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scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


Ruby5 #639

Ruby5 - Episode #639 - May 17th, 2016 Rails 5 Validates Acceptance Of changes the default values for the validates_acceptance_of method accepts both the “1”(checkbox) string and the true boolean as truthy values validates_acceptance_of :te…

Ruby5 #638

Ruby5 - Episode #638 - May 13th, 2016 Bi-directional destruction belongs_to :user, dependent: :destroy Build a Math Shunting-yard algorithm Reverse Polish Notation or RPN GitHub - matugm/math-eval: Math expression evaluator Real-Time Rails…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #192-195

192: The High End of Reasonable | Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast The Hedonic Treadmill – If Only Happiness Were As Easy As Marriage, a Big House, and Kids FullStory 193: This Episode Has Been Brought to You By the Le…

thoughtbot The Bike Shed Episode #62-64

62: Shipping is the Fastest Way to Get Somewhere | The Bike Shed capybara, multi thread rails5 remve auto loading Feature #5653: "I strongly discourage the use of autoload in any standard libraries" (Re: autoload will be dead) - Ruby trunk…

Ruby5 #637

Ruby5 - Episode #637 - May 10th, 2016 Attacking Rails Applications different ways to attack a Ruby on Rails application Ruby on Rails Security Project Receive 2(ish) monthly updates of new useful Rails security resources! single_cov Single…

Ruby5 #636

Ruby5 - Episode #636 - May 6th, 2016 RailsConf 2016 Bootcamp Turing School of Software & Design Jeff Casimir (@j3) | Twitter Ruby Heroes Olivier Lacan (@olivierlacan) | Twitter Ruby Heroes 2016 // Speaker Deck Chef nathenharvey (@nathenhar…

Ruby5 #635

Ruby5 - Episode #635 - May 3rd, 2016 Ruby 2.3.1 & 2.2.5 Released minor bug fixes Changelogがgit log Bundler 1.12 ruby "~> 2.3" bundle update --ruby bundle outdated with the flags --major, --minor, and --patch Using Local Gems in Gemfile $ …

Study with Kaggle Titanic Tutorial

基礎的なデータ解析の考え方みたいなのができてないと思って、去年不定期に勉強してきたが、その中で今振り返ると最も良かったと思われる題材をメモ Trevor Stephensという人のTutorial Trevor Stephens — Titanic: Getting Started With R - Part 1: Bootin…

Ruby5 #634

Ruby5 - Episode #634 - April 26th, 2016 Thredded Rails 4.2+ forum/message board engine The Road to Sinatra 2.0 Sinatra 2.0.0 will target Ruby 2.2+ and Rack 2.0+ We will bundle rack-protection and sinatra-contrib gems into one repo The must…

Ruby5 #633

Ruby5 - Episode #633 - April 19th, 2016 Slack Vision Bot Google Cloud Vision API gem 'slack-ruby-bot', gem 'google-api-client' The Optimist’s Guide to Pessimistic Library Versioning The ~> operator might be pessimistic Rails 5 Warning Cate…

Ruby5 #632

Ruby5 - Episode #632 - April 15th, 2016 collection_cache_key backported the collection cache key from Rails 5 to Rails 3.2 Rails.cache.fetch(@collection.cache_key) do big result set warnings Rails 5 adds warning when fetching big result se…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #188-191

188: I Have a Spreadsheet! | Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast hired.com GitHub - splitrb/split: The Rack Based AB testing framework The Rack Based AB testing framework World's Easiest A/B and Split Testing Software - V…

thoughtbot The Bike Shed Episode #57-61

57: Mutability Ruins the Whole Party (José Valim) | The Bike Shed Atoms String, list of integer performance reason, garbage collect comparison Erlang Elixir Atoms - Qiita calendar type Ecto nested association ownership mechanism connection…

Rebuild 137, 138, 139

Rebuild: 137: Tested In Production (naoya) ブルーライト、マイナスイオン Gulp, browserify, babel 名前が強そう、濁点が多い axios - Promise based HTTP client React + Redux + react-router npm left-pad 名前がぶつかって企業と争った(kik) The npm …