal), Crash decoding and categorizing app (internal), Build server monitoring app (internal) WatchKit 1.0.1 Controller Life C…
15: Might As Well Be About Trains (Sarah Mei) | The Bike Shed Sarah Mei Pivotal Labs second marriage 16: Wizards Are Hard to Kill | The Bike Shed ホモグラフィ - Shogo Computing Laboratory conference Derek Sean steve klavnic ko1 DHH aaron t…
https://iosbytes.codeschool.com/episodes/72-episode-70-may-21st-2015 Periscope's Pull-to-refresh custom pull-to-refresh control in Swift TOC AssetCatalogBackground Xcode plugin that you can use to change the background color of Asset Catal…
https://iosbytes.codeschool.com/episodes/71-episode-69-may-14th-2015 Stencil create custom file templates in Xcode Constraints and Transformations Vlas Voloshin from the company that makes RevealApp Redesigning Overcast's Apple Watch App M…
https://iosbytes.codeschool.com/episodes/70-episode-68-may-7th-2015 Swifty State Machine create diagrams in the DOT graph description language iOS Simulator App Installer Create an OS X app that installs your iOS app into iOS Simulator FLX…
Rebuild: 92: Break Things Three Times (kansai_takako) 日本最大級!無料の家計簿アプリ・レシート家計簿「Zaim」 会社行きながら作る、個人で1年 COOKPAD出資 Mint: Money Manager, Bill Pay, Credit Score, Budgeting & Investing Titanium Mogsnapが使…
5JSのリンクから気になったので見てみた Minesweeperのゲームの実装 Immutability in Reactwww.sitepoint.com codepen.io codepenというブラウザ上で実行できるサービス
RxJSについて何も知らないので見てみた Creating An Observable with RxJS - RxJS Video Tutorial #freeegghead.io jsbin.com 説明の内容より、実行環境が気になった JSBinというブラウザ上で動くサービスだった サンプルコードのforkなどが簡単 What Is RxJ…
https://fivejs.codeschool.com/episodes/84-episode-77-may-28th-2015 Telescope written with Meteor that gives you a easy way to launch your own community Spree Ember a collection of Ember CLI add-ons for Spree called Spree Ember Spree eComme…
https://fivejs.codeschool.com/episodes/83-episode-76-may-21st-2015 Promises Coding standards for promises vary greatly from team to team Promises A+ spec Meteor Raises $20m taken $20M in funding and are expanding their offers with Galaxy R…
https://fivejs.codeschool.com/episodes/82-episode-75-may-14th-2015 Deku alternative to React.js built by the Segment team React was a ‘big thing’ doing many things within a black box Ionic 1.0 open source HTML5 mobile framework for buildin…