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thoughtbot Build Phase #5 ★

thoughtbot Learn Fecal-Philiac Episode #5 Xcode Plugins XVim Chocolat (Vim mode) Documentation - Chocolat Dash Doc Browser Xcode Dash Plugin dash.vim Dash.app from Vim OMColorSense CocoaPods for Xcode Alcatraz (Xcode package manager) KSIma…

thoughtbot Build Phase #4 ★★

thoughtbot Learn Coffee Episode #4 まとめ Unit OCUnit GHUnit gabriel/gh-unit · GitHub google BDD, TDD, functional Kiwi allending/Kiwi · GitHub rspec like specta specta/specta · GitHub modular expecta specta/expecta · GitHub Cedar pivotal/c…

Ruby5 #398

Ruby5 - Episode #398 - August 27, 2013 Ruby 2.0 require, GC improvement Rack Zippy gzip compressed assets faster assets Artoo 1.0 Last week, coinciding with _why Day Ruby robotics micro-framework AR Drones, Pebble watches, and Roombas Rail…

NSScreencast Episode #81 Associated Objects

Associated Objects - NSScreencast addTargetでbuttonTappedメソッドのようなものを書かない実装 addTarget:self @selector(buttonTapped:) : for argument @selector(setRandomColor) retain cycle (viewDidLoad) __weak ViewController *weakSelf = self;…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #63 ★★

thoughtbot Learn Knowledge Bomb! Episode #63 Ben and Chad better programming pair with people superior than you subscribing guidance No1 recommendation to learn building app (things you are passionate about) remote pairing Renaissance Pair…

NSScreencast Episode #42 Retrying HTTP Requests

Retrying HTTP Requests - NSScreencast token取得のretry automatically detect expired authentication tokens [self secureValueForKey:AUTH_TOKEN_KEY]; if (operation.response.statusCode == 401) [self.credentialStore setAuthToken:nil]; refactori…

Ruby5 #397

Ruby5 - Episode #397 - August 23rd, 2013 ruby_identicon 8bitのインベーダーみたいなアイコンを作るgem The Observer Pattern lita chat bot similar to Hubot work on Heroku figaro Simple Rails app configuration Common Table Expressions -Writable…

NSScreencast Episode #33 Core Graphics: Polygons

Core Graphics: Polygons - NSScreencast Sliderを動かして、正n角形を描画 PolygonView CGMutablePathRef path = CGPathCreateMutable(); CGPathCloseSubpath(path); CGContextAddPath(context, path); CGContextFillPath(context); self.numberOfSides set…

NSScreencast Episode #32 Core Graphics: Gradients

Core Graphics: Gradients - NSScreencast gradientのeffectを描画 Core Graphics pure c library drawRect helper class CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); drawLinearGradient CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDevic…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #62

thoughtbot Learn Family Business Episode #62 Natalie Nagele and Ilya Sabanin husband Chris Nagele chris start 19 social networks very first product 2005 launch beans talk 6 yrs old product upgrade rails rails2.3 ruby1.8 rails4 rails3 every…

NSScreencast Episode #80 PaintCode

PaintCode - NSScreencast PaintCodeというツール使い方 $99.99 クラウド(雲)のロゴ作成 エフェクトのあるロゴ作成 Core Graphics half pixel matter Add Image Add circle Transparent circle effect (like hole) stripe cmd + d - duplicate Paste code …

NSScreencast Episode #40 Shine Effect

Shine Effect - NSScreencast タイトルバーにShineエフェクトをつける shine logo on titlebar logo - black highlighted version - white mask - black titleView = logo view (UIImageView) CALayer CALayer *shineLayer = [CALayer layer]; shineLayer.co…

NSScreencast Episode #79 Sketch

Sketch - NSScreencast Sketch 2というイラストツールの使い方, iPhone画面のモックアップ $49.99 photoshop, illustrator option + drug - duplicate item mockup status bar nav bar overlay shadow nav button grouping items sketchmine SketchMine Sket…

Ruby5 #396

Ruby5 - Episode #396 - August 20th, 2013 Rails 4.1 Bundler Local Paths bundle config local.spree ~/Projects/gems/spree Multi-Table Full Text Search gem 'textacular' Aaron Patterson Know Thy Predicates Strong Params by Example nested parame…

NSScreencast Episode #78 TDD Money Part 2

TDD Money Part 2 - NSScreencast MoneyのTDD実装の続き multi currency exchange plus method Bank class reduce Sum class augend 《数学》被加数 addend 《数学》加数 exchange rate Expression.h (id)plus:(id)other; @class Money, Bank; #import はだ…

