quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


Ruby5 #435

Ruby5 - Episode #435 - January 28, 2014 Lite Config small, environment-aware, YAML configuration manager for Rails config/options.yml LiteConfig(:options)[:stuff] #=> "Things" Thor Replace Rake with Thor Rubygem Tips ruby-lol gem (Riot Gam…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #83

Turning the Tables (Ben Orenstein) Chad Pytel turns the tables and interviews host Ben Orenstein hostとguestが入れ替わり 高校でプログラミング学ぶ機会があった コンパイラのクラスでvimに出会った TDD RailsConfの発表はホテルとかで声出して練習し…

Ruby5 #434

Ruby5 - Episode #434 - January 24th, 2014 Selecta fuzzy finder ruby script Goworker Go-based background worker that runs 10 to 100,000* times faster than Ruby-based workers compatible with Resque DevDocs DevDocs combines multiple API docum…

MotionInMotion Episode 8 - ProMotion

ProMotion - MotionInMotion なんかオープニングが変わった ProMotionで何種類かのスクリーンを実装 gem 'ProMotion' class AppDelegate < PM::Delegate def on_load(app, options) common def on_load set_nav_bar_button :left, title: "Help", action: :o…

NSScreencast Episode #104 Blur

Blur - NSScreencast 画面下から出るビューにぼかし効果を加える Blur 50% alpha see through スライドするパネルの背景画像の固定など createPanel #if USE_TOOLBAR_METHOD [[UIToolbar alloc] initWithFrame:self.panel.bounds]; blurToolbar.barStyle = U…

raywenderlich.com Podcast Episode 2

Objective-C Style and Runtime: The raywenderlich.com Podcast Episode 2 | Ray Wenderlich style guide raywenderlich/objective-c-style-guide · GitHub Smiley :] shinobi controls - Awesome Controls for Amazing Apps iOS charts, grids, developer …

thoughtbot Build Phase #23

Polar Vortex Open Radar rdar://15818149: Add boolean property to disable the resizing of UIPageViewController subviews WWDC videos WWDC 2013 Session Videos - Apple Developer carousel page view controller subclassed ui page view controller …

MotionInMotion Episode 7 - Working with the Camera

Working with the Camera - MotionInMotion Cameraを使った実装 Reflector Reflector Airplay Receiver - Mirror an iPhone or iPad to a Mac or PC KeyHook gem 'bubble-wrap' require 'bubble-wrap/core' require 'bubble-wrap/camera' KeyHookController …

NSScreencast Episode #103 Refactoring View Controllers - Part 2

Refactoring View Controllers - Part 2 - NSScreencast Twitterのフォロワーを一覧するアプリのリファクタリング続き refactoring -> simple view did load introduce concept of model TwitterFollower.m initWithDictionary map operation create new gro…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #82

Teach all the things (Matt Knox) Matt Knox of Twitter Matt is a part of Twitter's university team which teaches new Twitter recruits about the company 教えるのは好きだが、フルタイムではやりたくない boston lisp meetup screen saver russian m…

Ruby5 #433

Ruby5 - Episode #433 - January 17, 2014 ActiveSupport Notifications gem 'subexec-notifications' RailsBricks create Rails apps much faster by automating mundane setup tasks and configuring useful common gems Composable Matchers RSpec 3 expe…

thoughtbot Build Phase #22

Punk in Drublic 年末年始休みの話 iOS dev weekly objc-run - shell script that makes it easy to use Objective-C files for shell script-like tasks 常に新しいことを学べる人を雇いたい PTO - Paid Time Off 有給休暇 Functional Reactive Programming…

Ruby5 #432

Ruby5 - Episode #432 - January 14, 2014 lt-ruby Light Table Ruby (recently-open-sourced Light Table IDE) You can use this to quickly execute or demonstrate some code without leaving your Ruby files TDRails Test Driven Rails article series …

NSScreencast Episode #102 Refactoring View Controllers

Refactoring View Controllers - NSScreencast Twitterのフォロワーを一覧するアプリのリファクタリング #import <Social/Social.h> viewDidLoad has small lines of code eventually refactoring extract to new class extract with new method (completion block etc.) Add </social/social.h>…

