Application URLs - MotionInMotion 2つのアプリ間を遷移 Authenticator app.info_plist['CFBundleURLTypes'] CFBundleURLName, CFBundleURLSchemes def application(application, openURL:url, sourceApplication:sourceApplication, annotation:annotation…
Unwinding Segues - NSScreencast unwind segueを使って画面を戻す unwindFromRecordWeight:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue unwindFromLog:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue drag back button to Exit of VC drag yellow icon(the most left) to Exit save _didSave …
Ruby5 - Episode #443 – February 25th, 2014 RSpec 2.99 and 3.0 beta 2 Deprecate inexact mock_with Deprecate show_failures_in_pending_blocks Ruby is Legal (2.1.1) 21st birthday faster Rumors of Ruby’s Demise Avdi Grimm concurrency-oriented p…
Monitoring the Bathrooms (Tony DiPasquale) Tony DiPasquale on utilizing Arduino engineering Arduinoでbathroomのモニタリング センサー用とかと通信とポスト用のもの 3D printing tony ios hardware hacker built crazy project at office arduino det…
Valentimes Day Ruby良い memoize ||= Categories, Façade pattern Custom UIViewController Transitions UIActionSheet UIActionSheet - iPhoneアプリ開発の虎の巻 this week auto layout nothing super exciting color background tint color issue missed…
Ruby5 - Episode #442 – February 21st, 2014 Jim Weirich passed away Jim Weirich and the Searchers - Has anybody seen my code? Put testing gems in both the development and test Gemfile groups · d28fac7 · jimweirich/wyriki · GitHub Jim Weiric…
Ruby5 - Episode #441 - February 18th, 2014 mruby 1.0 Lua Hound CI reviews GitHub pull requests for style guide violations Sass, Ruby, Coffeescript, Objective-C, and Python ActiveInteraction helps manage application specific business logic …
RMQ - MotionInMotion RMQを使ってスタイルの設定 infinitered RubyMotionQuery - RMQ | InfiniteRed 6 minute intro on why RMQ is so cool 36 Minute video creating an Image Browser app command line generator rmq create my_app rmq api File: README…
Swipe to Reveal Cells - NSScreencast 左スワイプして2種類のアクションを表示する Reveal $89 Reveal App cell - contentView - scrollView - view storyboard set same value of x, y(0, 0) and width, height to all views set autolayout 4 margins and…
Ruby5 - The latest news in the Ruby and Rails community PostgreSQL configuring PostgreSQL PostGIS Sharding, Partitioning gitsh brew tap thoughtbot/formulae brew install gitsh Ask Ruby Parsing a Yeats Poem Telling Ruby What To Do Ask Ruby F…
Humility and Patience (Peter Reinhardt) Peter Reinhardt, Co-founder and CEO of Segment.io node.js, express.js, aws Analytics.js Introduction to Analytics.js - Google アナリティクス — Google Developers analytics.js-integrations segmentio/an…
Teacup - MotionInMotion teacupなどを使ってスタイルやconstraintsを設定 teacup sugarcube sweettea (teacup + sugarcube = sweettea) class PostView < UIView layout self do subview UITextView, :content_view, { app/styles/ Teacup::Stylesheet.new …
UITableViewCell Swipe Action - NSScreencast TableViewでMark as readのマークをスワイプでトグルする SwipeCell layoutSubviews _scrollView = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:self.contentView.bounds]; [self.contentView insertSubview:_scrollV…
Russia Is Watching You Shower やる気がなくてカンファレンス行かなかった、ゲームしてた dots, letterpress threes THREES - A tiny puzzle that grows on you Flappy Birdsが受けたのが理解できない fish bird (Splashy fish?) mario tiny wings adsの出…
Ruby5 - Episode #439 - February 11th, 2014 Structuring Sinatra trevi trevi brisk Monocle maccman/monocle · GitHub ActiveRestClient class Person < ActiveRestClient::Base base_url Rails.application.config.api_server_url get :all, "/people" g…
Ruby5 - Episode #438 - February 7th, 2014 NewRelic Browser Wars Browser Wars Infographic Recursion Ruby Hangout with David Bock 7 Lines Add these 7 lines to your project's Rakefile rake console Token Based Authentication in Rails authentic…
Ruby5 - Episode #437 - February 4th, 2014 Token Based Authentication header authentication Recommundle recommendation engine git_pretty_accept merge commit x pull request Persisting data with PStore human readable Practicing Ruby journal o…
I Want These Ideas To Be Free (Max Temkin) Max Temkin, creator of Cards Against Humanity and Humans vs. Zombies game meditation book Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind podcast Anxiety's a Goat Steve Jobsの本嫌い いろいろ不満が多い人だった people li…
Welcome To The New South PennywiseのFull Circleというアルバム何度も聞いてた http://www.rdio.com/artist/Pennywise/album/Full_Circle/ Bro hymn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_n8TuSVmOrw Fight Till You Die http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dmAW…
Strong versus Copy - NSScreencast propertyのstrongとcopyの違い @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *name; にすべき mutable NSMutableString NSMutableArray [name replaceCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1) withString:@"A"]; 間違えるとおかし…
ProMotion + Formotion - MotionInMotion Formotionでフォームの実装 gem 'formotion' controlの種類 List of all the row types · clayallsopp/formotion Wiki · GitHub class AddZaggleForm < PM::FormotionScreen def table_data sections - rows - title…
The Bus Number (Harper Reed) Harper Reed, former CTO of Threadless, former CTO of Obama for America, and currently CEO of Modest Obama campaign HealthCare.gov マネージメントは全く別の仕事 Obamaプロジェクトとか参加できたのはネットワーキング…
Ruby5 - Episode #436 - January 31st, 2014 Elixir Fountain Elixir news every week Argus Ruby API for controlling a Parrot AR Drone start, take_off, turn_right/left, hover, land, stop STI + Hstore better STI experience in Rails by leveraging…
A Meat Sack Full of Impostor Syndrome Justified (tv show) Go (movie) Deadwood Interviewの話 FizzBuzzとかコーディングの出題 ペアリングの相性を見る Githubに物があると評価できる(無いと駄目では無い) playbook iOSチームの中では馬鹿な役割でいた…