quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)

thoughtbot podcast Episode #55

thoughtbot Learn Episode #55 The Value of Flow

designer and founder of Authentic Jobs, Cameron Moll

99% time
hiring manage site

how start job
movable type

Speaker Cameron Moll / Designer, Speaker, Author

book - Hire With Your Head

open flow
vs interuption google, facebook

podcast Hired. - A podcast about work life and company culture, and how our guests do both of those things awesomely well.

graduate degree marketing

[authentic] 14 years, brand

worry things
business tomorrow

disappearing tomorrow

scary thing
interviewed Jack Kaufman
17 years old

when happiest
able to focus family

impacting world

design question
flat design
ios 7

Ben most significant in last 90 days
railsconf talk

authentic 本物の、正真正銘の、信頼のおける http://eow.alc.co.jp/authentic/utf-8/