quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


thoughtbot Build Phase #32

Ed Bageley Jr. Reactive Coco KVO - Key-Value Coding and Observing Key-Value Coding and Observing - Foundation - objc.io issue #7 music on usually itunes punk ska begly junior actor floating back station mostly recycle paper disposable masa…

thoughtbot Build Phase #31

It Had A Good Run Liftoff 1.1 liftoffのdistribution pre build binary使えない facade pattern decorator pattern Decorator Pattern Categoryっぽい AutoCoding nicklockwood/AutoCoding · GitHub AutoCoding is a category on NSObject that provides a…

MotionInMotion Episode 16 - NSFetchedResultsController

NSFetchedResultsController - MotionInMotion 単純なTaskモデルのCRUD NSFetchedResultsControllerを使ってCoreDataに保存 easy to maintain table views will be faster memory usage will go down TaskListController viewDidLoad error_ptr = Pointer.ne…

thoughtbot Build Phase #30

Rocket Fuel mdoc mdocのフォーマット .Nm liftoffとか liftoff/man/liftoff.1 at master · thoughtbot/liftoff · GitHub liftoff - CLI for creating and configuring new Xcode projects liftoffrc - ./, ~/, デフォルトの順 XCode回りがすぐ壊れるからメ…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #91

Not Ruining Design (Rich Thornett) Rich Thornett, Co-Founder of Dribbble Dribbble - Popular Dribbble is show and tell for designers Research, statisticsとかもともとやってた 仕事は主にリモート あまり興味わく内容がなかった research remote gr…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #90

Do One Thing Well (George Brocklehurst, Mike Burns) George Brocklehurst & Mike Burns of thoughtbot's Stockholm office Meetup at stockholm (Vim, Haskell) Code Reading Group gitsh Announcing gitsh python もともとGoを使おうとした rubyだとrvm…

NSScreencast Episode #112 Giggletouch

Giggletouch - NSScreencast タッチすると図形と赤ん坊の声が出るアプリの更新 old app iOS 5 Sprite Kit XCodeでSprite Kitゲームテンプレート 初心者の為のSprite Kit チュートリアル | Ray Wenderlich 座標の原点が左下(左上ではない) GTViewController…

Ruby5 #450

Ruby5 - Episode #450– March 21st, 2014 Prawn 1.0 Work began on the Prawn PDF toolkit in April 2008 Since 0.13 shipped in December 2013 Nobody Knows Ruby 5min video @plexus Wroc_love.rb 2014 $_ echo 'aaa' | ruby -p -e '$_.upcase' Ruby flip-…

Ruby5 #449

Ruby5 - Episode #449– March 18th, 2014 Experimental Features business hours feature flag Rails is Half Your App there are two parts of your application, the part that only works inside Rails and the part that is independent of Rails Rake R…

Ruby5 #448

Ruby5 - Episode #448 – March 14th, 2014 Circuit Breaker Martin Fowler describes the Circuit Breaker pattern Cucumber top 5 7min video Speed up specs base_spec_helper services_spec_helper decorators_spec_helper models_spec_helper feature_sp…

NSScreencast Episode #111 Xcode 5.1

Xcode 5.1 - NSScreencast XCode5.1の解説 NSLogとdescriptionメソッドのオーバーライド debugQuickLookObjectで図などのオブジェクトがプレビューできる XCodeの下のペインの目のアイコン breakpoint時に変数を選択して目のアイコンで UIBezierPath 図形描…

MotionInMotion Episode 15 - Grand Central Dispatch

Grand Central Dispatch - MotionInMotion 画像をバックグラウンドで順にロードする Grand Central Dispatch background task singleton ImageList def self.sharedInstance Dispatch.once { @shared = self.new } ; @shared instead of @shared ||= self.ne…

NSScreencast Episode #110 Swipe to Reveal Redux

Swipe to Reveal Redux - NSScreencast セルをスワイプしてactionする機能で 以前のやつで問題を指摘されたのでその解決 challenging scroll view eating touches subclass of UIScrollView BSTapScrollView.h @optional scrollView touchesBegan scrollView…


動画 10分 RubyMotionで計算機作る 独特の書き方 gem install under-os motion create test --template=uos

Ruby5 #447

Ruby5 - Episode #447 – March 11th, 2014 Google Summer of Code -Rails has been accepted into the Google Summer of Code 2014 Google will pay you $5500 over the course of three months to work on the code Test-Driven Rails Part 2 The focus is …

MotionInMotion Episode 14 - Five Advanced RubyMotionQuery Tips

Five Advanced RubyMotionQuery Tips - MotionInMotion rmqと画像、ラベルのスタイル sample app (Scroll view + Labels) MainController rmq(self.view).append(UIView).tag(:container) rmq(:container).resize_to_fit_subviews rmq(self.view).attr(conte…

MotionInMotion Episode 13 - Dynamic Type

Dynamic Type - MotionInMotion フォントサイズの変更 PostsControllerTableViewDataSource app/data_sources/PostsControllerTableViewDataSource.rb cell.textLabel.font = UIFont.preferredFontForTextStyle(UIFontTextStyleHeadline) Headline, SubHeadl…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #89 ★

Moving Beyond The Wheel (Mahmoud Abdelkader) Mahmoud Abdelkader of Balanced python 動的なdebugとか open source open company (inspired by github) Balanced · GitHub balanced-cookbooks · GitHub chef precog processor [その2] Balanced: 会計シス…

Ruby5 #446

Ruby5 - Episode #446 - March 7th, 2014 Drone Hate Jenkins but want to run your own CI server? Under OS iOS app in 10 minutes (video) SpriteKit Hello Ruby children’s book that teaches programming fundamentals Linda Liukas RubyGems.org Costs…

Ruby5 #445

Ruby5 - Episode #445 – March 4th, 2014 Interactors Rails, the Missing Parts Part 1 – Interactors Component-based Architecture MountainWest RubyConf 2013 Component-based Architectures in Ruby and Rails by Stephan Hagemann 30 min how you can…

Ruby5 #444

Ruby5 - Episode #444 – February 28th, 2014 New Relic browser page loading Thermometer heatmap acts_as_thermometer measure_temperature_for Atom Editor hackable text editor for the 21st Century Rails 4.1 starter app with OmniAuth RailsApps (…

thoughtbot Build Phase #29

Smoothies: A Private Affair goto fail; - braceを絶対に使う Detecting unreachable code is easy with AppCode 普通ならUnit Testでなんとかできる AppCodeリファクタリング使えるけど、XCodeから乗り換えることは考えられない this week majorably wife …

NSScreencast Episode #109 MDMCoreData

MDMCoreData - NSScreencast 体重のデータをCoreDataに登録、表示 pod 'MDMCoreData', '~> 1.0' MDMPersistenceController.m [self.managedObjectContext setParentContext:self.writerObjectContext]; storeUrl = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[self documentsD…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #88

Prospering Communities (Kyle Bragger) Kyle Bragger of Elepath, Inc exposure - photo service cto thing love writing code too vision community around product functionality backbone git branching exposure share designer inventor really intere…

thoughtbot Build Phase #28

Too Drunk To Ruck static table view rubyでクライアント、Objective-Cでサーバーを作った CocoaHTTPServer robbiehanson/CocoaHTTPServer · GitHub RoutingHTTPServer mattstevens/RoutingHTTPServer · GitHub testflight買収の話 bustly SkyRocket Burstl…