https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/575-episode-537-march-20th-2015 Neural Network Video Listing | Coursera gems nmatrix, fastest-csv, chunky_png Regression Driven Tests How you test Regression driven testing is a good place to start que…
https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/574-episode-536-march-17th-2015 Release Candidates changes to action mailer, action pack, action view, active model, active record and active support Callback Gotchas how ActiveModel callbacks can resu…
10: I Don't Get Functional Programming | The Bike Shed Maybe Haskell 50% off Haskell first language functor, flatmap ruby inefficient in map, lazy The Incomplete Guide to Lazy Evaluation (in Haskell) | HackHands
Rebuild: 83: Living In A Container (deeeet) アカウント名 deeeet 大学の時の活動名 SOTA 取られてたのでeを増やしていった あまり使うと思ってなかった Cloud Foundry Pivotal VMWare EMCが買収 docker rebuildで聞いて使い始めた imageを上げれる、共有…
「意識高い系」という病 ?ソーシャル時代にはびこるバカヤロー? (ベスト新書)作者: 常見陽平出版社/メーカー: ベストセラーズ発売日: 2013/12/27メディア: Kindle版この商品を含むブログを見る グノシー経由 職場にはびこる「意識高い系」という名の病 | 「若…
138: Overloading the Home Row (Craig Andera) | Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast Craig Andera, developer at Cognitect, on his latest 20% time project consultant pairing when we pair knowledge transfer Clojure 20% time m…
Rebuild: 81: Enable The Broken Web (Hajime Morrita) 日本に帰省 猫余命 うなぎの骨 ドレスの色 青派 リャマ脱走 Brian Neal on Twitter: "Today summed up in one photo. http://t.co/fnoPXXRLi8" chromium/dom-distiller · GitHub distill 抽出する、抜…
人を動かす説得力 (PHP文庫)作者: 永崎一則出版社/メーカー: PHP研究所発売日: 2013/01/11メディア: Kindle版この商品を含むブログを見る 1986年の本らしい。営業の人向けの内容。 例やエピソード、箇条書きなどで一見分かりやすそうだが、言いたい内容が多…
https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/573-episode-535-march-13th-2015 New Relic 4 Financial Lessons for Mobile App Developers VisionMobile Rails React Flux videos (learning about React Native and Relay) Volt Both the server and client side…
https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/572-episode-534-march-10th-2015 InfraRuby 3.6 InfraRuby is a compiler and runtime for statically typed Ruby uses JRuby to bootstrap Passenger 5.0.2 here was a bug in 5.0.1 where requests could sometime…
https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/571-episode-533-march-6th-2015 Ruby 2.2.1 first TEENY version release of the stable 2.2 series the fix for ffi build failure and memory leak issue on Symbol GC Regularity Regularity.new .start_with(3, …
https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/570-episode-532-march-3rd-2015 Secure Cookies Rails.application.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_testapp_session', secure: true Regex Examples rubular.com regexp-examples library Debugging Ru…
74: That's a Fear Response | Build Phase swift array Equatable curried constructor 75: What's that in Celsius? | Build Phase Buff®Sports | Original cylinder face mask, neck Argo Parser type NSNorth canada 76: [unintelligible robot sounds] …
136: I Think it Was the Altitude (Ben Orenstein) | Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast ★ thoughtbotの働き方のポリシーとか、3ヶ月の休暇とってやったこととか Ben back to the podcast Turing School of Software & Design last 3 …
134: Growing to Meteor (Paul Dowman) | Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast Paul Dowman, founder of OK GROW! Rails -> Meteor new toolkit for building modern web apps and cross-platform mobile apps Velocity - Test Framework…
8: Attributes API, Relation#or, Paid Open Source | The Bike Shed Attributes API full time rails payed by thoughtbot speed up block vs call ruby committer 9: Monorails, For the Kids | The Bike Shed monolithic rails app haskell trail, tmux p…
https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/569-episode-531-february-27th-2015 fast-ruby Ruby idioms that can make your code considerably faster Array#bsearch vs Array#find middleman-presentation build wonderful presentations based on HTML and J…
https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/568-episode-530-february-24th-2015 Ruby 1.9.3 is dead The life of an HTTP Request in Rails ominiref.com Melt allows you to call a #melt method on any frozen object with C Ruby and JRuby Traveler Easily…
https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/567-episode-529-february-20th-2015 private methods Mark Methods Private When You Don’t Test Them Set intersection x.intersection y fat models moving the validations out of the model validates_with Vali…