quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


thoughtbot Build Phase #49

It's Been a Long Day Medical app FDA - アメリカ食品医薬品局 - Wikipedia AliSoftware/OHHTTPStubs · GitHub swift hash bang script upcase.com eleven thirty just left need to restart gym 7:30 frustrating time playing with debugger branches goi…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #110 ★

Protecting Invisible Things (Eric Mill) former thoughtbotter, and creator of Is It Christmas, Eric Mill Is it Christmas? WebRTC 2nd rails engineer thoughtbot, 2year _why's book Open government Open data neuro science volunteer project publ…

NSScreencast Episode #130 Swift JSON Redux - Part 1

Swift JSON Redux - Part 1 - NSScreencast JSONをparseするライブラリ Core JSValue Enum enum JSValue { case JSArray([JSValue]) case JSObject( [ String : JSValue ] ) switch obj { case let s as NSString: return .JSString(s) case let n as NSNumb…

MotionInMotion Episode 36 - Test Driven Development and Creating a Gem

Test Driven Development and Creating a Gem - MotionInMotion Toolbarのgemを作る motion create better_toolbar --template=gem .gemspec書く ファイル削除 rm -R lib/project rm spec/main_spec.rb ディレクトリ追加 lib, spec Rakefileのパス修正 spec…

Ruby5 #485

Ruby5 - Episode #485 - August 1st, 2014 Capistrano Tutorial use DigitalOcean as a VPS server provider Memoization Patterns Memoist Mocaroni stub out and collaborate on an api Generated, Single file Sinatra App middleman-presentation make H…

Ruby5 #484

Ruby5 - Episode #484 - July 29th, 2014 Rails 4.2 sanitizer Ruby Hero Rafael França posted on the PlataformaTec blog Loofah Active Mocker run very fast by not loading Rails or hooking to a database validation_auditor logs validation errors…

Rebuild 51, 52

Rebuild: 51: You-know's Per Second (naan) Rebuild: Aftershow 51: Perpetual Beta (naan) airbnb バルセロナ 仕事 COOKPAD 3時間前の出演依頼 Spain 盗難、スリ rebuild client iCloudSync, Parse crawler Streaming AVPlayer さらに細かく変えるなら全部…

thoughtbot Build Phase #48

F-ing Mush Mouth Swiftとinitの問題 話す言語もプログラミング言語も、既知の言語から翻訳して考える Swiftを考える時Objective-Cをもとに考えてしまう maxpow4h/swiftz · GitHub JSON parsing アクセス修飾子 public/private/internal Swiftのアクセス修飾…

RubyTapas #205 - #210

205 Comparable ★ identity, equivalence case equality and hash equality comparison operator >, ==, < spaceship operator <=> .sort include Comparable >, ==, <不要 206 Coercion ? arithmetic operations +, -, *, / 順番変えるとエラー Feet.new(5…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #109

Venturing Thru Capital (Alex Taussig) Alex Taussig of Highland Capital venture capitalの話 docker あまり面白い話なかった alex venture capital unique company tens of thousands of tiny industry lots of people market vc know people how much c…