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scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #124

124: Maintaining Your Legacy (Scott Ford) | Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast Corgibytes We love maintaining and improving existing code. 新しいものはやらず、古いプロジェクトを改善することをする big legacy project aircr…

Ruby5 #512

Ruby5 - Episode #512 - November 21st, 2014 Ruby5 - Episode #512 - November 21st, 2014 RubyConf 2014 Next year, it's headed to San Antonio, Texas Accelerating Rails Fastly discuss caching options that come built-in with Rails and best pract…

Ruby5 #511

Ruby5 - Episode #511 - November 18th, 2014 Ruby5 - Episode #511 - November 18th, 2014 Ruby 2.1.5 fix for a security vulnerability REXML Scribble Scribble is an open source templating language similar to Liquid It provides useful error mess…

thoughtbot Build Phase #64

64: The Realities of Being Batman | Build Phase batman, joker Functional Swift Conference singleton threading disk access dependency injection internal state hard to test batman money martial arts that strong specialization big problem foo…

thoughtbot Build Phase #63

63: For All Intensive Purposes | Build Phase request cache sync state queueとか push notification provisioning profile entitlement issue get out here vocal warm up bank loan brown cow skype crashed get into thursday good sandwitch witchcra…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #123

123: Don't Call It a Codecation (Chris Hunt) | Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast Ben & Chris Hunt RubyConf talk memory GoGaRuCo GoPro - Wikipedia ウェアラブルカメラ codecation You Should Take A Codecation social -> posi…

thoughtbot The Bike Shed Episode #2

2: Rails 4.2 | The Bike Shed Derek and Sean discuss Sean's commit access to Rails Sandi Metz' Revised Rules - Ylan Segal - on.code && such Rails Contributors - All time Rails Contributors - #28 Sean Griffin - All time Sean Griffin (@sgrif)…

thoughtbot The Bike Shed Episode #1

1: Sandi & Derek's Rules | The Bike Shed Sean and Derek Sending message rules Golden rules Sandi Metz' Rules Classes can be no longer than one hundred lines of code. Methods can be no longer than five lines of code. Pass no more than four …

Ruby5 #510

Ruby5 - Episode #510 - November 14th, 2014 Ruby5 - Episode #510 - November 14th, 2014 Tail Call Optimization CompSci Tailin' Ruby — Timeless Healthy Migration Habits Test Double How Raptor is Faster 4x faster than Unicorn, up to 2x faster …

Ruby5 #509

Ruby5 - Episode #509 - November 11, 2014 Ruby5 - Episode #509 - November 11, 2014 CLI Gems with Thor Making a command line utility with gems and thor Autoload Paths differences between eager loading classes and auto loading classes in a Ra…

NSScreencast Episode #145 Share Extensions Part 2

Share Extensions Part 2 - NSScreencast Imgurという画像共有サービス連携のアップロード部分の実装 ImgurApi init session self.sessionConfig = [NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration]; self.sessionConfig.HTTPAdditionalHeaders = […

NSScreencast Episode #144 Share Extensions Part 1

Share Extensions Part 1 - NSScreencast imgurという画像共有サービスと連携 imgur: the simple image sharer ImgShare ImgShareKit ImgShareExtension Podfile target 'ImgShare' do pod 'AFNetworking' Add new target in Xcode (ImgShareKit) check Allo…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #122

122: Ruby, the Weird Way (Britt Ballard, Caleb Thompson, Richard Schneeman, Terence Lee) | Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast Britt Ballard leads this roundtable discussion Keep Ruby Weird Keep Ruby Weird Austin Conferen…

Intro to Data Science : Lesson 3

Intro to Data Science Online Course - Udacity Lesson 3: Data Analysis 問題形式 正しい記述を選択する Statistical Rigor rigor 〔基準などの〕厳しさ、厳密さ Significance tests significance 《統計》有意性 Scientist at Twitter (4, 5番目の動画イ…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #121 ★

121: Prolificness (Allison House) | Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast いつものBenではなく、Chad Pytelがtalk Allison House Design CodeAcademy Treehouse DropBox freelancer Tumblr Allison House Event Dropbox - Origins 3Dの…

Rebuild 66

Rebuild: 66: It Is Always :sushi: (r7kamura) Qiita, Increments rails 開発基盤 frontend サポート COOKPADで同じチーム API関係 garage 開発者ブログ、毎日更新 オープンソース化 jdoc - json schemaからドキュメント Json Schema書くのがつらい YAMLか…

thoughtbot Build Phase #62

62: There Is No Person Named Ralph T. Bot | Build Phase New podcast The Bike Shed The Bike Shed iTunes Connect 複数の種類のアカウント(iCloud, iTunes, Developer) まぎらわしい、invalidになる Application Loaderは良い XCodeは信用できない iTune…

Ruby5 #508

Ruby5 - Episode #508 - November 7th, 2014 RailsRumble Gems 48hrs hackathon bootswatch 9% js framework cancancan 4 Fantastic 4 Fantastic Ways to Set Up State in Minitest Shopify Admin Improving Developer Productivity by Deleting 28,000 line…

thoughtbot Build Phase #61

61: Swift is Swift | Build Phase Mark on vacation fellow thoughtbot dev and Haskell enthusiast Pat Brisbin Ruby developer Haskell as first language Functor Monad Objective-C Protocol every ten minute type error familiarity よく知られている…

Intro to Data Science : Project 2

Project 2: Wrangling Subway Data 11問 SQL, Python, pandas mysql pandas.read_csv(filename) pandasql.sqldf(q.lower(), locals()) #Execute your SQL command against the pandas frame cast(maxtempi as integer) 平均 avg(cast (meantempi as integer)…

Ruby5 #507

Ruby5 - Episode #507 - November 4th, 2014 Ruby5 - Episode #507 - November 4th, 2014 Rubinius 2.3.0 MRI 2.1 with keyword arguments and other syntax changes that came with Ruby 2.1 Zopfli-ffi Zlib compatible compression algorithm released by…

RubyMotion for Rails Developers: View Controllers in depth (Part 1 & 2)

RubyMotion for Rails Developers: View Controllers in depth (Part 1) - MotionInMotion RubyMotion for Rails Developers: View Controllers in depth (Part 2) - MotionInMotion View Controllers in depth (Part 1) StatusBar configuration preferredS…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #120

120: Open Your World For Commentary (Tom Lehman) | Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast Tom Lehman, creator of Genius 「歌詞のウィキペディア」と呼ばれる音楽スタートアップRap Genius ヒップホップ歌詞のウィキペディア、Rap Gen…

Rebuild 61, 65

Rebuild: 65: Disrupting Payments (hmsk) WebPay Apple Pay アメリカ8年 スキミング3回 だいたい旅行 Square Rebuild: Aftershow 65: Another Year, Another Phone (hmsk) SMS Twitter Fabric Digits Twilio Inbox Github View Issue/Pull Request buttons …


内向的な人がリーダーに向いている6つの理由 | ライフハッカー[日本版] これおれだわ "再充電のための時間が必要"らしい

NSScreencast Episode #143 Flat Map

Flat Map - NSScreencast enum Result<T> { func map<U>(transform: T -> U) -> Result<U> { func flatten<T>(array: [[T]]) -> [T] return array.reduce([]) { $0 + $1 } $0などは引数 [Swift] Closureについてメモ - Qiita flatten() ().flattenは難しい extension Arr</t></u></u></t>…