quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


Ruby5 #571

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/613-episode-571-july-28th-2015 RubyIssue(s) twice a month mailing list “Errno” Exceptions irb> Errno.constants => [:NOERROR, :EPERM, :ENOENT, :ESRCH, :EINTR, :EIO, Griddler Rails engine that provides a…

Rebuild 99, 100

Rebuild: 99: The Next Generation Of HTTP (kazuho) Googleがオーディオを検索できるようにする未来 Oracle v. Google APIの著作権 android AOSP うるう秒 DST H2O HTTP2 optimize HTTP2 HTTP/2 リソースの優先順位 HTTPS必須 CloudFlare GRPC データセンタ…

5JS #85


https://fivejs.codeschool.com/episodes/92-episode-85-july-23rd-2015 The 5 ES7 Decorators @require , @debug , @wrap , @memoize , @if , @ngController Dragula - Simple Drag and Drop doesn’t depend on frameworks provides visual feedback dragul…

5JS #84


https://fivejs.codeschool.com/episodes/91-episode-84-july-16th-2015 jQuery 3.0 Alpha simplification of the show and hide methods compatibility with Promises/A+ and ES2015 Promises Surprising Things About JavaScript 7 JavaScript features (E…

5JS #83


https://fivejs.codeschool.com/episodes/90-episode-83-july-9th-2015 Recreating a Dialup Modem JSConf US 2015 decode/encode series of sound An Introduction to Component State in React.js 5 minutes video Doubling Down on npm Bower -> frontend…

Ruby5 #570

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/612-episode-570-july-24th-2015 Daemons in Ruby A theoretical introduction to unix daemons pstree Docker for Ruby Apps Build a Minimal Docker Container for Ruby Apps Alpine Linux BusyBox blog post from …

Ruby5 #569

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/611-episode-569-july-21st-2015 High Performance Caching With Readthis a Redis-backed library for extremely fast caching Colorized SQL Logging Backport for ActiveRecord gem 'activerecord-colored_log_sub…

Ruby5 #568

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/610-episode-568-july-17th-2015 New feature in Rails 5 Rendering views outside of actions Enumerable#without and Enumerable#pluck Bundler Version 1.10 Released the lock command, support for inline gemfi…

Ruby5 #567

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/609-episode-567-july-14th-2015 Enumerated Types integrating PostgreSQL’s enumerator into a Rails application ActiveRecord::Enum CREATE TYPE gender AS ENUM ('male', 'female', 'not_sure', 'prefer_not_to_…

Ruby5 #566

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/608-episode-566-july-10th-2015 Pliny Updates Opinionated template Sinatra app for writing excellent APIs in Ruby License to SIGKILL SIGKILL $ kill -9 “end now without cleanup” similar to using CTRL+ALT…

Ruby5 #565

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/607-episode-565-july-7th-2015 Building Command-Line Apps janlelis/paint · GitHub flori/term-ansicolor · GitHub sickill/rainbow · GitHub erikhuda/thor · GitHub ahoward/main · GitHub davetron5000/gli · G…

Ruby5 #564

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/606-episode-564-july-3rd-2015 Terminal Kung Fu local-subdomain gem Ctrl + w - Deletes everything to the left of the cursor (one word at a time) bundle exec rake notes:custom ANNOTATION=REFACTOR Find so…

5JS #82


https://fivejs.codeschool.com/episodes/89-episode-82-july-2nd-2015 Pure JavaScript maze generator Phaser (game lib) You Might Not Need Underscore reindex.io utility libraries like Underscore and lodash JavaScript in One Picture coodict/jav…

iOS Bytes #76

https://iosbytes.codeschool.com/episodes/78-episode-76-july-2nd-2015 Delivering High Scroll Performance how Facebook delivers fast scroll view performance NSValue and Boxed Expressions boxed expression syntax support for structs Scripting …

thoughtbot The Bike Shed Episode #20, 21, 22

20: Intentionally Excruciatingly Painful | The Bike Shed Josh Clayton view spec slow feature spec thoughtbot/formulaic · GitHub Simplify form filling with Capybara trptcolin/consistency_fail · GitHub A tool for detecting missing unique ind…

Ruby5 #563

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/605-episode-563-june-30th-2015 Crafting Your First Pry Plugin pry-byebug, pry-debugger, pry-remote pry-rails, pry-macro pry-coolline, pry-theme Rails Girls Łódź 2015 Łódź 29-30th May 2015 Łódź ポーラン…

Ruby5 #562

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/604-episode-562-june-26th-2015 Rails Multi-Database Best Practices Roundup Do not use establish_connection for other models. Only use it for the base connection class MysqlBase.connection.cache { yield…

Rebuild 97, 98

Rebuild: 97: Minimum Viable Standard (omo) llvm BitCode MonolithFirst DHH Don’t start with a monolith ひどい話、経歴分散システム CORBA(黒歴史)とか言っている人を信用していいのか chanko extensionとmoduleのバウンダリー テーブルが何千になる un…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #147-152

147: Cry Through it, and Keep Typing (Saron Yitbarek) | Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast Saron Yitbarek CodeNewbies Digital Ocean Slack is made for community 148: We All Want to be Heard (Rebecca Miller-Webster) | Gian…