quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)

Ruby5 #630

Ruby5 - Episode #630 - April 5th, 2016 Implementing Ruby 2.3.0: Enumerable's chunk_while b = a.chunk_while {|i, j| i+1 == j } p b.to_a #=> [[1, 2], [4], [9, 10, 11, 12], [15, 16], [19, 20, 21]] Memoization Memoization | GoRails - GoRails A…

Ruby5 #629

Ruby5 - Episode #629 - April 1st, 2016 What makes a great Tech Lead? Full Stack over Specialist Takes Responsibility over Waits For Tasks Breaks New Ground over Sticks To Tried & Tested Author over Translator Active Communicator over Wallf…

Ruby5 #628

Ruby5 - Episode #628 - March 29th, 2016 Memento Design Pattern version control of objects A Deep Dive Into Ruby Scopes Object-oriented design provides encapsulation for properties and actions Never Schedule Future Jobs Future Jobs are Dang…

Ruby5 #627

Ruby5 - Episode #627 - March 25th, 2016 Ruby for Good Red Pandas this year. They are looking for projects to help this year Otto for Rails creating virtual development environments the successor to the popular virtual development tool vagr…

Ruby5 #626

Ruby5 - Episode #626 - March 22nd, 2016 Mastering Concurrency Multi-process (Unicorn) Multi-threading (Puma) Event-loop (Thin) Upgrading to Rails 5 Browser not supported belongs_to_required_by_default halt_callback_chains_on_return_false h…

Ruby5 #625

Ruby5 - Episode #625 - March 18th, 2016 Learn Ruby Udacity Beginning Ruby is open for enrollment now, with Ruby on Rails and Senior Ruby on Rails becoming available in 2016 Reality gem for querying Wikipedia spreadsheet_architect turn any …

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #183-187

183: Embarrassing Trailing White-Space | Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast Formkeep Goose workshop Intermediate Ruby on Rails | Online Tutorial by thoughtbot gitsh repo 184: I Love You, Businesses! | Giant Robots Smashi…

thoughtbot The Bike Shed Episode #53-56

53: Cache Machine | The Bike Shed Elixir hacker news chat app what is chaching cdn, rails, memory, query, HTTP ... Fastly memoization Memoization is a liability - The Pug Automatic fragment caching, Russian Doll Caching TwoHardThings 54: A…

Ruby5 #624

Ruby5 - Episode #624 - March 15th, 2016 Rails 4.2.6 and 4.1.15 Have Been Released! bug fixes for ActionView and ActiveRecord security (render params) DPR The simplest Ruby HTTP client Bundler 1.12 RC 2 --patch, --minor, --major flag for bu…

Ruby5 #623

Ruby5 - Episode #623 - March 11th, 2016 LHS simple DSL for defining ActiveModel-like objects for querying APIs class Feedback < LHS::Record feedback = Feedback.find_by_email('somebody@mail.com') Essential Bash Ruby Developer - Essential Ba…

Ruby5 #622

Ruby5 - Episode #622 - March 4th, 2016 Coding Standards GNU coding standard Bozhidar Batsov’s community-influenced standard Rails 5 Migrations < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0] no mention of index: true Nokogiri Decorators rails-html-sanitize…

Ruby5 #621

Ruby5 - Episode #621 - March 1st, 2016 Speeding Up Sprockets Sprockets version 3.3+ Render Views Outside of Actions ApplicationController.render 'templates/name' ApplicationController.renderer.defaults How DHH Organizes His Rails Controlle…

Ruby5 #620

Ruby5 - Episode #620 - February 23rd, 2016 To Gem, or Not to Gem many reasons to use a gem or not to use a gem md2man markdown to manpage md2man-roff EXAMPLE.markdown > EXAMPLE.1 Nokogiri Decorators lighter package Oga rails-html-sanitizer…

Ruby5 #619

Ruby5 - Episode #619 - February 19th, 2016 Faster DB Updates Updating multiple items at a time update_all Updating records based on stored IDs Envforcer environment variable requirements .envforcer.yml Remote Working Spiralling Expenses Li…

