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NSScreencast Episode #129 Swift JSON

Swift JSON - NSScreencast SwiftをJSONをパース Obj-Cの方がSwiftよりJSONパースが適当に実装できる parsing JSON (which provides no contracts or type guarantees) can be difficult and tedious in Swift. Many of the problems you are forced to deal…

MotionInMotion Episode 35 - Tab Bar Controllers And How To Customise Them

Tab Bar Controllers And How To Customise Them - MotionInMotion TabBarの実装 Icons8 Download 1700+ Free iOS 7 Icons | Icons8 icon pack for iOS7 Apple iOS Human Interface Guidelines: Designing for iOS 7 @window.rootViewController = tab_bar_c…

iOS Bytes #30

iOS Bytes - Episode #30, July 24, 2014 SwiftyJSON work with JSON in Swift Integration for Projects just drag SwiftyJSON.swift to the project tree for Workspaces you may include the whole SwiftyJSON.xcodeproj Error Handling in Swift make er…

iOS Bytes #29

iOS Bytes - Episode #29, July 17, 2014 Realm.io Realm is an open source, cross platform mobile database can be used in the place of SQLite, CoreData, or other databases/ORMs Proper Lazy Loading lazy loading in Swift to combine instantiatio…

Ruby5 #483

Ruby5 - Episode #483 - July 25nd, 2014 Rails Rumble heroku Competition: Oct. 18th - 19th Debug Anything James Golick - GORUCO 2014 Create Classes in Ruby Clone and Dup SpeedupRails Aaron Patterson from RedDotRuby 2014 benchmark ♫ Allman Br…

thoughtbot Build Phase #47

Boom. Chaka Khan. UIBarButtonItemとfontの問題 Singularize and Pluralize Strings (mattt) water melon beer all of the sudden funky comedy musician earth knockers texus rock song badman1 slower romantic songs rap songs miami timezone complain…

Ruby5 #482

Ruby5 - Episode #482 - July 22nd, 2014 Gutter a low-overheard monitoring web dashboard for GNU and Linux machines Programming Is Not Math Sarah Mei Programming is Language RubyCritic an opinionated version of the MetricFu gem which does st…

Ruby5 #481

http://ruby5.envylabs.com/episodes/518-episode-481-july-18th-2014:titlle Peek keeps track of all requests made in your application so it can report back and display that information in the Peek bar memory, Redis, Dalli, Elasticsearch acces…

MotionInMotion Episode 34 - Toolbars

Toolbars - MotionInMotion ツールバーを表示、ボタンを配置 ASCIICast Episode 34 ASCIICast - Working With Toolbars MainController viewDidLoad navigationController.toolbarHidden = false setToolbarItems UIBarButtonItem.alloc.initWithTitle UIBar…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #108

Picking Your Obsession (Brett Van Zuiden) Brett Van Zuiden, founder of Filepicker Filepicker 様々なストレージサービスをつなげる analyticsのデータをよく見て改善する 合気道 brett file picker sold cloud top ttt 3t's connect apps dropbox googl…

5JS #36


5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #36 - July 17h, 2014 Breach Breach is a browser for the HTML5 era, entirely written in Javascript It is free, modular, and hackable Patterns to Refactor JS Value Objects Service Objects Form Objects Query …

5JS #35


5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #35 - July 10th, 2014 Dart is ECMA official ECMA standard and the specification is made available as the ECMA­408 Ember 1.6 Both Ember 1.6.0 and 1.7 beta have been released the first to be published after …

5JS #34


5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #34 - July 3rd, 2014 Angular and ESRI work with map web service vendor for web GIS, or Geographic Information System ui.bootstrap Scope and Digest AngularJS-like implementation of the scope and digest obje…

RubyTapas #199 - #204

199 Regexp Union ★★ "leaning toothpick syndrome" LTS つまようじ大好き症候群 Perl perlretut - Perl の正規表現のチュートリアル - perldoc.jp patterns = [ ".each do |", ".each {|", ] Regexp.union(patterns) # => /\.each\ do\ \||\.each\ \{\|/ Re…

