Ruby5 - Episode #608 - December 18th, 2015 Kafka distributed message queue minitest-hyper Generates attractive, self-contained HTML reports for your Minitest runs X-Model Search, Part 2 Ember, Rails, and Elasticsearch Shy Code Sometimes, i…
Ruby5 - Episode #607 - December 15th, 2015 Rails, Secure Cookies, HSTS and friends TLS redirection, secure cookies, and HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS.) How Bundler Works Bundler pro tips when developing on multiple applications at o…
体系的に学ぶ 安全なWebアプリケーションの作り方 脆弱性が生まれる原理と対策の実践作者: 徳丸浩出版社/メーカー: ソフトバンククリエイティブ発売日: 2011/03/03メディア: 大型本購入: 119人 クリック: 4,283回この商品を含むブログ (145件) を見る Vmware…
数字のウソを見抜く (サイエンス・アイ新書)作者: 野口哲典出版社/メーカー: SBクリエイティブ株式会社発売日: 2008/05/15メディア: Kindle版この商品を含むブログを見る ナンバーズ予想メール 全通り 降水確率0% -> 0-5 ブラックバスに印をつけて放す測り方…
ビックリするほどiPS細胞がわかる本 ES細胞やiPSといった万能細胞の基礎知識から再生医療の可能性まで (サイエンス・アイ新書)作者: 北條元治出版社/メーカー: ソフトバンククリエイティブ発売日: 2012/09/20メディア: 新書 クリック: 28回この商品を含むブ…
天才の発想力 エジソンとテスラ、発明の神に学ぶ (サイエンス・アイ新書)作者: 新戸雅章出版社/メーカー: SBクリエイティブ株式会社発売日: 2013/08/01メディア: Kindle版この商品を含むブログを見る 研究熱心 しらみつぶし 蓄音機への愛着 GE マーケティン…
Ruby5 - Episode #606 - December 11th, 2015 Ruby Technical Interviews algorithm Squiggly HEREDOC = <<~SQUIGGLY_HEREDOC Thanks nobu DHH Keynotes Ten years of RailsConf keynotes — Signal v. Noise — Medium Sidekiq for Microservices Module boun…
Ruby5 - Episode #605 - December 8th, 2015 Migrate Rails app from MongoDB to PostgreSQL using mongoid and mongoid/moped, which not only caused memory leaks (rack mini profiler) class UsersRepository Immutable strings in Ruby 2.3 3 times fas…
42: That's Incredibly Ambitious (Grayson Wright) | The Bike Shed Grayson Wright about building Administrate Announcing Administrate Rails Admin, Active Admin heavy weight DSL for customizing bourbon neat spree Code for America Seattle, Sal…
Rebuild: 117: Charging Slowly RubyConf San Antonio Texus Austin 音楽, Perfume Tacos, Mexican Pebble Time Round 普通の時計っぽい YouTube Music Nexus 5X Rebuild: 118: The Lonely Operator (Matz, a_matsuda) matzは普段は初日多い 日本人は最終日 …
Ruby5 - Episode #604 - December 1st, 2015 Getting Started With MiniTest test-driven development approach every test file is class SemVer for Library Maintainers Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 Architecting Rails Apps As Microservices service-ori…
171: Always Be Hustling (Steli Efti) | Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast Steli Efti, CEO and Co-founder of Close.io love teaching Close.io – Stop logging calls and emails and start making them instead. For sales people,…
39: Okay with Instability (with Yehuda Katz) | The Bike Shed Yehuda Katz DHH deadline ember, Rust release cycle Rust Traits Seek Haskell complicated ecosystem tea party attitude ティーパーティー運動 - Wikipedia DSL 40: ActiveRecord Depreca…
Ruby5 - Episode #603 - November 24th, 2015 RubyConf 2015 Talks Confreaks TV | rubyconf2015 Lexical Scoping Ruby's class variables are confusing Toggle for a Rails App how to implement feature toggle balvig/chili · GitHub mgsnova/feature · …
Ruby5 - Episode #602 - November 20th, 2015 Matz matz/streem · GitHub Matz is Nice And So We Are Nice MINASWAN - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia safe navigation, &. lonely operator, Hash#dig, frozen string Ruby 3x3 rebump concurrent, actor…
Ruby5 - Episode #601 - November 17th, 2015 Keeping Updated on Security Alerts how (and why) to stay up to date on security alerts Ruby Security Mailing List and the Rails Security Mailing List CVE Reports Automating Code Review With Pronto…
