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thoughtbot Build Phase #9

thoughtbot Learn Don't Call Me Shirley Episode #9 iOS7の話 apple自体がApp StoreとかPodcastのアプリをまだアップデートしていない バッテリー食う skeuomorphism bluetooth4 64bit apps airplane 32 yrs old big week tons of awesome article mostly i…

Ruby5 #405

Ruby5 - Episode #405 – September 24th, 2013 Ruby 2.1.0 preview1 New Generational GC In-browser Rails Console Rails Console on the Browser Splatting in Iterators arr.each do |attr, (label, count)| UNIX CoffeeScri…

Ruby5 #404

Ruby5 - Episode #404 – September 20th, 2013 explain_shell gem $ explain find . -type f -print0 "".gsub(rx) {} 'Apollo 12'.gsub(/(\w+) (\d+)/) { |name, number| puts name, number } 'Apollo 12'.gsub(/(\d+)/) { Regexp.last_match[1].to_i.next }…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #67 ★★

thoughtbot Learn The Data Optimist Episode #67 Hilary Mason, Data Scientist in Residence at Accel Partners 聞きやすい データサイエンティストはコミュニケーション重要 Excel使い bitly bundled datasets research-quality data sets エレベーターの…

thoughtbot Build Phase #8

thoughtbot Learn The Levy Has Broken Episode #8 主にiOS7の話 iOS6との互換性の話とか 詳細の話が多すぎてついていけない hardware capability 64bit 99% apps ok UI Rect Edge thoughtbot Learn app thoughtbot/trail-map · GitHub cannot moving forwar…

NSScreencast Episode #86 iOS 7 View Controller Transitions

iOS 7 View Controller Transitions - NSScreencast スクリーンが上から垂れ下がるようなエフェクト UIViewControllerInteractiveTransitioning Protocol SwatchTransition transitionDuration animateTransition UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate ani…

NSScreencast Episode #85 Hello, iOS 7

Hello, iOS 7 - NSScreencast Guide What's New in iOS: iOS 7.0 iOS 7 UI Transition Guide: Before You Start iOS7 status bar style faster screen animation slide right shift screen nav bar title fade in/out XCode5 capabilities Take a sneak peek…

NSScreencast Episode #84 xctool

xctool - NSScreencast Unit testをコマンドラインで走らせる $ xcodebuild ... TEST_HOST $(BUNDLE_LOADER) TEST_AFTER_BUILD=YES いろいろ面倒で問題あり xctool $ brew install xctool $ xctool -workspace LoginTester.xcworkspace \ -scheme LoginTeste…

NSScreencast Episode #83 TDD View Controllers Part 2

TDD View Controllers Part 2 - NSScreencast alert表示をmockしてテスト AlertViewProvider __block id _alertProvider; beforeEach(^{ _alertProvider = [OCMockObject mockForClass:[AlertViewProvider class]]; _vc.alertProvider = _alertProvider; [[_…

Ruby5 #402

Ruby5 - Episode #402 - September 13th, 2013 Ruboto IRB Ruby on Android (tablet) Railscasts Hiatus Polyglot Life capybara integration testing for Elixr RubyGems 2.1.1 fix CVE-2013-4287 dependency resolver Rails Load Path Tips Yokozuna distr…

Ruby5 #403

Ruby5 - Episode #403 - September 17th, 2013 Splash Shower Tunes 初スポンサーか Rails Env foreman, dotenv Onebox Open Graph Shortcode A Wordpress style shortcode parser Ruby 2.1 GC generational garbage collection postgres_ext Common Table E…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #66

thoughtbot Learn With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility Episode #66 Anthony Eden 今はフランス、発音聞きとりやすい DNSの会社 パフォーマンスの関係上RubyからErlangへ Goがリソース的な観点で良いらしい france 3years kakathon? founder dnSimp…

thoughtbot Build Phase #7

thoughtbot Learn Less Fantasy, More Football Episode #7 iOS Recipe bookは一つ一つは短めの内容で良いらしい UITableViewControllerはほとんど使わないでUIViewController使うらしい 細かい実装の話多くてあまり頭入って来なかった delegateの好き嫌いと…

RubyTapas #129 - #133

129 Rake ★★ 知っている部分は多かった 知らなかった部分は file method file html_file => md_file do sh "pandoc -o #{html_file} #{md_file}" end dependencyも指定できる 指定のファイル/ディレクトリがあれば実行しないタスクを作る Rakeの基本的な使い…

RubyTapas #125 - #128

RubyTapas News このダウンローダーを採用 bf4/downloader · GitHub 別の長いscreencast The Making of Cowsays.com | Tekpub 125 And/Or ★★★ and/or と &&/|| user_name = user && user.name user_name # => "Avdi" user_name = user and user.name user_na…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #65

thoughtbot Learn No! Videos Private! Episode #65 Chris Savage and Brendan Schwartz high level best staff video hosting for business huge change made video screencast on camera nervous stupid on camera share video survey all the customer wo…

Ruby5 #401

Ruby5 - Episode #401 - September 10th, 2013 Kochiku コシク CI for long test suites distributed build processes (分散、早い) Scaling Rails Envato Marketplaces Passenger on Heroku gem "passenger" Procfile Ruby off Rails PostgreSQL 9.3 Writab…

Ruby5 #400!

Ruby5 - Episode #400! - September 6th, 2013 WWTD Travis simulator StringMaster s = "Hello, glorious owner of the website\nI hope <b>you</b> like my message" s.prep.newlines_to_br.html_escape Localjob background queue built on top of POSIX message…

thoughtbot Build Phase #6

thoughtbot Learn Masochistic Programmers Episode #6 autocompletion vim plugin clang_complete vundler bottle neck jump to debug coredata stuff vim emulator ViEmu paid plugin visual studio web site is awful xvim little crash xcode plugin Lua…

NSScreencast Episode #82 TDD View Controllers with Specta and OCMock

TDD View Controllers with Specta and OCMock - NSScreencast loginをmockしてテスト Specta Expecta EXP_SHORTHAND - If not defined, expectations must be written with EXP_expect instead of expect OCMock [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"MainSt…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #64

thoughtbot Learn Wistfully Into the Air Episode #64 Des Traynor Intercom.io Inside Intercom Irish DUBLIN 'Contact all your customers, or just a segment, with ease.' Picking your Pricing Model​ Make Every Word Matter​ ​- Asking customers wh…

Ruby5 #399

Ruby5 - Episode #399 - August 30, 2013 Confident Ruby Avdi Grimm book Rails 4 Cheatsheet Quick bundle install Parallel Gem Installation 61% improvement (thoughtbot) $ gem install bundler --pre $ time bundle install -j8 PostGIS geospatial e…

NSScreencast Episode #36 Searching in UITableView

Searching in UITableView - NSScreencast UISearchDisplayControllerで検索バーの実装 viewDidLoad setupSearchBar self.tableView.tableHeaderView = self.searchBar; UISearchDisplayController UISearchDisplayController Class Reference initWithSearc…

NSScreencast Episode #35 Autolayout Fun

Autolayout Fun - NSScreencast 3つのピザの画像のページをAuto layout Constraints Standard spacing recommended by apple Xcode No struts and spring (from iOS6) select target objects and right bottom on Xcode dropdown (horizontal spacing, ...) …