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NSScreencast Episode #138 IBDesignable

IBDesignable - NSScreencast IBDesignableの使い方 iOS 8 and Xcode 6 are available and out of NDA Previewを見ながら実装できる DesignableKit Linked Libraries Build PosterView.swift @IBDesignable class PosterView : UIView var label: UILabel! t…

MotionInMotion Episode 43 - The Raw Experience of Setting Up RubyMotion for Android

The Raw Experience of Setting Up RubyMotion for Android - MotionInMotion Androidの基本 Welcome to RubyMotion sudo motion update sudo motion update --pre /Library/RubyMotionPre Install Java javac Java1.6 1.7, 1.8でも動くはず Eclipse ADT $ m…

5JS #46


5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #46 - September 25th, 2014 5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #46 - September 25th, 2014 State of Grunt Ben ‘cowboy’ Alman went over the current state of Grunt, jQuery.com Compromised compromised to serve m…

5JS #45


5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #45 - September 18th, 2014 5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #45 - September 18th, 2014 CommonMark highly compatible implementation of Markdown BSD3-licensed implementations (stmd) in C and javascript Tiny…

5JS #44


5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #44 - September 11th, 2014 5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #44 - September 11th, 2014 JS-SIMD new JS-SIMD API on the latest Firefox Nightly SIMD is short for Single Instruction, Multiple Data and it's re…

5JS #43


5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #43 - September 4th, 2014 5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #43 - September 4th, 2014 Usersnap JavaScript Error and XHR Log Recording With Every Bug Report free trial Charts Galore - [たくさん、多数、豊富]…

5JS #42


5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #42 - August 28th, 2014 5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #42 - August 28th, 2014 Faster Slicing A cool slicer function is circulating that seems to be faster than the native methods associated with slicin…

5JS #41


5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #41 - August 21st, 2014 5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #41 - August 21st, 2014 Ember 1.7 Metal Views, a precursor to HTMLBars that improves rendering performance HTML Imports issues <link rel="import" href="ui-dialog.html"> it has a serious re</link>…

Ruby5 #499

Ruby5 - Episode #499 - September 26, 2014 Ruby5 - Episode #499 - September 26, 2014 Shell Shock a vulnerability in Bash covering almost every version up to and including version 4.3 Hangar It exposes your factory girl factories through spe…

Ruby5 #498

Ruby5 - Episode #498 - September 23, 2014 Ruby5 - Episode #498 - September 23, 2014 Ruby 2.1.3 primarily a bug fix release, but does contain new garbage collection tuning Goldiloader attempts to automatically eager load associated records …

Ruby5 #497

Ruby5 - Episode #497 - September 19th, 2014 Ruby5 - Episode #497 - September 19th, 2014 Fourchette App This is a generated Fourchette app for ease of deploy Your new best friend for isolated testing environments on Heroku You will have one…

thoughtbot Build Phase #55

Dad Stuff Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Data.Aeson Types and functions for working efficiently with JSON data. haskell facebook, twitter, dropbox sdk 3 different JSON libraries swiftz VoiceOver ホームをトリプルクリック 「設定」>「一般」>「アクセ…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #117

Designing Quality (Will Sulinski) Will Sulinski, founder of Pistol Lake 次週2週間はpodcast休み ビジネスっぽい話でいまいち will solenski l.a. company quality craftmanship constantly refactoring mentality decreasing quality make t shirts loo…

NSScreencast Episode #137 Fun with UIKit Dynamics

Fun with UIKit Dynamics - NSScreencast 物体の落下の実装 UIKit Dynamics physics engine UIGravityBehavior [self.animator addBehavior:self.gravity]; UICollisionBehavior self.collision.translatesReferenceBoundsIntoBoundary = YES; 角度をずらす…