NSScreencast Episode #128 Swift Networking

Swift Networking - NSScreencast jsonデータをSwiftでダウンロードする let task = session.dataTaskWithURL(url) { (let data, let response, let error) in if let httpResponse = response as? NSHTTPURLResponse { self.running = false running = true…

thoughtbot Build Phase #46

A Touch Of Class Cluster Fawlty Towers Netflix form binding build phase repo build-phase/Episode 46 at master · thoughtbot/build-phase · GitHub XCode fuzzy finderがいけていない rating Build Phase 28 Ratingsで 全て★★★★★ Giant Robotは 56Rati…

Ruby5 #480

Ruby5 - Episode #480 - July 15th, 2014 PunchClock Apple’s iBeacon tracking, geo-­fencing, and Sinatra automatically mark employees as being either in or out of the office Prelang visually generate Rails applications through a web interface…

Ruby5 #479

Ruby5 - Episode #479 - July 11th, 2014 Time Travel with Git X-Men: Days of Future Past to Git Edge of Tomorrow Free Learning Ruby Book Introduction to Programming with Ruby adequate_exposure Adequate exposure is a lightweight alternative t…

MotionInMotion Episode 33 - Roll Your Own API Client Using NSURLSession

Roll Your Own API Client Using NSURLSession - MotionInMotion APIからデータを取得するclient class NSURLSession class API def get create_request create_task(request, &block).resume session NSURLSession.sessionWithConfiguration(config) def cr…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #107

The Best Secrets Kept (Sara Haider) Sarah Haider, Android lead at Secret worked for Twitter Secret Share with friends, anonymously. unfilter view キュレートされない情報 車は持ってなくてUber3年利用している 朝は最初にcoffee オフィスに沢山の…

iOS Bytes #28

iOS Bytes - Episode #28, July 10, 2014 Xcode 6 Beta 3 One of the most notable changes is that the behavior and syntax of a few key parts of Swift, like the Array type, have changed Nitin Gunatra on Debug on the Debug Podcast debug podcast …

iOS Bytes #27

iOS Bytes - Episode #27, July 3, 2014 Swift Subscripts Subscripts are shortcuts for accesing elements from a collection, sequence or list Two example types that use object subscripting are Array and Dictionary extension String { subscript(…

NSScreencast Episode #127 Swift Operators

Swift Operators - NSScreencast SwiftでOperatorを定義 =~ be guard init The Swift Programming Language: Initialization initとfuncで引数の扱いが違う external first argument struct Celsius init(fromFahrenheit fahrenheit: Double) Celsius(fromFa…

MotionInMotion Episode 32 - Classes to Procs to Blocks

Classes to Procs to Blocks - MotionInMotion Classをblockとして使う MainViewStyler def to_proc -> (view) { view.name_label.text = "#{@person.first_name} #{@person.last_name}" MainController loadView view.tap &MainViewStyler.new(@model) APIM…

thoughtbot Build Phase #45

My Stupid, Stupid Brain 5:30〜8:00までsnooze Swift Arrayが直った let immutable, var mutable syntax change (Array, Dictionary) let arrayNew : [Int] var dictionary02:[String: NSObject?] rangeが変わった ..< for half-closed … for closed Apple'…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #106

Sprinting Thru Design (Alex Baldwin & Galen Frechette) fellow thoughtbotters Alex & Galen product design sprint Google Ventures Day 1: Understand - Dig into the design problem through research, competitive review, and strategy exercises. D…

Ruby5 #478

Ruby5 - Episode #478 - July 8th, 2014 Rails 4.0.8 & 4.1.4 Rails 4.0.7, and 4.1.3 security releases that patched a vulnerability in the Postgres adapter for Rails two hours later versions 4.0.8 and 4.1.4 were also released Awesome Ruby A co…

Ruby5 #477

Ruby5 - Episode #477 - July 4th, 2014 Happy independence day rails 4.0.7 Rails 4.0.7, 4.1.3 and 3.2.19 addresses two distinct but related vulnerabilities in the PostgreSQL Modular Migrations Modular_migrations gem to help with OBD one big …

NSScreencast Episode #126 Swift Classes

Swift Classes - NSScreencast Swiftのクラスの仕様 swift -i input_file gem guard-shell inheritance class Dog: Animal { subclass have to specify override func initializer init(name: String) {} super.init(name: "Molly") call superclass super.m…

thoughtbot Build Phase #44

Emergency Brisket ScrollViewとAutoLayout storyboardを使うかどうか facebookのsnapshotのテストケース canadic boring california tiny town isolated everyone knows everyone mexican food bbq cousin birthday autolayout hell scroll view user profi…