quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


MotionInMotion Episode 40 - Interface Builder and the IB Gem

Interface Builder and the IB Gem - MotionInMotion ib gemを使って1からプロジェクト作成 gem 'ib' .gitignore ib.xcodeproj controller extend IB outlet :title, UILabel def button_pressed(sender) rake rake ib rake ib:project gem install libxml-r…

NSScreencast Episode #134 Visual Format Language

Visual Format Language - NSScreencast Visual Format Languageでconstraintsを記述 AutoLayout wordy(冗長な), cumbersome Visual Format Language condensed format horizontal default inferred "|-[headlineView]-|" "H:|-[headlineView]-|" vertical "…