quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


iOS Bytes #23

iOS Bytes - Episode #23, June 5, 2014 Swift Trending repositories https://github.com/trending?l=swift LLVM Architecture of Open Source Applications that's worth reading if you'd like an overview of the design decisions that go in to making…

iOS Bytes #22

iOS Bytes - Episode #22, May 29, 2014 CocoaPods Trunk CocoaPods hit a big milestone with the release of the new Trunk web service that will make adding and updating Pods easier than ever json podspec file no pull request Avocado A new tool…

Ruby5 #470

Ruby5 - Episode #470 - June 6th, 2014 Rails & Sinatra Sessions ways to share authentication between Rails and Sinatra apps Protocol Buffers vs JSON comparison of JSON and Protocol Buffers Protocol Buffers are a way of encoding structured d…

thoughtbot Build Phase #40

Over the Hill スペースボール - Wikipedia OS11 Navigation Barの色など、実装時の色の設定の問題 APIの変更にどうついていくか easy mapping railsのvcr EasyMapping/EasyMapping · GitHub The easiest way to marshall and unmarshall Dictionary represe…

MotionInMotion Episode 27 - Hybrid Applications and Two Way Communication with UIWebViews

Hybrid Applications and Two Way Communication with UIWebViews - MotionInMotion web viewとメッセージをやりとりする hybridapp:// window.location Split message gsub('hybridapp://', '').split(':') hybrid web view delegate basecamp app Drawing …

Ruby5 #469

Ruby5 - Episode #469 - June 3rd, 2014 Codeship Continuous Deployment Service Hosted Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment. The Codeship. RSpec 3 Removed support for Ruby 1.8.6 and 1.9.1 Improved Ruby 2.x support New rspec-suppor…

Ruby5 #468

Ruby5 - Episode #468 - May 30th, 2014 Magical Routes URL helper method Polymorphic URL helper methods REST Client Probably the simplest REST client PostGIS and Google Maps PostGIS with Rails and Google Maps gem 'activerecord-postgis-adapte…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #101

Developing Skills (Alex Fox, Jatin Bhandari) Alex & Jatin, recent graduates of the first thoughtbot / Metis Ruby on Rails Bootcamp twelve weeks student teaching other students should start tdd vim使うとプロっぽい 聞き易い Sublimeがかなりdi…

NSScreencast Episode #121 Mantle with Core Data Part 2

Mantle with Core Data Part 2 - NSScreencast 取得したエピソード一覧を画面に表示 titleが更新された時画面が更新されない問題 NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate didChangeObject atIndexPath forChangeType switch (type) NSFetchedResultsChangeInser…

thoughtbot Build Phase #39

Shitty As Intended WWDC iOS8 Core Location, Privacy Sheets Asset Catalogは良い 色の管理の統合(consolidate color) 通常通りするとStoryBoard, Interface Builderで違いがある? androidみたいなアプリ間の連携ほしい iCloud and Core Data Syncing大変…

RubyTapas #184 - #188

184 Sequel, Postgres, JSON ★ PG extension require "sequel" Sequel.extension(:pg_json) Sequel.extension(:pg_json_ops) ... DB[:dpd_subscriber_dump].import([:subscriber], data.map{|s| [Sequel.pg_json(s)]}) DB = Sequel.connect row = DB[:dpd_su…