Rebuild 130, 131

Rebuild: Aftershow 129: Infinite Amount Of Time (Naoya Ito) 採用系広告は保留 知らない企業は紹介したくない サービスの紹介は良い history of japan - YouTube 戦争周りはわからない 年号を覚える意味 rubyのversion 2.0がリリースされたのは何年か? …

thoughtbot The Bike Shed Episode #50-52

50: Open Mic | The Bike Shed Matt Sumner Boston office Hunchpig haskell monad Velocity.js faster than jQueyr better than css 51: Is Sim City Running? (Steve Klabnik) | The Bike Shed discussion with Steve Klabnik Ember, Rust has good docume…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #180-182

180: We Don't Deal With Paper | Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast don't like beer not that much beer Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World - Cal Newport 181: Tying Your Work to Impact (Brian Balfour…

Ruby5 #618

Ruby5 - Episode #618 - February 12th, 2016 Proper Counter Cache UPDATE posts SET comments_count = (SELECT count(1) FROM comments GLI Make awesome command-line applications the easy way ERB Template Rendering Ruby 2.3 is almost 4x faster Ya…

Ruby5 #617

Ruby5 - Episode #617 - February 9th, 2016 Rails 5 Beta 2 all the new dependencies introduced in Beta 1 for ActionCable have been removed Deploying ActionCable GoRails 18 min video sudo apt-get install redis-server good_migrations Disable m…

Ruby5 #616

Ruby5 - Episode #616 - February 5th, 2016 scientist carefully refactoring critical paths Stubs, Mocks and Spies in RSpec Arrange, Act, Assert Action Cable and WebSockets: An in-Depth Tutorial Pros: open connection that is extremely lightwe…

Ruby5 #615

Ruby5 - Episode #615 - January 29th, 2016 Upgrading to Rails 5 Requiring that we use at least Ruby 2.2.2 or newer The models inherit from ApplicationRecord (although not required) The jobs inherit from ApplicationJob (although not required…

Rebuild 127, 128, 129

Rebuild: 127: Post-mature Optimization (omo) モバイルにFacebookを入れたくない バッテリー消費 集中できるようにする One Signal push通知 subscribeボタンを自分で作るとうざくない OFFにされると見てもらえない 年の割に無責任という立場を維持したい …

thoughtbot The Bike Shed Episode #48-49

48: Is Everyone Trying Their Best? | The Bike Shed software quality in general software crisis Coq is a formal proof management system Welcome! | The Coq Proof Assistant coding standard for NASA GitHub - sgrif/diesel: A safe, extensible OR…

Ruby5 #614

Ruby5 - Episode #614 - January 26th, 2016 Rails Security Updates 8 CVEs HTML sanitizer Code of Misconduct the open-source project code of conduct from Contributor Covenant Misc #12004 Code of Conduct note-95 Misc #12004 Code of Conduct not…

Ruby5 #613

Ruby5 - Episode #613 - January 22nd, 2016 Rails Logo Ruby on Rails: Doctrine The menu is omakase (オマカジ) Google 翻訳 Trends in Ruby Gems created per year is in a downfall Secondbase v1.0 two-database Rails application config/database.ym…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #176-179

176: The Pricing is Right | Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast Ben and new co-host Chris FormKeep | Form endpoints for designers and developers Forms Done Awesomely | Typeform Bootstrapped Web - The podcast for founders …

Ruby5 #612

Ruby5 - Episode #612 - January 15th, 2016 Vote for Ruby Heroes Ruby Hero Awards Rails 5.0.0.beta1 Action Cable, API mode, Rails command rails new backend --api Tenderlove on RSpec and Minitest This is why I’ll stick with Minitest in my per…

thoughtbot The Bike Shed Episode #46-47

46: Don't Breathe, Save the Planet | The Bike Shed Action Cable demo scenic - Versioned database views for Rails 47: Star Wars Oranges | The Bike Shed Star wars Fruits rails 5 Ruby 2.3 &. ActiveSupport’s #try might not be doing what you th…

Rebuild 126

神回 Rebuild: 126: Anti-Democratic Product Management (higepon) higepon 2ch handle name ハイジェポン Miyagawa OR Tatsuhiko Tech lead VP of engineering projectごとのミニCTO コードを書く時間 2-5割 コードレビュー 履歴書に書きたい大きいことを…

Ruby5 #611

Ruby5 - Episode #611 - January 12th, 2016 Per-form CSRF tokens For sites using CSP, one of the biggest risks of content-injection is form hijacking Content Security Policy (CSP) Ruby's New &.!= Operator &. = try! if lib.source_url &.!= lib…