quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


RailsCasts #414 Batch API Requests pro

#414 Batch API Requests (pro) - RailsCasts update_many params[:ids] facebook graph api config.middleware.insert_before 0, "BatchRequests" app/middleware/batch_requests.rb env["PATH_INFO"] == "/batch" 途中から複雑になってきて流した coffeeの…

RubyTapas #016 - #020

016 super in Modules ★ defined?(super) を使う module YeOlde def hello(subject="World") if defined?(super) super else あるメソッド(sendとか)を上書きするmoduleがあった場合 original_send = Object.instance_method(:send) bound_send = original_s…

RubyTapas #088 - #090

088 Gem-Love Part 5 ? 前回のPart 4が前すぎて全く覚えてない 089 Coincidental Duplication ? Dry, eliminate duplication よくわからない 090 class << self ★ 良い点は class method -> instance methodへの変換が楽 悪い点は self. でメソッド検索で…

Ruby5 #365

Ruby5 - Episode #365 - April 26, 2013 Mocking screencast - Rubytapas freebie Batching Email - Batch notifications in Rails Triggerino - Arduino RVM 2.0 Nunes - Instrumental (monitor rails app) Amanda - blog engine (Markdown, dropbox, Redis…

thoughtbot podcast Episode #6

thoughtbot Learn Episode #6 MVP of Personal Hygiene Dan Powell, founder of Abakas Consulting CTO コンサルの仕事をしていて つまらないことはbilling 90年代後半にコーディングとかしてた Javaも昔は遅いと言う時があった ものは入れ替わる Rubyはホッ…

Ruby5 #364

Ruby5 - Episode #364 - April 23th, 2013 Dead Man's Snitch - periodic tasks ... Rails 4 on Heroku Sync - Realtime Rails Partials Running Bash Commands From Ruby Railsconf 2013 - DHH, aaron, yehuda, gregg, rubyhero ♫ Chris Walla - The Score …

thoughtbot podcast Episode #7 ★★

thoughtbot Learn Episode #7 Something Else Was Smellier Joe Ferris, CTO of thoughtbot Objects versus Structures 前半は難しい話だった Martin Fowler リファクタリング本 polymorphic / module paperclip difficult to refactor CTOだけどプロジェク…

thoughtbot podcast Episode #45

thoughtbot Learn Episode #45 Tiny Robots Cuddling with other Tiny Robots なんかいつもと違う感じと言うふれこみだった 実際にはいろいろな人が技術とは少し離れたことも含めて色々な話題について話してた Dungeons & Dragons とかいうゲームの話? ダン…

thoughtbot podcast Episode #8

thoughtbot Learn Episode #8 Wax on, Wax off Gabe Berke-Williams and Edward Loveall. Gabe is developer at thoughtbot and the product manager of the thoughtbot apprenticeship program Apprentice.ioの話 初日はほぼつきっきりで指導する 3ヶ月目は…

RubyTapas #084 - #087

084 Splat Group ★ menu.each_with_index do |*args| 次のはなかなか良い menu.each_with_index do |(name, price), i| 085 Ignore Arguments ★ .netrc ignored variable netrc_entries do |ignored, machine, ignored, login, ignored, password| # エラー…

RailsCasts #53 Handling Exceptions (revised)

#53 Handling Exceptions (revised) - RailsCasts config.consider_all_requests_local = false config.action_dispatch.rescue_responses["ProductsController::Forbidden"] = :forbidden rescue_from with: def forbidden(exception) render 流した

thoughtbot podcast Episode #9 ★★

thoughtbot Learn Episode #9 TDD for Business!! Chad Pytel, the CEO and Founder of thoughtbot CEOだけど週2,3日は開発もする mathはあまり好きではない 全体的に働き方とかリモートも含めて、クライアントとのあり方とか 従業員は25人くらい 経営陣も従…

Ruby5 #363

Ruby5 - Episode #363 - April 19th, 2013 Dtrace - ruby 2.0 profiling Keen Gem - Kiin IO Analytics Backend as a Service Gem Development Pinglish - A simple Rack middleware for checking application health Tests Make Software - blog post about…

thoughtbot podcast Episode #10 ★

thoughtbot Learn Episode #10 Isn't the last stage of grieving acceptance? Joe Ferris and Mike Burns, thoughtbot developers "Tell don't ask" を良く言っていたので見てみようと思う コーディングの細かい話が多かった Structure and Interpretation …

