quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


Ruby5 #455

Ruby5 - Episode #455 - April 8th, 2014 Heartbleed Heartbleed Bug This weakness allows stealing the information normally protected with SSL/TLS encryption tco gem to use simple RGB to choose terminal colors Ruby 2.1 Garbage Collection ready…

Ruby5 #457

Ruby5 - Episode #457 - April 18th, 2014 Rippersnapper Working with URLs Pliny Base Sinatra app for writing excellent APIs in Ruby thread_safe A collection of utilities for thread-safe programming in Ruby cache = ThreadSafe::Cache.new Invoi…

Ruby5 #456

Ruby5 - Episode #456 - April 15th, 2014 ElixirSips two short screencasts each week - between 5 and 15 minutes each Heartbleed Verified Heartbleed Challenge. We set up a nginx server with a vulnerable version of OpenSSL and challenged the c…

Ruby5 #454

Ruby5 - Episode #454 - April 8th, 2014 Rails 4 Postgres uuid-ossp extension hstore Arrays Tips For Hiring Part One – define your Candidate Profile Part Two – preparing your interview questions Part Three – the interview Ruby Love writing b…

NSScreencast Episode #115 Submitting to the App Store

Submitting to the App Store - NSScreencast AppStoreに上げる app icon launch image ifdef debug fps ifdef screenshot appstore folder for memo bundle id current version new version description support url marketing url ready to upload binary …