MotionInMotion Episode 42 - Objective-C Basics and Conversion

Objective-C Basics and Conversion - MotionInMotion Objective-Cでの書き方 property attr_accessor method definition parameters literal string, number array @[@"foo", @42, @"bar", @3.14]; dictionary @{ @1: @"red", @2: @"green", @3: @"blue" };…

iOS Bytes #37

iOS Bytes - Episode #37 - September 18, 2014 iOS Bytes - Episode #37 - September 18, 2014 iOS 8 and HTML5 improvements to WebKit, HTML5, and Web Views that iOS 8 brings WKWebView Tumblr's Share Extension the woes that Tumblr faced when upg…

iOS Bytes #36

iOS Bytes - Episode #36 - September 11, 2014 iOS Bytes - Episode #36 - September 11, 2014 Apple Event Roundup official release date iOS 8 and Xcode 6, and Swift has now hit 1.0 iPhone 6 Plus Simulator iPhone 6 Plus will have a 3x scale fac…

iOS Bytes #35

iOS Bytes - Episode #35 - August 28, 2014 iOS Bytes - Episode #35 - August 28, 2014 Auto Layout Best Practices A UIView Subclass should implement intrinsicContentSize A UIView Subclass should never add constraints on its size A UIView Subc…

Ruby5 #496

Ruby5 - Episode #496 - September 16th, 2014 Ruby5 - Episode #496 - September 16th, 2014 Volt Volt is a reactive framework that runs your ruby code on the server and client side via opal Instead of syncing data via HTTP, Volt setups a persi…

Ruby5 #495

Ruby5 - Episode #495 - September 12th, 2014 Ruby5 - Episode #495 - September 12th, 2014 @RubyStrings 100 different ways to create strings in #Ruby Coderetreat 2014 November 15th, 2014 world-wide event celebrating passion and software craft…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #116

A Model Jellyfish (Carl Smith) nGen Works founder Carl Smith autonomy 自律(性)、自主(性) autonomyの意味・用例|英辞郎 on the WEB:アルク mastery 専門的技能、統制、支配 masteryの意味・用例|英辞郎 on the WEB:アルク BizCraft podcast Biz…

thoughtbot Build Phase #54

Flow Betwixt Flow controller Flow Controllers on iOS for a Better Navigation Control - Alberto De Bortoli Show NExt/Previous Responder chain Cocoaの日々: [iOS] Responder Chain と UIViewController The Best of iOS Development, Delivered Week…

NSScreencast Episode #136 Clipping Paths

Clipping Paths - NSScreencast ボードゲームを実装する board game Connect Four Connect Four - Play it now at Coolmath-Games.com checkers game GameBoardView updateConstraints ViewController viewDidLoad [self.view addConstraints: wrong aspect …

MotionInMotion Episode 41 - Application Workflows in Interface Builder with Storyboards and Segues

Application Workflows in Interface Builder with Storyboards and Segues - MotionInMotion Segueの設定 drag segue on button from view ctrl drag action segue push, modal, custom delete property (modal) prepareForSegue if segue.identifier == "S…

Ruby5 #494

Ruby5 - Episode #494 - September 9th, 2014 Ruby5 - Episode #494 - September 9th, 2014 RSpec 3.1 Myron Marston wrote up another thorough blog post with the notable changes Rack::Tracker hooked up to multiple analytics services and exposes t…

Ruby5 #493

Ruby5 - Episode #493 - September 5th, 2014 Ruby5 - Episode #493 - September 5th, 2014 TimeWithZone Reading Rails descriptive_statistics adds methods to the Enumerable module to allow easy calculation of basic descriptive statistics of Nume…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #115

There's a Spectrum Involved Here (Brandon Bloom) Circle CI OM - A ClojureScript interface to Facebook's React Clojure Prolog Haskell (Monad) Spectrum ? brendon contracting various people program 15 google microsoft financially recommend en…

thoughtbot Build Phase #53

Wave Thingies in the Recording Thingie Wave Thingies in the Recording Thingie FishPlayStreetFighter ocmock travis false positive SRP - single responsibility principle scroll view recording thingy new video game whats happening describe loo…

NSScreencast Episode #135 Animating Constraints

Animating Constraints - NSScreencast 動的にAutoLayoutを設定しアニメーションする 以前のプロジェクトの続き Add properties for constraints and views @property (nonatomic, strong) NSLayoutConstraint *leftWidthConstraint; @property (nonatomic, …

MotionInMotion Episode 40 - Interface Builder and the IB Gem

Interface Builder and the IB Gem - MotionInMotion ib gemを使って1からプロジェクト作成 gem 'ib' .gitignore ib.xcodeproj controller extend IB outlet :title, UILabel def button_pressed(sender) rake rake ib rake ib:project gem install libxml-r…