quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


thoughtbot Build Phase #21

thoughtbot : Build Phase : 21: Is this even an Episode? Haskell Hoogle GSHR (Gloriously Slow Haskell Reasoner) Package manager - Cabal hspec, test unit Function Reactive Programming Framework - Reactive Cocoa Deploymate for Xcode Deploymat…

NSScreencast Episode #99 Parsing and Formatting Dates

Parsing and Formatting Dates - NSScreencast 日付の変換 Unicode Date Format Patterns UTS #35: Unicode Locale Data Markup Language NSDateFormatter [dateFormatter setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ"]; dateFormatter dateFromString Not reco…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #80

thoughtbot : Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast : 80: Growing Business (Josh Pigford) Josh Pigford about time management, entrepreneurship and farming metrics / analysis survey monkey (customer satisfaction) 聞きやすい a…

Ruby5 #428

Ruby5 - Episode #428 – December 20th, 2013 Rails 4.1b Action Mailer Previews integrate the MailView gem Active Record Enums multiple boolean columns enum status: [ :unverified, :confirmed, :assigned, :in_progress, :resolved, :rejected, :re…

raywenderlich.com Podcast Episode 1

Introducing the raywenderlich.com Podcast: Episode 1! 60分 いろいろなメンバーがいる ゲームが中心 Tutorialを有料で売ってる $129 Space Game Starter Kit | Ray Wenderlich Mockup toolの紹介 App Mockup Tools Reviews | Ray Wenderlich Blueprint, A…

thoughtbot Build Phase #20

thoughtbot : Build Phase : 20: Damn Snow NSByteCountFormatter - バイト数からMB, GBの形にしてくれる Storyboardで共同開発はCONFLICTしやすいのでNibsにした Spectaをテストで使う 異なるバージョンのSpectaをプロジェクトで使いたいがCocoapodsの制限…

Ruby5 #427

Ruby5 - Episode #427 - December 17th, 2013 rails-assets.org automatically converts packaged bower components into ruby gems gem 'rails-assets-BOWER_PACKAGE_NAME' Rails Database Info http://localhost:3000/rails/info/db gem 'rails_db_info' C…

RubyTapas #152 - #155

152 Progress Bar ★★ require "ruby-progressbar" ... progress = ProgressBar.create(total: repeat) repeat.times do ... progress.increment end Progress: |=========================================================================================…

RubyTapas #147 - #151

147 Atomicity ★ 10 x 100のincremental counter jrubyだと期待通りにならない lock = Mutex.new ... # in multi threads lock.synchronize do counter += 1 end` atomic gem require "atomic" counter = Atomic.new(0) ... counter.update{|c| c + 1} atomi…

AngularJS tutorial #3

Routing Application routes in Angular are declared via the $routeProvider The App Module app/js/app.js var phonecatApp = angular.module('phonecatApp', ['ngRoute', 'phonecatControllers'] phonecatApp.config(['$routeProvider', $routeProvider.…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #79

thoughtbot : Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast : 79: The Gentle Wise One (Uncle Bob Martin) Uncle Bob Martin Clean Coders 1時間くらい1本$12 Open Source Contributions - Our Team | 8th Light 医者や弁護士は資格とか標準があ…

AngularJS tutorial #2

並べ替え <li ng-repeat="phone in phones | filter:query | orderBy:orderProp"> <select ng-model="orderProp"> default value of orderProp $scope.orderProp = 'age'; pre select <option value="age">Newest</option> 初期orderPropが無い場合 -> temporarily add a new "unknown" option 逆順 <option value="-age">Oldest</option></select></li>

AngularJS tutorial #1

AngularJS angular-seed angular/angular-seed · GitHub <html ng-app> <li ng-repeat="phone in phones"> <body ng-controller="PhoneListCtrl"> var phonecatApp = angular.module('phonecatApp', []); phonecatApp.controller('PhoneListCtrl', function($scope) { The prefix ng stands for "Angular;" angularjs - Wha…</body></li></html>

Ruby5 #426

Ruby5 - Episode #426 - December 13th, 2013 thoughtbot on SO GitHub, for reporting bugs or submitting patches in the form of pull requests. Mailing lists, for general discussion and questions, including ideas for new features. Verifying Dou…

thoughtbot Build Phase #19

thoughtbot : Build Phase : 19: Lazy Since 1998 AppKit, UIKkit AppKitにさようなら | pineapple blog Email apps Sparrow — Get mail done AirMail Command line email client Mutt Hazel - Automated Organization for your Mac Noodlesoft | Hazel Vee …