Ruby5 #362

Ruby5 - Episode #362 - April 16th, 2013 DeadMan's Snitch - はじめて聞いた MotionMeetup - monthly Linked Lists module_function - RubyTapas Hobbit - microframework like sinatra Method Cache 途中で切れた

thoughtbot podcast Episode #44 ★

thoughtbot Learn Episode #44 I feel the opposite of burnt out Chad Fowler, author, speaker, and CTO of 6wunderkinder 全体的に聞きやすかった Wunderlist Germanを学べる環境にある 下手な言葉で話すと結局英語で返される Ook! is a programming lang…

thoughtbot podcast Episode #43

thoughtbot Learn Episode #43 A good person by default Scott Orn, venture capitalist at Lighthouse Capital Partners side bisinessの話 医療系のサービス コミュニティサービス ABM(活動基準管理)? コスト管理 参加している人は本質的に良い人ば…

RubyTapas #079 - #083

Java Dregs: Double Brace Initialization ? よく分からなかった April Foolらしい 079 Concat ★★ +=は新しいArrayを作る concatは+=より速い shovel-and-flatten <<+.flattenは遅い shovelと言うらしい << 080 Splat Basics ★ Destructuring -> *arrray …

Ruby5 #361

Ruby5 - Episode #361 - April 12th, 2013 NewRelic + mobile app Bitcoin - GPU AMD Radeon HD 7970でbitcoinのマイニング(仮想通貨の発掘)|テクノロジーのはざま pairprogramwith.me #pairwithme Decaf - modification of webkit MultiBlock Sponges - r…

RailsCasts #413 Fast Tests pro

#413 Fast Tests (pro) - RailsCasts rspec の方が rake spec より速い bundle binstubsはそんな変わらない zeus エディタなどから特定のテストだけを走らせる rspecのタグ (:focus) などを使う config.filter_run_excluding :slow unless ENV['SLOW_SPECS']…

thoughtbot podcast Episode #11

thoughtbot Learn Episode #11 You want your system to bend, not to break Sean Cribbs, Software Engineer at Basho, the makers of Riak RiakもBashoも目にはしてたけど良くしらない RiakはKVS 分散型で何か故障が起きてもなんとなく復帰するという感じ…

thoughtbot podcast Episode #12

thoughtbot Learn Episode #12 I think I'll be on a yacht Matt Jankowski, COO of thoughtbot Rails focused consulting 経営的な話も多めだった 開発もやったりしている。週数日 問題の多くはコミュニケーション 顧客はオープンソースコミュニティ、ワー…

Ruby5 #360

Ruby5 - Episode #360 - April 9th, 2013 Big Ruby 2013 Videos - 時間なったら見たい。多分見ない Tyne Tickets - A Rails Issue Tracking RVM Gemsets - 毎回警告出てるけど.rvmrcから変えてない The Code Hulk - ゲームみたいな SoundHound失敗 Hulk関係…

NSScreencast Episode #56 Twitter Integration

Twitter Integration - NSScreencast Application LinkedLibrary Social.framework #import <Social/Social.h> Accounts.framework #import <Accounts/Accounts.h> ACAccountStore requestAccessToAccountsWithType api.twitter.com/1.1/followers/list.…

NSScreencast Episode #57 Facebook Integration

Facebook Integration - NSScreencast ACAccountType accountStore requestAccessToAccountWithType id options = @{ } SLRequest requestForServiceType SLRequestMethodGET performRequestWithHandler onPost SLComposeViewController composeViewControll…

NSScreencast Episode #58 Container View Controllers

Container View Controllers - NSScreencast ContainerViewController TabBar, Navigation SlidePopContainerViewController viewDidLoad if( self.childViewControllers count == 0 addController:self.rootViewController willMoveToParentViewController …

thoughtbot podcast Episode #13 ★

thoughtbot Learn Episode #13 I'll disagree in just a little bit Joe Ferris, CTO of thoughtbot Josh Clayton, developer at thoughtbot (the lead maintainer of FactoryGirl) 全体的にFactory Girlの話が多かった ActiveRecord callbacksのBad practic…

Ruby5 #359

Ruby5 - Episode #359 - April 5th, 2013 PostgreSQL Vulnerability - herokuはpatchした Rails' Insecure Defaults - code climate, brakeman Things that clear Ruby's method cache - OpenStruct? Helios.io - Backend service for iOS app Flame Graphs …

NSScreencast Episode #60 Windows Azure Mobile Services Part 2

Windows Azure Mobile Services Part 2 - NSScreencast ChatApp User Room Message NSCChatViewController NSScreencast製か chatVC.client, room viewDidAppear setUserRoom viewWillDisapper setUserRoom:[NSNull null] NSPredicate setBetwirjActivityInd…

NSScreencast Episode #59 Windows Azure Mobile Services

Windows Azure Mobile Services - NSScreencast Pods WIndowsAzureMobileServices MessagesTableViewController WindowsAzure Create Mobile Service Data create tables BROWSE SCRIPT function insert(item, user, request) Identity twitter, facebook, g…