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MotionInMotion Episode 26 - Pick a good one with UIPickerView

Pick a good one with UIPickerView - MotionInMotion picker viewで色を選択 app/stores/color_store.rb Color = Struct.new(:color, :label) class ColorStore COLORS = [ Color.new(:black, "Black"), app/delegates/ class PickerDelegate UIPickerViewD…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #100 ★★

Adequately Industrious (Aaron Patterson) Aaron Patterson RailsConf話す前 AdequateRecord 3年 名前考えるの楽しい active, turboとか何それ? 昔Javaだった mapが無い 2007からRuby Scheme eggsというパッケージライブラリ programming趣味 cooking LAC …

5JS #28


5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #28 - May 22nd, 2014 Shaping up with Angular Browserify Handbook browserify to build modular applications Browserify AniJS declarative handling library for CSS animations Polymer 20 minute screencast by Go…

iOS Bytes #21

iOS Bytes - Episode #21, May 22, 2014 MMLayerShots not only automates in-app screenshots, but also converts each separate view to a Photoshop layer and exports a PSD Avoiding Hamburger Menus learn the pros, cons, and alternatives VKVideoPl…

Ruby5 #467

Ruby5 - Episode #467 - May 23rd, 2014 RSpec3 rc1 asking people to upgrade and verify their test suites ActiveJob framework for declaring jobs and making them run on a variety of queueing backends devise-two-factor minimalist extension to D…

Ruby5 #466

Ruby5 - Episode #466 - May 20th, 2014 RailsLTS Rails LTS offers a solution for mission critical applications by providing security patches for old versions of Rails 1.9.3-p547 released Ubuntu 10.04 LTS noticed that when their system had an…

NSScreencast Episode #120 Mantle with Core Data

Mantle with Core Data - NSScreencast NSScreencastsのエピソード情報を取得して一覧 Base - manage SQLite databases MTLManagedObjectAdapter if ([moc save:&saveError]) [self.persistenceController saveContextAndWait:YES completion: MTLManagedObj…

MotionInMotion Episode 25 - Ad-hoc Deployment With Installr

Ad-hoc Deployment With Installr - MotionInMotion アプリ配布のInstallrについての説明 Installr - Easy iOS and Android beta app distribution similar to testflight hockeyapp taking care of provisioning stuff competition Show off your RubyMotio…

MotionInMotion Episode 24 - Formatting Rich Text With NSAttributedString

Formatting Rich Text With NSAttributedString - MotionInMotion いろいろなスタイルの文字を表示 NSAttributedString NSMutableAttributedString NSFontAttributeName UIFont.preferredFontForTextStyle(UIFontTextStyleHeadline) NSParagraphStyleAttribu…

RailsConf 2014 Aaron Patterson Closing Keynote

Closing Keynote - Aaron Patterson - RailsConf 2014 AdequateRecord Humility Cachable Liveでadequaterecordをマージした strong opinion Rails 4.2 will be the fastest Oedo RubyKaigiで無かった内容で印象的だったところ I ♥︎ Ruby RailsのおかげでRub…

iOS Bytes #20

iOS Bytes - Episode #20, May 15, 2014 helpstack.io get customer feedback from inside of your app Orbit App.net-powered iOS and OS X apps called Orbit App.net powered storage client DVOBouncer Add gravity bouncing to UIScrollView content Dy…

Ruby5 #465

Ruby5 - Episode #465 - May 16th, 2014 Quill rich text editor built for compatibility and extensibility open sourced by Salesforce.com Free Programming Books 1,500 links to free programming-related resources OAuth Security Cheatsheet This s…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #99

You Are Not Alone (Greg Baugues) Greg Baugues of Twilio how mental illness affects the development community talks at conf Greg Baugues's Presentations on Confreaks Prompt - Mental health in the technology industry Let’s start a conversati…

RubyTapas #179 - #183

179 Sequel ★★ PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, and many others require "sequel" DB = Sequel.sqlite DB.create_table :people do primary_key :id String :name end DB.create_table :items do foreign_key :person_id, :people String :name Integer :quanti…

