quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


MotionInMotion Episode 12 - Application URLs

Application URLs - MotionInMotion 2つのアプリ間を遷移 Authenticator app.info_plist['CFBundleURLTypes'] CFBundleURLName, CFBundleURLSchemes def application(application, openURL:url, sourceApplication:sourceApplication, annotation:annotation…

NSScreencast Episode #108 Unwinding Segues

Unwinding Segues - NSScreencast unwind segueを使って画面を戻す unwindFromRecordWeight:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue unwindFromLog:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue drag back button to Exit of VC drag yellow icon(the most left) to Exit save _didSave …

Ruby5 #443

Ruby5 - Episode #443 – February 25th, 2014 RSpec 2.99 and 3.0 beta 2 Deprecate inexact mock_with Deprecate show_failures_in_pending_blocks Ruby is Legal (2.1.1) 21st birthday faster Rumors of Ruby’s Demise Avdi Grimm concurrency-oriented p…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #87

Monitoring the Bathrooms (Tony DiPasquale) Tony DiPasquale on utilizing Arduino engineering Arduinoでbathroomのモニタリング センサー用とかと通信とポスト用のもの 3D printing tony ios hardware hacker built crazy project at office arduino det…

thoughtbot Build Phase #27

Valentimes Day Ruby良い memoize ||= Categories, Façade pattern Custom UIViewController Transitions UIActionSheet UIActionSheet - iPhoneアプリ開発の虎の巻 this week auto layout nothing super exciting color background tint color issue missed…

Ruby5 #442

Ruby5 - Episode #442 – February 21st, 2014 Jim Weirich passed away Jim Weirich and the Searchers - Has anybody seen my code? Put testing gems in both the development and test Gemfile groups · d28fac7 · jimweirich/wyriki · GitHub Jim Weiric…

Ruby5 #441

Ruby5 - Episode #441 - February 18th, 2014 mruby 1.0 Lua Hound CI reviews GitHub pull requests for style guide violations Sass, Ruby, Coffeescript, Objective-C, and Python ActiveInteraction helps manage application specific business logic …

MotionInMotion Episode 11 - RMQ

RMQ - MotionInMotion RMQを使ってスタイルの設定 infinitered RubyMotionQuery - RMQ | InfiniteRed 6 minute intro on why RMQ is so cool 36 Minute video creating an Image Browser app command line generator rmq create my_app rmq api File: README…

NSScreencast Episode #107 Swipe to Reveal Cells

Swipe to Reveal Cells - NSScreencast 左スワイプして2種類のアクションを表示する Reveal $89 Reveal App cell - contentView - scrollView - view storyboard set same value of x, y(0, 0) and width, height to all views set autolayout 4 margins and…

Ruby5 #440

Ruby5 - The latest news in the Ruby and Rails community PostgreSQL configuring PostgreSQL PostGIS Sharding, Partitioning gitsh brew tap thoughtbot/formulae brew install gitsh Ask Ruby Parsing a Yeats Poem Telling Ruby What To Do Ask Ruby F…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #86

Humility and Patience (Peter Reinhardt) Peter Reinhardt, Co-founder and CEO of Segment.io node.js, express.js, aws Analytics.js Introduction to Analytics.js - Google アナリティクス — Google Developers analytics.js-integrations segmentio/an…

MotionInMotion Episode 10 - Teacup

Teacup - MotionInMotion teacupなどを使ってスタイルやconstraintsを設定 teacup sugarcube sweettea (teacup + sugarcube = sweettea) class PostView < UIView layout self do subview UITextView, :content_view, { app/styles/ Teacup::Stylesheet.new …

NSScreencast Episode #106 UITableViewCell Swipe Action

UITableViewCell Swipe Action - NSScreencast TableViewでMark as readのマークをスワイプでトグルする SwipeCell layoutSubviews _scrollView = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:self.contentView.bounds]; [self.contentView insertSubview:_scrollV…

thoughtbot Build Phase #26

Russia Is Watching You Shower やる気がなくてカンファレンス行かなかった、ゲームしてた dots, letterpress threes THREES - A tiny puzzle that grows on you Flappy Birdsが受けたのが理解できない fish bird (Splashy fish?) mario tiny wings adsの出…

Ruby5 #439

Ruby5 - Episode #439 - February 11th, 2014 Structuring Sinatra trevi trevi brisk Monocle maccman/monocle · GitHub ActiveRestClient class Person < ActiveRestClient::Base base_url Rails.application.config.api_server_url get :all, "/people" g…

Ruby5 #438

Ruby5 - Episode #438 - February 7th, 2014 NewRelic Browser Wars Browser Wars Infographic Recursion Ruby Hangout with David Bock 7 Lines Add these 7 lines to your project's Rakefile rake console Token Based Authentication in Rails authentic…

Ruby5 #437

Ruby5 - Episode #437 - February 4th, 2014 Token Based Authentication header authentication Recommundle recommendation engine git_pretty_accept merge commit x pull request Persisting data with PStore human readable Practicing Ruby journal o…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #85

I Want These Ideas To Be Free (Max Temkin) Max Temkin, creator of Cards Against Humanity and Humans vs. Zombies game meditation book Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind podcast Anxiety's a Goat Steve Jobsの本嫌い いろいろ不満が多い人だった people li…

thoughtbot Build Phase #25

Welcome To The New South PennywiseのFull Circleというアルバム何度も聞いてた http://www.rdio.com/artist/Pennywise/album/Full_Circle/ Bro hymn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_n8TuSVmOrw Fight Till You Die http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dmAW…

NSScreencast Episode #105 Strong versus Copy

Strong versus Copy - NSScreencast propertyのstrongとcopyの違い @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *name; にすべき mutable NSMutableString NSMutableArray [name replaceCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1) withString:@"A"]; 間違えるとおかし…

MotionInMotion Episode 9 - ProMotion + Formotion

ProMotion + Formotion - MotionInMotion Formotionでフォームの実装 gem 'formotion' controlの種類 List of all the row types · clayallsopp/formotion Wiki · GitHub class AddZaggleForm < PM::FormotionScreen def table_data sections - rows - title…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #84

The Bus Number (Harper Reed) Harper Reed, former CTO of Threadless, former CTO of Obama for America, and currently CEO of Modest Obama campaign HealthCare.gov マネージメントは全く別の仕事 Obamaプロジェクトとか参加できたのはネットワーキング…

Ruby5 #436

Ruby5 - Episode #436 - January 31st, 2014 Elixir Fountain Elixir news every week Argus Ruby API for controlling a Parrot AR Drone start, take_off, turn_right/left, hover, land, stop STI + Hstore better STI experience in Rails by leveraging…

thoughtbot Build Phase #24

A Meat Sack Full of Impostor Syndrome Justified (tv show) Go (movie) Deadwood Interviewの話 FizzBuzzとかコーディングの出題 ペアリングの相性を見る Githubに物があると評価できる(無いと駄目では無い) playbook iOSチームの中では馬鹿な役割でいた…