quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)

thoughtbot The Bike Shed Episode #69-77

69: No More Drills | The Bike Shed Elixir thoughtbot ♥️ Elixir Bamboo (email) ExMachina (factory girl) Ecto Rails 5 70: Make Small Things (Sandi Metz) | The Bike Shed Sandi Metz Sandi Metz' Rules Classes can be no longer than one hundred l…

Rebuild 152, 153, 154, 155

Rebuild: 152: The True Jenkins Master (naoya) SOFT SKILLS 集中力 筋肉、瞑想 不動産投資 セルフブランディング チャットは邪魔 ゲーム ハードワークが必要 Slackの生産性 ゆとってない 視界から外れる Quitter Apps – Marco.org rescue time チャンネル…

thoughtbot Build Phase #97-100

97: Lonely, Lonely England | Build Phase swift GitHub - square/SuperDelegate: SuperDelegate provides a clean application delegate interface and protects you from bugs in the application lifecycle 98: Repressed Memories | Build Phase UIPage…

Rebuild 147, 148, 149, 150, 151

Rebuild: 147: It's Not Like I Stand Because You Tell Me To (N) ひろし 伊藤計劃「虐殺器官」を「オールド・ボーイ」パク・チャヌク監督が実写映画化 : 映画ニュース - 映画.com RUM Real user monitoring - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 2FA アプリ…

Ruby5 #644

Ruby5 - Episode #644 - June 17th, 2016 Ruby For Good an annual event based out of the DC-metro area Ruby for Good - Making the world gooder Julian Cheal Drone charmer Jim Gay Clean Ruby - the ebook about Ruby, Rails, DCI and OOP. Don't jus…

Ruby5 #643

Ruby5 - Episode #643 - June 14th, 2016 Adventures in Avro Avro as a data serialization format message format Apache As part of microservices architecture Apache Kafka The main contenders were Apache Avro, JSON, Protocol Buffers and Apache …

thoughtbot Build Phase #92-96

92: It's Been a Long Week | Build Phase Swish - Swish is a networking library that is particularly meant for requesting and decoding JSON via Argo 93: Less Bathroomy | Build Phase Swish - networking, JSON, Argo scheduler, queue elm the bes…

Rebuild 144, 145, 146

Rebuild: 144: Alexa, Ask Google A Question (fumiakiy) rebuildfm Canada Fort McMurray Canada’s $6.9 Billion Wildfire Is the Size of Delaware—and Still Out of Control 多分トランプになる トランプ出演 Two Weeks Notice (2002) - IMDb JWord Java …

thoughtbot The Bike Shed Episode #65-68

65: Free as in Puppy (Katrina Owen) | The Bike Shed While at RailsConf, we talk with Katrina Owen Rubyconf India 2016 - Factory, Workshop, Stage by Sarah Mei - YouTube metaphor building house certainty race condition oss, pull request hero…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #196-198

196: Anecdotal Driven Development | Giant Robots Smashing into Other Giant Robots Podcast tmux GTD Minimum internet connection 197: An Engine That Throws Off Money | Giant Robots Smashing into Other Giant Robots Podcast Dan Carlin - Hardco…

Ruby5 #642

Ruby5 - Episode #642 - June 7th, 2016 The Problem With Your Large Rails App Isn't Rails each time you want to use one, just evaluate whether it's the right thing to do ActiveRecord vs. Ecto Ecto from Phoenix, a web framework for Elixir Oct…

Ruby5 #641

Ruby5 - Episode #641 - June 3rd, 2016 Tic Tac Toe Rails 5 with Action Cable CookiesHQ 3 Indexing Tricks SUBINDEXES EXPRESSION INDEXES CREATE INDEX users_on_lower_email ON users(LOWER(email)); PARTIAL INDEXES CREATE INDEX messages_sent_true…

Ruby5 #640

Ruby5 - Episode #640 - May 27th, 2016 RailsConf Videos obsessed with BBQ RailsConf 2016 - YouTube radio buttons Rails 5 adds a hidden field on collection radio buttons | BigBinary Blog with_index map.with_index Mechanize how to scrape the …

Rebuild 140, 141, 142, 143

Rebuild: 140: Things To Do When I'm Dying (N, naan) Remember the milk webのみ 2007ごろ? NetflixマイリストをToDoとして登録 大事なことは忘れない 死ぬとき忘れていたい 昔を振り返る番組 The Sixties - CNN.com American Genius - National Geographi…

Ruby5 #639

Ruby5 - Episode #639 - May 17th, 2016 Rails 5 Validates Acceptance Of changes the default values for the validates_acceptance_of method accepts both the “1”(checkbox) string and the true boolean as truthy values validates_acceptance_of :te…

