quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


Ruby5 #422

Ruby5 - Episode #422 – November 26th, 2013 Heap Overflow Ruby CVE untrusted_data.to_f JSON.parse untrusted_data Rack::Attack protect your web app from bad clients whitelisting, blacklisting, throttling, and tracking based on arbitrary prop…

NSScreencast Episode #96 Face Detection

Face Detection - NSScreencast 顔認識 画像の目と口にポイントを描く、領域に四角を描く 座標が反対 CoreImage @import CoreImage; viewDidLoad self.imageView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit; dispatch_async CIDetector detectorOfType:…

NSScreencast Episode #95 Fun with iBeacons

Fun with iBeacons - NSScreencast デバイスとの距離が離れるごとに背景の色を変える iBeacon - bluetooth beacon emitter lgaches/BeaconEmitter · GitHub turn ibeacon on uuid, identifier, major, minor linked library core location #import <CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h> CLLocati</corelocation/corelocation.h>…

thoughtbot Build Phase #17

thoughtbot : Build Phase : 17: Ape Drape 頭丸めたとかいう世間話 NSNotificationCenterのblock内でself使うとだめとか言う話 retain cycle, weak reference NSParameterとnil unix 2038年問題 looking shiny shaving shave my head pictures of you befor…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #76 ★

thoughtbot : Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast : 76: The Boutique Agency ホームページのサポートとか SEOはもはや効果無い コンテンツが大事 検索エンジンの1ページ目に載るようにする ツールは特に使わない、経験と知識 オーガニ…

Ruby5 #421

Ruby5 - Episode #421 – November 22nd, 2013 Valle Valle automatically creates validations for the minimum and maximum values of fields in your ActiveRecord model Angular? Ember? differences between AngularJS and Ember.js Angular is an HTML …

Ruby5 #420

Ruby5 - Episode #420 - November 19th, 2013 PostgreSQL on RDS MySQL, ORACLE離れ、良いこと PostModern Ruby rvm, rbenv -> chruby and ruby-install Rails Shopper App shopper app, free of charge Rails 4 and Quickbooks integrating Rails 4 and Qui…

thoughtbot Build Phase #16

thoughtbot : Build Phase : 16: Bill F*ckin Murray Bill Murray - comedian UIPageViewController - iBook的なページめくる効果とか UIPageViewControllerの使い方 -基礎- - hyoromoの日記 Auto layoutでマイナス値使って面倒なことになったとか あまり印…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #75 ★

thoughtbot : Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast : Episode 75: Embedding Democracy (Catherine Bracy) Catherine Bracy Code for America | A New Kind of Public Service アメリカでも多大な予算をかけたのに大したこと無いシステム…

Ruby5 #419

Ruby5 - Episode #419 - November 15th, 2013 marco-polo shows your app name and environment in your console prompt Bitters Sass Stylesheets for Bourbon and Neat Smaller Payloads reduce the size of your HTML / JSON controller responses config…

thoughtbot Build Phase #14

thoughtbot : Build Phase : Episode 14: It got Real Dark categories, coconut water and mogenerator Categoryとprefixの話 namespace collisions coco water coco coffee coffee chocolate blog post tumblr doesnt prefix category prefix namespace co…

thoughtbot Build Phase #15

thoughtbot : Build Phase : Episode 15: CoreFrustration (Reda Lemeden) Reda Lemeden UI Dynamics in iOS 7 • UI Dynamics in iOS 7 iOS 7 is Gold Master. It... Recursive View Descriptions Debugging Layouts with Recursive View Descriptions in Xc…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #74

thoughtbot : Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast : Episode 74: Fancy Scala (Sean Griffin) Sean Griffin scala The Scala Programming Language coursera Coursera.org frameworks play Play Framework - Build Modern &amp; Scalabl…

NSScreencast Episode #94 Upgrading an Old Project to XCTest

Upgrading an Old Project to XCTest - NSScreencast Kiwi/XCTestを使ってテストを動くようにする Podfile target :GuessTheNumberXCTests, :exclusive => true do pod 'Kiwi/XCTest' BuildsSettings Other Linker Flags Library Search Paths remove link b…

Ruby5 #418

Ruby5 - Episode #418 – November 9th, 2013 RubyConf Miami Terence Lee Bundler 1.5.0.rc.1 faster bundler bundle install -j4 bundle config --global jobs 4 BUNDLE_JOBS bundle config mirror.http://rubygems.org http://rubygems-mirror.org/ The ru…

NSScreencast Episode #93 Background Transfers

Background Transfers - NSScreencast 画像のダウンロードをバックグラウンドで実行 downloadTapped if (!self.session) { self.session = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:config delegate:self delegateQueue:nil]; NSURLSessionDownloadTask *tas…

Ruby5 #417

Ruby5 - Episode #417 – November 5th, 2013 Rails 4.0.1 Release 460 commits bugfix, faster Cleaning your YAML development: &base <

Ruby5 #416

Ruby5 - Episode #416 – November 1st, 2013 Gem Teardown Rails Rumble rails4 turn off turbolinks angular, backbone Angular/Backbone Statesman StateMachine object include Statesman::Machine table_print > tp Book.all, :author, "title" Pronto r…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #73 ★

thoughtbot : Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast : Episode 73: Spooky Robots Haunting other Spooky Robots (Drew Neil) Spooky Robots Haunting other Spooky Robots (Drew Neil) vimcast vim本 Practical Vim The Pragmatic Booksh…