quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


Ruby5 #452

Ruby5 - Episode #452 - March 28th, 2014 Mock5 Create and manage API mocks with Sinatra weather_api = Mock5.mock("http://weather-api.com") do get "/weather.json" do Ahoy Ahoy - Simple, Powerful Visit Tracking for Rails Simple, powerful visi…

Ruby5 #451

Ruby5 - Episode #451 - March 25th, 2014 ElixirSips ElixirSips currently consists of over 7 hours of densely packed videos PostgreSQL & jsonb Postgres' support for jsonb, a binary JSON data type hstore unchanged and moved all nesting stuff …

MotionInMotion RubyMotion Pairing #1

Fixing Pods, Target/Action, UITableViews, and more with Murtuza Kutub - MotionInMotion RubyMotion Pairing #1 - Fixing Pods, Target/Action, UITableViews, and more with Murtuza Kutub 1時間超え ScreenHero much better than skype Pair Program w…

MotionInMotion Episode 17 - RestKit

RestKit - MotionInMotion RestKitを使ってTaskアプリのCRUD RestKit little code continue task app サーバーサイドrails app FluffyJack/TaskerRailsApp · GitHub heroku rake pod:install pod 'RestKit' pod 'SVProgressHUD' AFNetworking (1.3.3) RestKi…