Ruby5 #638

Ruby5 - Episode #638 - May 13th, 2016 Bi-directional destruction belongs_to :user, dependent: :destroy Build a Math Shunting-yard algorithm Reverse Polish Notation or RPN GitHub - matugm/math-eval: Math expression evaluator Real-Time Rails…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #192-195

192: The High End of Reasonable | Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast The Hedonic Treadmill – If Only Happiness Were As Easy As Marriage, a Big House, and Kids FullStory 193: This Episode Has Been Brought to You By the Le…

thoughtbot The Bike Shed Episode #62-64

62: Shipping is the Fastest Way to Get Somewhere | The Bike Shed capybara, multi thread rails5 remve auto loading Feature #5653: "I strongly discourage the use of autoload in any standard libraries" (Re: autoload will be dead) - Ruby trunk…

Ruby5 #637

Ruby5 - Episode #637 - May 10th, 2016 Attacking Rails Applications different ways to attack a Ruby on Rails application Ruby on Rails Security Project Receive 2(ish) monthly updates of new useful Rails security resources! single_cov Single…

Ruby5 #636

Ruby5 - Episode #636 - May 6th, 2016 RailsConf 2016 Bootcamp Turing School of Software & Design Jeff Casimir (@j3) | Twitter Ruby Heroes Olivier Lacan (@olivierlacan) | Twitter Ruby Heroes 2016 // Speaker Deck Chef nathenharvey (@nathenhar…

Ruby5 #635

Ruby5 - Episode #635 - May 3rd, 2016 Ruby 2.3.1 & 2.2.5 Released minor bug fixes Changelogがgit log Bundler 1.12 ruby "~> 2.3" bundle update --ruby bundle outdated with the flags --major, --minor, and --patch Using Local Gems in Gemfile $ …

Study with Kaggle Titanic Tutorial

基礎的なデータ解析の考え方みたいなのができてないと思って、去年不定期に勉強してきたが、その中で今振り返ると最も良かったと思われる題材をメモ Trevor Stephensという人のTutorial Trevor Stephens — Titanic: Getting Started With R - Part 1: Bootin…

Ruby5 #634

Ruby5 - Episode #634 - April 26th, 2016 Thredded Rails 4.2+ forum/message board engine The Road to Sinatra 2.0 Sinatra 2.0.0 will target Ruby 2.2+ and Rack 2.0+ We will bundle rack-protection and sinatra-contrib gems into one repo The must…

Ruby5 #633

Ruby5 - Episode #633 - April 19th, 2016 Slack Vision Bot Google Cloud Vision API gem 'slack-ruby-bot', gem 'google-api-client' The Optimist’s Guide to Pessimistic Library Versioning The ~> operator might be pessimistic Rails 5 Warning Cate…

Ruby5 #632

Ruby5 - Episode #632 - April 15th, 2016 collection_cache_key backported the collection cache key from Rails 5 to Rails 3.2 Rails.cache.fetch(@collection.cache_key) do big result set warnings Rails 5 adds warning when fetching big result se…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #188-191

188: I Have a Spreadsheet! | Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast hired.com GitHub - splitrb/split: The Rack Based AB testing framework The Rack Based AB testing framework World's Easiest A/B and Split Testing Software - V…

thoughtbot The Bike Shed Episode #57-61

57: Mutability Ruins the Whole Party (José Valim) | The Bike Shed Atoms String, list of integer performance reason, garbage collect comparison Erlang Elixir Atoms - Qiita calendar type Ecto nested association ownership mechanism connection…

Rebuild 137, 138, 139

Rebuild: 137: Tested In Production (naoya) ブルーライト、マイナスイオン Gulp, browserify, babel 名前が強そう、濁点が多い axios - Promise based HTTP client React + Redux + react-router npm left-pad 名前がぶつかって企業と争った(kik) The npm …

Ruby5 #631

Ruby5 - Episode #631 - April 12th, 2016 Gem Replacement Vulnerability every .gem uploaded after Feb 8, 2015, was verified showing no evidence of tampering The RubyGems team is urging maintainers of gems whose name contains a dash (e.g. ‘bl…

Rebuild 132, 133, 134, 135, 136

Rebuild: 132: We Used To Love Math (higepon) 髪切った? 無給インターン 無給 or ビザ出す キャリアパス podcast生活 コードを書かないことにはならない 勉強 技術的な勉強より、ユーザーエクスペリエンスのセンス IoT大変 Particle Machine Learning Apa…