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thoughtbot podcast Episode #59 ★

thoughtbot Learn Episode #59 Nowhere to Hide thoughtbot CTO Joe Ferris about the technical interview process at thoughtbot 面接で3つの議題 base line rails focused code review brain teaser 難問,クイズ fibonacci hardest philosophical differ…

Ruby5 #389

Ruby5 - Episode #389 - July 26th, 2013 Rails 3.2.14 more than 150 commits 3.2.15 will be last La Conf Paris Yehuda, Steve, Avdi ... youtube, 座って話してる Practicing Ruby 一部無料公開 Shoes 4 gui toolkit for Ruby WindowsもOK Base16-builde…

Ruby5 #388

Ruby5 - Episode #388 - July 23rd, 2013 License your gems! spec.license = 'MIT' spec.licenses = ['MIT', 'GPL-2'] LicenseFinder pivotal製 Choose a License github製 Choosing an OSS license doesn’t need to be scary - ChooseALicense.com Custom …

NSScreencast Episode #46 Fun with UICollectionView

Fun with UICollectionView - NSScreencast いろいろな形、レイアウトでCollectionViewを表示 UICollectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath Custom collection view cell (subclass) @interface NumberCell : UICollectionViewCell initWithFrame viewDidLoad […

NSScreencast Episode #47 Gesture Recognizers

Gesture Recognizers - NSScreencast tapした場所に画像を表示させる、移動、拡大縮小、回転 common initWithTarget:self, action:@selector(onViewDoubleTap:) [self.view addGestureRecognizer:tapRecognizer]; UITapGestureRecognizer tapRecognizer.numb…

NSScreencast Episode #76 Extracting Data From Strings

Extracting Data From Strings - NSScreencast 文章から文字列を抽出する NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:@"^Name:\s*?(.+)" options:NSRegularExpressionCaseInsensitive \w, \s enumerateMatchesInString usingBlock [input substringW…

NSScreencast Episode #75 A Tale of UIScrollView Customization

A Tale of UIScrollView Customization - NSScreencast 画面半分のTableViewが上下にスクロールする UIScrollView .frame.origin.y .frame.size.height self.tableView.tableHeaderView = self.filterView; UIScrollViewDelegate scrollViewDidScroll MAX(0,…

NSScreencast Episode #74 OAuth2

OAuth2 - NSScreencast InstagramでOAuth2使って画像を取得 OAuth1.0 cumbersome to implement client side implicit authentication response_type=token NSURL URLWithString [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:url]; include token every reque…

NSScreencast Episode #55 Versioning

Versioning - NSScreencast バージョンの付け方、ツール Marketing version -> Version iTunesで見る番号 (1.0.1) Build version string short Build Info.plist (Build version) mainBundle infoDictionary CFBundleShortVersionString CFBundleVersion whe…

NSScreencast Episode #72 Objective-C Collections

Objective-C Collections - NSScreencast 主にNSSetの説明 NSSet, NSArray, NSOrderedSet, and NSDictionary NSArray [array enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) { idx がある (*stop) = YES; で止める(break) (BOOL) contai…

thoughtbot podcast Episode #58

thoughtbot Learn Episode #58 A Thousand Neckbeards Pat Brisbin, and Mike Burns ほぼHaskell話のみ Haskell functional strong type ambiguous windows manager xmonad http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xmonad がきっかけ haskell web framework Yesod Sna…

Ruby5 #387

Ruby5 - Episode #387 - July 19th, 2013 Faster deploys Speed up your Heroku deploys simple, asset precompile, memcache @MACCAW Scaling Heroku Automatically Scaling Heroku Workers heroku api key??? Sass sourcemaps CSS sourcemaps in-browser S…

Ruby5 #386

Ruby5 - Episode #386 - July 16th, 2013 Pulsar - Capistrano config manager Datamappify decouple - domain logic, form logic, persistence Virtus Mmailer background email queue メール送信の調整ができる sendgridの代替になる Gutentag tagging gem…

Ruby5 #385

Ruby5 - Episode #385 - July 12th, 2013 RSpec 2.14 - last version of 2 Rails Security Course - code climate Heroku Pipelines - herokuでstagingとか Bogus - make your unit tests more reliable by ensuring that you don't stub or mock methods Dr…

thoughtbot podcast Episode #57

thoughtbot Learn Episode #57 Delayed Gratification Michael Klett, Co-founder and tech lead of Chargify from 2009 4 yrs old billing service contact phone profitability customer launch tech crunch september demo startup sponsor confernce api…

thoughtbot podcast Episode #56 ★

thoughtbot Learn Episode #56 Code in a Bubble Bath Alex MacCaw 世界中旅しながら、プログラミングとか、本とかも書いてた人 前twitterで働いてた formerly twitter spine.js backbone non block design interface OSSで(既存の似た物を作って?)まれに苦…

Ruby5 #384

Ruby5 - Episode #384 - July 9, 2013 Declutter Lib また7 Patterns to Refactor Fat ActiveRecord Modelsに近い話 Puma vs. Passenger Exception Notification 4.0 errbit使って、その安定感とアクティビティからしたら他のgemは興味湧かない Ettu Etags良…

Ruby5 #383

Ruby5 - Episode #383 - July 2, 2013 One Liner Webserver Nobuyoshi Nakada $ ruby -run -e httpd . -p 5000 Writing Better Controllers not to use stubs or mocks / mess of stubs and mocks verified_double gem for verifying rspec mocks Building a…

thoughtbot podcast Episode #55

thoughtbot Learn Episode #55 The Value of Flow designer and founder of Authentic Jobs, Cameron Moll authenticjobs 99% time hiring manage site how start job movable type automate monetise Speaker Cameron Moll / Designer, Speaker, Author boo…

Ruby5 #382

Ruby5 - Episode #382 - June 28, 2013 Rails 4.0 10000 commits Russian Doll-caching security default Patched Rubies ssl vulnerability Hakiri gem $ hakiri system:scan CVE i18n-tasks gem find missing / unused translations i18n:missing i18n:pre…

NSScreencast Episode #73 SSL Pinning

SSL Pinning - NSScreencast self-sign a certificateを使う Charles HTTP proxy / HTTP monitor Proxy > Proxy Settings SSL tab, a self-signed certificate Proxy > Breakpoints edit response add crt file to project open ssl convert openssl x509 -i…

NSScreencast Episode #53 RestKit - Object Manager

RestKit - Object Manager - NSScreencast Wikiページ操作のアプリをUnit testで動かす RKPathFromPatternWithObject (@"/wiki/:category.name/:pageID/:slug.value\.html", page) STAssertEqualObjects , nil); type mismatch (unsigned int) (int)self.obj…

NSScreencast Episode #52 RestKit - CoreData

RestKit - CoreData - NSScreencast RestKitとCoreDataを使ってデータを取得 @interface Beer : NSManagedObject NSOrderedSet *breweries; @dynamic abv, ibu, labelIconImageUrl, name, breweries, style; MappingProvider [RKEntityMapping mappingForEnt…

thoughtbot podcast Episode #54

thoughtbot Learn Episode #54 Build your stuff on the side and have a good time 17 year old Jack Kaufman, author of The Found a Business Book 起業家にインタビューした本 email, interview over skype second edition more entreprenr new intervie…