Mantle - NSScreencast #import "Mantle.h" @interface Episode : MTLModel <MTLJSONSerializing> NSCoder NSValueTransformer episodeTypeJSONTransformer publishedAtJSONTransformer thumbnailImageUrlJSONTransformer [NSValueTransformer valueTransformerForName:MTLURLVal</mtljsonserializing>…
Local Notifications - MotionInMotion create schema redefine entity schema, entity transformable :notification task app.cancelLocalNotification(self.notification) if self.notification self.notification = UILocalNotification.new.tap do |n| n…
Justin.tv - Confreaks - Live Streaming - RailsConf 2014 Opening Keynote Part 1 TDD is dead. Long live testing. (DHH) DHH 3 years programming before rails 1985 introduced to computer for gaming Easy AMOS Law of Demeter Pseudoscience 疑似科…
Rebuild: 36: Hubot, Deploy this Pull Request (Naoya Ito) コードレビューの話 Rebuild: 37: N Factor Auth (Naoki Hiroshima) N is stolen Two Factor Auth List 将棋電王戦 10戦したら5分近くできるはず 人間側が時間切れになる AIが科学を解く flappy 2…
Ruby5 - Episode #458 - April 22nd, 2014 Searchlight 3.0 more testable and database agnostic No dumping This week in Rails a new weekly newsletter called this week in Rails Whiny Validation adds a log message so when you debug you’ll know w…
Making Time (Chas Emerick) Chas Emerick workaholicだった slack time 余分な時間 clojure O'Reilly本 dataを扱う会社に以前いた QuiltProject ebay PDF Text Extraction for Java & .NET – Snowtide PDF TextStream - PDF text extraction heaven forfend…
Rebuild: 38: As Social As Second Life (hak, honmax) 公式テーマソング、オープニングテーマ無い方が良い ダブステップ アンカー 5ポート USBアダプター Oculus (Head Mounted Display、HMD) anti-social Facebook, 教育 Virtual Reality STEAM ゲームプラ…
Ruby5 - Episode #455 - April 8th, 2014 Heartbleed Heartbleed Bug This weakness allows stealing the information normally protected with SSL/TLS encryption tco gem to use simple RGB to choose terminal colors Ruby 2.1 Garbage Collection ready…
Ruby5 - Episode #457 - April 18th, 2014 Rippersnapper Working with URLs Pliny Base Sinatra app for writing excellent APIs in Ruby thread_safe A collection of utilities for thread-safe programming in Ruby cache = ThreadSafe::Cache.new Invoi…
Ruby5 - Episode #456 - April 15th, 2014 ElixirSips two short screencasts each week - between 5 and 15 minutes each Heartbleed Verified Heartbleed Challenge. We set up a nginx server with a vulnerable version of OpenSSL and challenged the c…
Ruby5 - Episode #454 - April 8th, 2014 Rails 4 Postgres uuid-ossp extension hstore Arrays Tips For Hiring Part One – define your Candidate Profile Part Two – preparing your interview questions Part Three – the interview Ruby Love writing b…
Submitting to the App Store - NSScreencast AppStoreに上げる app icon launch image ifdef debug fps ifdef screenshot appstore folder for memo bundle id current version new version description support url marketing url ready to upload binary …
One Step Away From Breaking Everything Urban Airship | Mobile Marketing Solutions learn new ns proxy hacky application delegate why how use it ns proxy ns object ns proxy subclass ??rbnership instruction awful all you actually need they do…
Dates with MHPrettyDate, NSCalendar, and NSDateComponents - MotionInMotion Taskアプリで日付の表示を変更 MHPrettyDate get "Pretty Dates" ("Yesterday", "Today", etc.) DueAtLabel configure MHPrettyDate.prettyDateFromDate(data[:due_at], withFo…