168: 'Unpronounceable' (Star Simpson) | Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast Chad Pytel and Laila Winner welcome Star Simpson (Ben on vacation) mutual friend 共通の友達 Makani developing energy kites, a new type of wind tu…
Rebuild: 115: Apple TV Bowling (naan) Yosemite Rim Fire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia El capitan Ad block Hulu $3 YouTube Red iOS/tvOS emulator jasarien/Provenance · GitHub Google Play podcast Overcast Meet by Sunrise Outlook Fantasti…
Ruby5 - Episode #600 - November 13th, 2015 Ruby2.3.0-preview1 Released Frozen String Literal Pragma Safe navigation operator did_you_mean gem Hash Comparison in Ruby 2.3 { a: 1, b: 2 } >= { a: 1 } Rails 4.2.5.rc2 and 4.1.14.rc2 Released mo…
Ruby5 - Episode #599 - November 10th, 2015 Ruby Microservice EventMachine + Sinatra web socket Trigram Search in Rails and PostgreSQL autocomplete search google - g, go, goo, oog, ogl, gle, le CSRF Protection Safari browsers appear to be o…
Ruby5 - Episode #598 - November 6th, 2015 How Ruby Works Tokenizing, Lexing, Parsing Testing Google Maps cucumber Announcing Administrate Thoughtbot No DSLs plugin architecture The Last N Records endmost all.only(:order).from(all.reverse_o…
Ruby5 - Episode #597 - November 3rd, 2015 Safe Navigation Operator Feature #11537: Introduce "Safe navigation operator" - Ruby trunk - Ruby Issue Tracking System Upgrading to Sidekiq 4.0 6 times faster Memory Leaks A list of Ruby gems that…
Ruby5 - Episode #596 - October 30th, 2015 Solidus Spree is aquired fork of Spree the developers at Bonobos and Stembolt (formerly FreeRunning Technologies) Life of a Rubyist Reddit Rubinius Rubinius, Inc as a "benefit company" Mocking AAA …
Rebuild: 44: OS X Pier 39 (N, naan) キーボード進化してない フリック キーボードでアプリ落ちる OS X 地名 Twitter mute DHH IPO tweets Ruby ISO Rebuild: 48: Demoralized By Swift (Kenn Ejima) ASCIIwwdc - Searchable full-text transcripts of WWDC…
37: The Web is Faster Without Garbage | The Bike Shed between projects not on client project iOS 9 content blockers Google ads Skyscraper Ad - Marketing Terms HTTP header Do Not Track - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Rails , Rust Attribu…
Rebuild: 113: My Dad Is A YouTuber (N) fastly Twitter lay off 給料もらって遊べる ビザ L1 1年日本支社で働けば来れる 一番来やすい Green Cardになれる、早くて1年くらい L1B L1A - manager class H1 - skilled worker CAPが無い 4月発行 来年の10月ま…
Ruby5 - Episode #595 - October 27th, 2015 What’s New in Rails 5 Ruby 2.2.1 Rack 2 Deprecate alias_method_chain Render templates outside of controller Turbolinks 3 Action Cable Added #or to ActiveRecord::Relation belongs_to will now trigger…
Ruby5 - Episode #594 - October 23rd, 2015 Default UUIDs In Rails enable_extension 'uuid-ossp' config.generators do |g| g.orm :active_record, primary_key_type: :uuid Trix A rich text editor for everyday writing Basecamp Safe Navigation in R…
Ruby5 - Episode #593 - October 20th, 2015 Elasticsearch Async Callbacks codemy video Basecamp Dynamic Def Memoization, State Machines, Fibonacci Functional Service Objects on Rails inspired by Piotr Solnica's talk "Blending Function and OO…
Ruby5 - Episode #592 - October 16th, 2015 Rails Downloads Accelerated Rails Downloads with NGINX config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = "X-Accel-Redirect" # for NGINX proxy_set_header X-Accel-Mapping /home/deployer/apps/my_app/releases…