thoughtbot The Bike Shed Episode #42-43
42: That's Incredibly Ambitious (Grayson Wright) | The Bike Shed
Grayson Wright about building Administrate
- Announcing Administrate
- spree
- Code for America
- Seattle, Salt Lake
- Listen this podcast 1.5x on comuting
- talking slow
43: That's DOCTOR Internet Technologist | The Bike Shed
hosts Derek Prior, Sean Griffin, Laila Winner
- cyber monday
- Teachable moment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- code review
- factory girl
- code review
- first project after apprenticeship
- rails
- OOP, code sharing
- spree gem
- callback everywhere - difficult
- the more experienced, the less wanna use RSpec DSL
- avoiding DSL
- seed or fixtures
- edge case
- factory
- specific value?
- present?
- database_cleaner
- mutating, track id?
- internet technologist
- DevOps
- secure random