The Nature of Writing (Diana Zmuda, Jessie Young) Diana & Jessie of thoughtbot San Francisco to discuss their latest book, iOS on Rails Fridayの自由な時間で本書いた Flinto – iPhone, iPad and Android Prototyping app design, wireframe jessy …
167 Debugging in Gems ★★ System User (~/.gem) Version-specific Gemset-specific Project (vendor) bundle show rake bundle open rake gem install gem-open gem open rake Revert gem gem pristine rake 168 Enumerable Internals ★ Pat Shaughnessy In…
Darth Brooks Rodeo by Garth Brooks - YouTube Lindsay Lowend's Spotlight page on SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds Applicationの直下にapplication containerを置くかどうか UIViewControllerを拡張してcontainerを利用できるようにするか red soc…
Playing Sounds with Sprite Kit - NSScreencast 音声を再生する audio files Royalty Free Music - Sound Effects - Stock Audio | AudioJungle wav to convert smaller × mp3 iphone cannot decode simultaneously ima4 afconvert -f caff -d ima4 in.wav …
Custom Table View Cells & AutoLayout - MotionInMotion TaskアプリでCustom Cell & AutoLayout スライドと説明つきで1時間 Episode 18 - Custom Table View Cells & AutoLayout.pdf - Google ドライブ futuresimple/FSVerticalTabBarController · GitHub C…
Giggletouch - Part 2 - NSScreencast Smileyの画像を使って、縮小や画面から消えるアニメーション giggle touch change last time shape bigger rotate slower arc4random_uniform arc4randomはbiasがある (modular random) MAX_NUMが2の累乗であれば完全に…
162 PStore ★ require "pstore" store = PStore.new("todo.pstore") lister = store.transaction do |s| s.roots # => ["lister"] s.root?("lister") s.roots end read only for optimization read_only = true store.transaction(read_only) do |s| read-on…
Ruby5 - Episode #453 – April 4th, 2014 Rails PDFs Prawn, PDFKit, and Wicked PDF Ruby 2.1 GC Still Not Ready for Production Mobile CDN Why is my CDN 'slow' for mobile clients? ActiveRecord::Enum Active Record enums enum status: %w(draft pub…
Diversity of Approach (David Nolen) David Nolen, Rails & Java Script developer for the NY Times, about being a stewart of ClojureScript clojure/clojurescript · GitHub - Clojure to JS compiler not religious functional programming mostly rub…
Objective-C Folklore phonegap/ios-sim · GitHub Command-line application launcher for the iOS Simulator thoughtbot Learn : iOS on Rails (Beta): a book by thoughtbot This book is for a developer who wants to build an iOS application with a R…
Program to the Machine You Have (Ryan Hoover) Ryan Hoover, co-creator of Product Hunt blog, essay tradecrafted - We train smart people to succeed in traction roles at high-growth startups 27 students, 40 - 60 hours a week exerciser, gym re…
Ruby5 - Episode #452 - March 28th, 2014 Mock5 Create and manage API mocks with Sinatra weather_api = Mock5.mock("http://weather-api.com") do get "/weather.json" do Ahoy Ahoy - Simple, Powerful Visit Tracking for Rails Simple, powerful visi…
Ruby5 - Episode #451 - March 25th, 2014 ElixirSips ElixirSips currently consists of over 7 hours of densely packed videos PostgreSQL & jsonb Postgres' support for jsonb, a binary JSON data type hstore unchanged and moved all nesting stuff …
Fixing Pods, Target/Action, UITableViews, and more with Murtuza Kutub - MotionInMotion RubyMotion Pairing #1 - Fixing Pods, Target/Action, UITableViews, and more with Murtuza Kutub 1時間超え ScreenHero much better than skype Pair Program w…
RestKit - MotionInMotion RestKitを使ってTaskアプリのCRUD RestKit little code continue task app サーバーサイドrails app FluffyJack/TaskerRailsApp · GitHub heroku rake pod:install pod 'RestKit' pod 'SVProgressHUD' AFNetworking (1.3.3) RestKi…