MotionInMotion Episode 40 - Interface Builder and the IB Gem
Interface Builder and the IB Gem - MotionInMotion
ib gemを使って1からプロジェクト作成
- gem 'ib'
- .gitignore
- ib.xcodeproj
- controller
- extend IB
- outlet :title, UILabel
- def button_pressed(sender)
- rake
- rake ib
- rake ib:project
- gem install libxml-ruby
- XCode
- Supporting Files
- Stub.h
- Resources
- New file: Interface - Storyboard
- AutoLayout
- Ctrl + drag
- connection between UI and code
- corresponding outlet in Stub.h
- Ctrl + drag
- Supporting Files
- app_delegate
- storyboard = UIStoryboard.storyboardWithName("Main", bundle: nil)
- @window.rootViewController = storyboard.instantiateInitialViewController