quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


Ruby5 #528

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/566-episode-528-february-13th-2015 Heroku Recommends Puma pretty_backtrace you can see local variable names and values Weird Stuff with Hashes Aaron Patterson Don’t mutate the hash value on hash keys! …

Ruby5 #527

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/565-episode-527-february-10th-2015 chat_correct shows the errors and error types when a correct English sentence is diffed with an incorrect English sentence type capitalization_mistake, capitalization…

Rebuild 80

Rebuild: 80: Most Europeans Speak Good English (yusukebe) COOKPAD アクセス集中 バレンタイン テレビ WBS砲 ボケて Silent push Overcast Private repository Google Docsはコラボレーションしにくい Gistは複数人で更新できない podcast 名前を変えた …

thoughtbot Build Phase #70-73

70: Rocking Out to Analysis Paralysis | Build Phase ReactiveCoco XCode 7 stable QuickCheck: Automatic testing of Haskell programs 71: You Can Put Anything in a Brown Bag | Build Phase Mac App Keithbsmiley (Keith Smiley) · GitHub 72: That's…

Rebuild 79

Rebuild: 79: Deep Learning Anime (Naoya Ito) serverspec まえがき Swift incremental build 書いてない (RubyMotionなんで) dockercon rocket microservice Consul serf Serf vs. Consul - Serf by HashiCorp Deep Learning ここ2, 3 年 研究所 Google, F…

Rebuild 67-68

Rebuild: 67: All Your Base Are Belong To Amazon (Naoya Ito) Skype flat UI iPad Air 2 Dan Kogaiメソッド 腹のところに入れる AmazonのUI Kindleのパーソナルドキュメント Appleはデザイナーが強い iBooks justificationが良い 切ってhyphenでつなぐ con…

thoughtbot The Bike Shed Episode #7

7: At the Car Wash | The Bike Shed bullet unused eager loading accessed_fields https://github.com/rails/rails/commit/be9b68038e83a617eb38c26147659162e4ac3d2c faraday Service oriented artchitecture attributes_before_type_cast

Rebuild 56-60

前に聞くだけ聞いてたかもしれないが聞き直した Rebuild: 56: Technically In Tokyo (a_matsuda) a_matsuda Rails勉強会東京 中の人がうじゃうじゃいる 2008 asakusa.rb rbの略語 ruby bregate アウトプットしたい Ruby 1.9 + rails直した コアな人と友達に…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #132-133 ★

132: Story Tellers (Adarsh Pandit, Kyle Fiedler) | Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast ★ fellow thoughtbotters Adarsh Pandit and Kyle Fiedler Pivotl TrackerやTrello, Slackを使っている Iterationは1 week story points veloci…

Rebuild 77-78

Rebuild: 77: Perl Is Hard To Talk About (rjbs) FOSDEM Brussels Belgium Perl5 Jenkins doesn't say who broke the build broke something CPAN Annual release motivation tough to pickup branch(merge), conflict Rebuild: 78: Have The Appropriate A…

Ruby5 #526

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/564-episode-526-february-6th-2015 Ruby Concurrency Ruby Concurrency and Parallelism: A Practical Primer Unicorn, Puma Sitemap with Rails This blog post will show you how to ask Google to refresh it! hi…

Ruby5 #525

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/563-episode-525-february-3rd-2015 Loaf The loaf gem manages and displays breadcrumb trails in your rails New RSpec Signing Certificate you’ll need to update your certificate for the 3.2 release which c…

Ruby5 #524

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/562-episode-524-january-30th-2015 Minitest and RSpec RSpec Failのoutputがすぐコマンドに貼り付けれて良い DSLが複雑 Minitestは逆 Passenger-docker Docker base images for Ruby, Python, Node.js and Meteor w…

Ruby5 #523

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/561-episode-523-january-27th-2015 Tail Call Optimization Recursion , Tail recursion Enabling tail call optimization Double vs. Single quotes Rubyists: Just use double-quoted strings ActiveRecord SQLSer…

Ruby5 #522

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/560-episode-522-january-16th-2015 ember-cli-rails Easily integrate Ember CLI with rails c.app :frontend, path: "/path/to/your/ember-cli-app/on/disk" Multiple EmberCLI apps spyke active_resource class J…