NSScreencast Episode #119 URL Scheme Callbacks

URL Scheme Callbacks - NSScreencast URL Schemeでcallbackを使って、遷移してすぐ戻る Info Url types Url Sheme Add url scheme x-callback-wordrev Sending NSURL URLWithString stringWithFormat:@"x-callback-wordrev://x-callback-url?x-source=Schem…

thoughtbot Build Phase #38

Not Just a Domestic Affair NSNorth 2014 podcast canada technicalトークとそれ以外のトークの割合とか偏り wwdc venue too big wifi, couldn't pull git code imposter syndrom ハーバード大学医学部留学・独立日記 第二部 三重大学医学部編 ... Impostor…

iOS Bytes #18

iOS Bytes - Episode #18, May 1, 2014 Pop Facebook's custom animation library used to create the animations and drive interactions in the Paper app PushServer Node.js app he wrote called PushServer that helps manage sending push notificatio…

iOS Bytes #17

iOS Bytes - Episode #17, April 24, 2014 SCSiriWaveformView library re-creates the dancing waveform that you see when you talk to Siri Unwinding very helpful tutorial about creating and using unwinding segues in your Storyboards Tint Color …

5JS #27


5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #27 - May 15th, 2014 Shaping Up With Angular Code School Hoodie hood.ie has officially become a company called "The Neighbourhoodie Software" spending as much time as possible on working on Open Source Wor…

Ruby5 #464

Ruby5 - Episode #464 - May 13th, 2014 RailsLTS Rails LTS offers a solution for mission critical applications by providing security patches for old versions of Rails Ruby 2.1.2 fixes a regression on the Hash#reject method thanks to the cont…

MotionInMotion RubyMotion Pairing #2 - Pointers and Crazy Graphics with Shaun August

Pointers and Crazy Graphics with Shaun August - MotionInMotion 最初の5分でいい(全約1 hour) 後半は微妙、今三くらい、Pointerみたいなところずっとやってる canada vancouver part time programmer program hobby ab control flash rails HotCocoa::Gra…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #98 ★

Memorization Techniques (Chris Hunt) Chris Hunt of Github about techniques hackathon clojure memory記憶のteqchniqueの話 book Amazon.com: How to Develop a Brilliant Memory Week by Week: 50 Proven Ways to Enhance Your Memory eBook: Dominic O…

MotionInMotion Episode 23 - MotionKit Basics and AutoLayout

MotionKit Basics and AutoLayout - MotionInMotion motion-kitでレイアウト gem install 'motion-kit' new gem for styling good-bye teacup class ExampleLayout < MotionKit::Layout add UIView, :header do background_color UIColor.darkGrayColor add …

Rebuild 43

Rebuild: 43: Kent is More Professional (Kenn Ejima) テスト考 2014 kentbeck, martin fowler mockのためのmock リファクタリングのためにテストを書き換えるのはおかしい トートロジー Tautology テストとコードを同時に返るのは良くない テストファース…

Ruby5 #463

Ruby5 - Episode #463 - May 9th, 2014 Untangle Spaghetti Code refactoring that cleans up the code by reversing the caller and callee Atom is OSS Core, Package Manager(apm), Shell DumbDelegator similar to SimpleDelegator osxc simple configur…

「TDD is dead. Long live testing」 まとめ

RailsConf 2014 Is TDD dead? Is TDD dead? [Part II] Is TDD dead? [Part III] Is TDD dead? [Part IV] Is TDD dead? [Part V & VI] (40分くらいの Kent frozen がうける) TDD is dead. Long live testing. (DHH) 翻訳 2014-04-24 - やっとむでぽん 自動…

iOS Bytes #19

iOS Bytes - Episode #19, May 8, 2014 Aspects method swizzling Aspect oriented programming RESTEasy RESTful server inside of an app so developers can have an easier time testing and growing an API api developer, testing Understanding UIScro…

5JS #26


5 Minutes of JavaScript - Episode #26 - May 8th, 2014 Advanced Gulp node js "incompatible streams" issue using "vinyl-­source-­stream" how to work with buffered content Ember vs Angular great about each framework PushServer Node.js app for…

Rのチュートリアル swirl


swirl - Students RStudioとか使ってインタラクティブにRを学べる swirldev/swirl_courses · GitHub > install.packages("swirl") > library("swirl") > swirl() | When you are at the R prompt (>): | -- Typing skip() allows you to skip the current qu…

NSScreencast Episode #118 Integrating with 1Password

Integrating with 1Password - NSScreencast 1Passwordのアプリと連携 Riposte/RPSTPasswordManagementAppService · GitHub いろいろなバージョンの1Passwordに対応 agilebit Developers: Here’s how to add a little 1Password to your iOS apps (Update 2x…