Ruby5 #431

Ruby5 - Episode #431 – January 10th, 2013 Github Traffic access log AccessLint Run web accessibility audits on urls or files Hammerspace concurrently-available, off-heap storage of strings Airbnb Sneakers Performance background processing …

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #81

An Agent of Change (Seth Godin) best selling author, Seth Godin Seth Godin work as art entrepreneur is artist books The Gift The War of Art Scott Adams Explains 'How To Fail At Almost Everything' (Except Dilbert) restaurant entrepreneur bl…

MotionInMotion Episode 6 - NSCoder, NSCoding, and NSUserDefaults

NSCoder, NSCoding, and NSUserDefaults - MotionInMotion NSCoder, NSUserDefaultsを使った実装 コアダータ NSCoding Protocol def initWithCoder(decoder) self.title = decoder.decodeObjectForKey('title') self.completed = decoder.decodeBoolForKey('…

MotionInMotion Episode 1 - motion-layout

motion-layout - MotionInMotion motion-layoutを使ってAutoLayout gem 'motion-layout' RubyMotionSamples - Timer ViewController Motion::Layout.new do |layout| layout.view view layout.subviews "userImage" => userImage, "userTweet" => userTweet,…

MotionInMotion Episode 2 - Delegates & Data Sources

Delegates & Data Sources - MotionInMotion rableViewでdelegate使った実装 MVC D - delegate DS - dataSource controller <-> model - KVO PostsController#init @postsModel = UIApplication.sharedApplication.delegate.postsModel def viewDidLoad self…

MotionInMotion Episode 3 - More Delegates, KVO, and Target Action

More Delegates, KVO, and Target Action - MotionInMotion postを追加、バッジの更新などの実装 CreatePostController def viewDidLoad @createPostView = CreatePostView.alloc.initWithFrame(self.view.frame) @createPostView.delegate = self CreatePos…

MotionInMotion Episode 4 - BDD with Frank & MacBacon

BDD with Frank & MacBacon - MotionInMotion TDD(BDD)で位置情報取得機能の実装 location base app Agile app definition features / stories sort, imagine start most important Read bubble wrap source code / test suite are great example gem motion…

MotionInMotion Episode 5 - CoreData with CDQ and ruby-xcdm

CoreData with CDQ and ruby-xcdm - MotionInMotion ActiveRecordのようにCoreDataを扱う Author @seriousken co-founder of infiniteRed cdq (CoreData Query) Steps setup Gemfile gem 'cdq' cdq init schema and models use like active record cdq synta…

NSScreencast Episode #101 NSPredicate

NSPredicate - NSScreencast csv NSString *contents = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:csvPath encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil]; NSArray *lines = [contents componentsSeparatedByString:@"\r\n"]; [lines enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(N…

NSScreencast Episode #100 Particle Systems

Particle Systems - NSScreencast 火の玉みたいなアニメーション CAEmitterLayer emitterShape = kCAEmitterLayerPoint; Point/Line/Rectangle/Cuboid/Circle/Sphere emitterPosition renderMode kCAEmitterLayer Unordered, OldestFirst, OldestLast, BackT…

RubyTapas #156 - #161

156 Array.new ★★ special guest chef James Edward Gray II (@JEG2) Ruby Rogues >> generator = 3.times >> generator.next => 0 >> generator.next => 1 >> generator.map {|i| i ** 2 } => [0, 1, 4] >> generator.map { :whatever } => [:whatever, :wh…

Ruby5 #430

Ruby5 - Episode #430 - January 7th, 2014 TDD JSON API Test Driving a JSON API in Rails Jubilee Vert.x is a lightweight, high performance application platform for the JVM Vert.x 2.0 such as Event bus, Shared data and Clustering Exception#ca…

Ruby5 #429

Ruby5 - Episode #429 - January 3rd, 2014 Writing a Ruby Compiler Writing a compiler in Ruby, bottom up Omega universe simulator RubyGems 2.2.0 RubyGems can check for gem dependencies files Debug HTTP Clients RubyTapas Detect Similar Images…