quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


Ruby5 #447

Ruby5 - Episode #447 – March 11th, 2014 Google Summer of Code -Rails has been accepted into the Google Summer of Code 2014 Google will pay you $5500 over the course of three months to work on the code Test-Driven Rails Part 2 The focus is …

MotionInMotion Episode 14 - Five Advanced RubyMotionQuery Tips

Five Advanced RubyMotionQuery Tips - MotionInMotion rmqと画像、ラベルのスタイル sample app (Scroll view + Labels) MainController rmq(self.view).append(UIView).tag(:container) rmq(:container).resize_to_fit_subviews rmq(self.view).attr(conte…

MotionInMotion Episode 13 - Dynamic Type

Dynamic Type - MotionInMotion フォントサイズの変更 PostsControllerTableViewDataSource app/data_sources/PostsControllerTableViewDataSource.rb cell.textLabel.font = UIFont.preferredFontForTextStyle(UIFontTextStyleHeadline) Headline, SubHeadl…