NSScreencast Episode #43 AVAudioPlayer

AVAudioPlayer - NSScreencast 自作のAudioプレーヤー AVFoundation framework #import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h> AVAudioPlayer [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[self localAudioFileURL] initWithData:error self.audioPlayer.volume = self.volumeSlider.value; if</avfoundation/avfoundation.h>…

NSScreencast Episode #45 Validating IAP Receipts

Validating IAP Receipts - NSScreencast iTunesのレシートを処理 (rails app x iOS app) iap_server rails app itunes-receipt gem Itunes::Receipt.verify! receipt_data, :allow_sandbox receipt_attributes itunes-receipt/lib/itunes/receipt.rb at mas…

Ruby5 #395

Ruby5 - Episode #395 - August 16th, 2013 Ruby Fiddle Fiddle core extension not C5 technote aaron peterson Build a Port Scanner in Ruby Renderable Null Objects hipster developers are avoiding conditionals in their code by duck typing null o…

thoughtbot Build Phase #3

thoughtbot Learn Create All The Objects! Episode #3 common pitfall xcode first thing -> project template interface builder debugging interface pain stackoverflow search pretty good apple doc tutorial stackoverflow head first iphone develop…

RubyTapas #033 - #038

033 Classes and Constants ? Point = Class.new do attr_reader :x, :y 034 Struct from Hash ★ Beer = Struct.new(:brewery, :name, :abv, :ibu) do def self.from_hash(attributes) instance = self.new attributes.each do |key, value| instance[key] …

RubyTapas #027 - #032

027 Macros and Modules ? module Eventful def self.included(other) other.extend(Macros) end ... なんか難しい 028 Macros and Modules Part 2 ? module Macros def event(name) mod = Module.new mod.module_eval(%Q{ def #{name}(*args) notify_list…

Ruby5 #394

Ruby5 - Episode #394 - August 13th, 2013 ES Attachment indexing attachment files on Elasticsearch "attachment type" plugin Refinery 2.1.0 the removal of support for Ruby 1.8.x it does not support Rails 4 yet Conditionals Aren't Evil Unless…

NSScreencast Episode #44 In App Purchases

In App Purchases - NSScreencast アプリ内課金 iTunes connect iTunes Connect デベロッパガイド https://developer.apple.com/jp/devcenter/ios/library/documentation/iTunesConnect_Guide.pdf in app purchase consumable - currency non consumable - u…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #61

thoughtbot Learn Having the Craic with Paul Episode #61 Paul Dublin, Ireland 全体としてカンファレンス開催の話 eventのためのサービス conference organizer Funconf III · 2012 トップページおもしろい Tito (Event registration for people who care…

RubyTapas #021 - #025

021 Domain Model Events ★ around_save + yield notify_listeners(:on_create) Listeners作成 class PusherTaskListener class TaskEmailListener controller def notify_listeners(event_name, *args) @listeners && @listeners.each do |listener| if lis…

RubyTapas #120 - #124

120 Outside-In ★★ configファイルとかのテスト stdinを介したテストとか output, status = Open3.capture2() output, status = Open3.capture2e(env, %W[hostconfig -c], stdin_data: example_input) config file hosts = hosts_from_input($stdin.read) Wr…

RubyTapas #115 - #119

115 pp ★★ p = puts + .inspect pp -> pretty print indentation, nested hashes 出力を変数に格納して後で扱うことができる pretty = repo.pretty_inspect pretty puts pretty 116 Extract Command Object ★ 12分 RubyNation Conference fundamental refact…

RubyTapas #110 - #114

110 Catch And Throw ★ begin parser.parse(html) unless html.nil? rescue DoneException # we are done end ↓ catch(:done) do parser.parse(html) unless html.nil? end + throw :done perfectly normal early returns 大域脱出catch, throw知らなかった …

Ruby5 #393

Ruby5 - Episode #393 - August 9th, 2013 &&= VerbalExpressions startOfLine() .then( "http" ) .maybe Refactoring YAGNI Skeuocard skeuocard.js credit card inputs クレジットカードの見た目 2-Factor Auth One-Time-Password ActiveModel::Otp has_on…

NSScreencast Episode #77 TDD Money with Specta and Expecta

TDD Money with Specta and Expecta - NSScreencast Dollar, EuroなどMoneyのclassでTDD book Test Driven Devvelopment - Kent Beck testing framework kiwi specta (rspec like syntax) expecta (matchers) target "XxxTests" do pod specta pod expecta p…