NSScreencast Episode #98 Camera Capture

Camera Capture - NSScreencast 動画の録画 AVFoundation @import AVFoundation; @import is that you don't need to add the framework in the project settings, it's done automatically objective c - @import vs #import - iOS 7 - Stack Overflow #imp…

NSScreencast Episode #97 Scrolling Nub

Scrolling Nub - NSScreencast スクロールバーの実装 dropbox app, instapaper (example) grabbable highlight when grabbed loadView (<UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate>) scrollingNub initWithFrame self.scrollingNub.layer.cornerRadius = 12; self.scrollingNub.alpha = 0; [self.view </uitableviewdatasource,>…

Ruby5 #425

Ruby5 - Episode #425 - December 10th, 2013 ActionParameter # app/parameters/user_parameters.rb class UserParameter < ActionParameter::Base def permit Purgatory change active record lifecycle purgatory! before_validation, after_validation a…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #78

thoughtbot : Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast : 78: Fancy Pants (Chris Lindland) Chris Lindland, CEO of Betabrand.com 服とかのショッピングサイト 最後に3つ紹介してた Black Sheep Sweater - Betabrand Nauseating Holiday Pa…

Ruby5 #424

Ruby5 - Episode #424 - December 6th, 2013 Spring its being baked into Rails 4.1 Rails Security Update rails team has released 3.2.16 and 4.0.2 with important security fixes Pry Rescue pry-rescue which stops your test suite and drops into a…

thoughtbot Build Phase #18

thoughtbot : Build Phase : 18: What a Time to be Alive backend Sinatra Data Mapper CoreData, ManagedObjectContext MagicalRecord ActiveRecord pattern Memory store Use for development/test, not in production fmdb - A Cocoa / Objective-C wrap…

Ruby5 #423

Ruby5 - Episode #423 – December 3rd, 2013 RubyConf 2013 Talks confreaks http://www.confreaks.com/events/rubyconf2013 ruby-lint focuses on logic related errors such as the use of non existing variables difference with rubocop -> styles etc …

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #77

thoughtbot : Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast : 77: A Beautiful Thing (Harold Giménez) Harold Giménez, Heroku postgres leader Heroku Postgres 2.0 rollback (reply log) stats 15 20people heroku run postgres heroku postgr…

Ruby5 #422

Ruby5 - Episode #422 – November 26th, 2013 Heap Overflow Ruby CVE untrusted_data.to_f JSON.parse untrusted_data Rack::Attack protect your web app from bad clients whitelisting, blacklisting, throttling, and tracking based on arbitrary prop…

NSScreencast Episode #96 Face Detection

Face Detection - NSScreencast 顔認識 画像の目と口にポイントを描く、領域に四角を描く 座標が反対 CoreImage @import CoreImage; viewDidLoad self.imageView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit; dispatch_async CIDetector detectorOfType:…

NSScreencast Episode #95 Fun with iBeacons

Fun with iBeacons - NSScreencast デバイスとの距離が離れるごとに背景の色を変える iBeacon - bluetooth beacon emitter lgaches/BeaconEmitter · GitHub turn ibeacon on uuid, identifier, major, minor linked library core location #import <CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h> CLLocati</corelocation/corelocation.h>…

thoughtbot Build Phase #17

thoughtbot : Build Phase : 17: Ape Drape 頭丸めたとかいう世間話 NSNotificationCenterのblock内でself使うとだめとか言う話 retain cycle, weak reference NSParameterとnil unix 2038年問題 looking shiny shaving shave my head pictures of you befor…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #76 ★

thoughtbot : Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast : 76: The Boutique Agency ホームページのサポートとか SEOはもはや効果無い コンテンツが大事 検索エンジンの1ページ目に載るようにする ツールは特に使わない、経験と知識 オーガニ…

Ruby5 #421

Ruby5 - Episode #421 – November 22nd, 2013 Valle Valle automatically creates validations for the minimum and maximum values of fields in your ActiveRecord model Angular? Ember? differences between AngularJS and Ember.js Angular is an HTML …

Ruby5 #420

Ruby5 - Episode #420 - November 19th, 2013 PostgreSQL on RDS MySQL, ORACLE離れ、良いこと PostModern Ruby rvm, rbenv -> chruby and ruby-install Rails Shopper App shopper app, free of charge Rails 4 and Quickbooks integrating Rails 4 and Qui…