quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


Ruby Facets #1

One.new | Ruby Facets Ruby 2.4.0 Preview 2 Sidekiq 4.2 Suture Michael Feathers - Characterization Testing RubyConf 2016 November 10th and 12th Ticket prices are either $400 for a normal ticket or $1,000 if you'd like to support RubyConf Ru…

The last Ruby5 #645

Ruby5 - Episode #645 - September 20th, 2016 しばらく更新無いと思ったが、CodeSchool提供のPodcastが全て終了した その辺の都合は、買収による親会社の影響もあるんだろうなと想像する Online Learning Service Pluralsight Acquires Code School For $36…

thoughtbot Build Phase #101-105

101: SELECT is Not Broken | Build Phase RubyMotion project 102: The Bakery District | Build Phase XCode Automatic code signing Swift4 103: That Tumbleweed Has a +2 WAR | Build Phase Cmd + Shift + K, Cmd + Option + Shift + K (Clean, Clean B…

Rebuild 156, 157, 158

Rebuild: 156: Holes In The Socks (higepon) Amazon CAPTCHA 電子献本 ペルソナ 対マネージャー マネージャとのつきあいかた - サンフランシスコではたらくソフトウェアエンジニア - Higepon’s blog 使える時間は対等じゃない 手がかからない人 放置、重要…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #207-209

207: Database & Queue are Dirty Words (Derrick Reimer) | Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots Derrick Reimer, co-founder of Drip Startup SaaS app Drip Mailchimp aquired AWS 6 web, 8 job Marketing Automation Workflows by Drip drag …

thoughtbot The Bike Shed Episode #78-80

78: I'm an Adult and I Choose Java | The Bike Shed full time open source android studio ADB(Android Debug Bridge), Eclipse install in order (Java -> android) otherwise, weird and miserable IntelliJ Dagger Swift Scala Kotlin Programming Lan…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #199-206

199: Heartening Frustration | Giant Robots Smashing into Other Giant Robots Podcast heartening, disheartening David Allen's Getting Things Done® Methodology 200: Summertime Sadness | Giant Robots Smashing into Other Giant Robots Podcast pa…

thoughtbot The Bike Shed Episode #69-77

69: No More Drills | The Bike Shed Elixir thoughtbot ♥️ Elixir Bamboo (email) ExMachina (factory girl) Ecto Rails 5 70: Make Small Things (Sandi Metz) | The Bike Shed Sandi Metz Sandi Metz' Rules Classes can be no longer than one hundred l…

Rebuild 152, 153, 154, 155

Rebuild: 152: The True Jenkins Master (naoya) SOFT SKILLS 集中力 筋肉、瞑想 不動産投資 セルフブランディング チャットは邪魔 ゲーム ハードワークが必要 Slackの生産性 ゆとってない 視界から外れる Quitter Apps – Marco.org rescue time チャンネル…