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Ruby5 #555

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/597-episode-555-june-2nd-2015 Make Your Own Rack Server rack-compliant web server 32 Rack Resources to Get You Started | Jason Seifer Hash and default_proc how to speed up an expensive operation in a P…

Ruby5 #554

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/596-episode-554-may-29th-2015 React for Rails A guide for Rails developers ruby-patterns Examples of Patterns in Ruby Oga XML/HTML parser ROM 0.7.0 new adapters rom-rethinkdb rom-neo4j rom-event_store …

Ruby5 #553

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/595-episode-553-may-22nd-2015 local-subdomain local-subdomain gem I don’t have to add the before_filter and add -b to my rails s command FizzBuzz in Elixir FizzBuzz example in Elixir and Ruby w…

Ruby5 #552

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/594-episode-552-may-19th-2015 ROM 0.7.0 “combine” interface for eager-loading an entire object graph Lotus 0.3.1 nested resources support, dirty tracking, timestamps for entities, improved code generat…

Ruby5 #551

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/593-episode-551-may-15th-2015 Code Reviews Implementing a Strong Code-Review Culture Confreaks TV | Implementing a Strong Code-Review Culture - RailsConf 2015 Emoji in MySQL utf8mb4 character set Pluck…

Ruby5 #550

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/592-episode-550-may-12th-2015 Ruby: The Last Eight Years Hal Fulton, author of The Ruby Way How I TRAINed to learn Rails Learn Ruby The Hard Way Books Learn to Program, by Chris Pine The Rails 3 Way Ru…

Ruby5 #549

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/589-episode-549-may-5th-2015 RubyGems 5 Billion downloads Fruity Bat building your own Flappy Bird clone gosu gem 2 hours 47 min video Ruby Type Systems Tony Arcieri, who works on security stuff at Git…

Ruby5 #548

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/588-episode-548-may-1st-2015 Denoising AutoEncoders denoising autoencoder on the MNIST data set tutorial as a basis to construct deep neural networks UUID with Postgres uuid 847862BF-424C-482F-81B1-09A…

Ruby5 #547

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/587-episode-547-april-28th-2015 A New Sense of Purpose for Rails "A New Sense of Purpose for Rails." Tom Dale Ember.js 7 Deadly Sins of Ruby Metaprogramming Sin 1: Using method_missing as the very firs…

Ruby5 #546

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/586-episode-546-april-24th-2015 ActionCable websockets DHH Why Rails 5 / Turbolinks 3.0 / Action Cable matter RAILS API Rails API will be part of the core in Rails 5 rails new --api RubyTogether Ruby T…

Ruby5 #545

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/585-episode-545-april-21st-2015 Pundit minimal authorization through object-oriented design Useful Capistrano Plugins Capistrano Rails:Console plugin Capistrano db:tasks plugin Capistrano-Faster-assets…

Ruby5 #544

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/584-episode-544-april-17th-2015 Ruby OpenSSL Hostname Verification OpenSSL extensions through violations of matching hostnames, particularly wildcard certificates releases of Ruby 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 Ope…

Ruby5 #543

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/583-episode-543-april-14th-2015 Rubygems Richard Schneeman (heroku) why Rubygems sometimes takes so long to load up your Ruby application dependencies DTrace performance tracing was used irbtools irbto…

Ruby5 #542

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/582-episode-542-april-10th-2015 Broccoli ember-cli's build tool (building an ember-cli addon) AR Includes Kent Beck’s philosophy of “Make it work, make it right, make it fast.” Chronicles Remembers inv…

Ruby5 #541

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/581-episode-541-april-7th-2015 Ruby Performance Optimization Book Alexander Dymo Writing Solid Data-Processing Code gem Kiba - Lightweight ETL for Ruby Kartograph generate and convert JSON, for API cli…

Ruby5 #540

Ruby5 Ciphers Julius Caesar Caesar cipher シーザー暗号 - Wikipedia ROT5 algorithm Send Email Pragmatic Studio How to Create, Preview, and Send Email From Your Rails App | The Pragmatic Studio 21min video BDD Stack RSpec tutorials shoulda-m…

Ruby5 #539

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/579-episode-539-march-31st-2015 Refactoring - when? Always? or Never RSpec Fundamentals RSpec Subject, Helpers, Hooks and Exception Handling Upcoming change in Rails 5.0 In Rails 5 this will become rai…

Ruby5 #538

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/578-episode-538-march-24th-2015 Rails 4.2.1 and 4.1.10 fixes going into ActiveRecord Bundler 1.9 Molinillo resolver, shared with CocoaPods CocoaPods/Molinillo · GitHub Ruby Together André Arko, Aaron P…

Ruby5 #537

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/575-episode-537-march-20th-2015 Neural Network Video Listing | Coursera gems nmatrix, fastest-csv, chunky_png Regression Driven Tests How you test Regression driven testing is a good place to start que…

Ruby5 #536

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/574-episode-536-march-17th-2015 Release Candidates changes to action mailer, action pack, action view, active model, active record and active support Callback Gotchas how ActiveModel callbacks can resu…

Ruby5 #535

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/573-episode-535-march-13th-2015 New Relic 4 Financial Lessons for Mobile App Developers VisionMobile Rails React Flux videos (learning about React Native and Relay) Volt Both the server and client side…

Ruby5 #534

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/572-episode-534-march-10th-2015 InfraRuby 3.6 InfraRuby is a compiler and runtime for statically typed Ruby uses JRuby to bootstrap Passenger 5.0.2 here was a bug in 5.0.1 where requests could sometime…

Ruby5 #533

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/571-episode-533-march-6th-2015 Ruby 2.2.1 first TEENY version release of the stable 2.2 series the fix for ffi build failure and memory leak issue on Symbol GC Regularity Regularity.new .start_with(3, …

Ruby5 #532

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/570-episode-532-march-3rd-2015 Secure Cookies Rails.application.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_testapp_session', secure: true Regex Examples rubular.com regexp-examples library Debugging Ru…

Ruby5 #531

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/569-episode-531-february-27th-2015 fast-ruby Ruby idioms that can make your code considerably faster Array#bsearch vs Array#find middleman-presentation build wonderful presentations based on HTML and J…

Ruby5 #530

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/568-episode-530-february-24th-2015 Ruby 1.9.3 is dead The life of an HTTP Request in Rails ominiref.com Melt allows you to call a #melt method on any frozen object with C Ruby and JRuby Traveler Easily…

Ruby5 #529

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/567-episode-529-february-20th-2015 private methods Mark Methods Private When You Don’t Test Them Set intersection x.intersection y fat models moving the validations out of the model validates_with Vali…

Ruby5 #528

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/566-episode-528-february-13th-2015 Heroku Recommends Puma pretty_backtrace you can see local variable names and values Weird Stuff with Hashes Aaron Patterson Don’t mutate the hash value on hash keys! …

Ruby5 #527

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/565-episode-527-february-10th-2015 chat_correct shows the errors and error types when a correct English sentence is diffed with an incorrect English sentence type capitalization_mistake, capitalization…

Ruby5 #526

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/564-episode-526-february-6th-2015 Ruby Concurrency Ruby Concurrency and Parallelism: A Practical Primer Unicorn, Puma Sitemap with Rails This blog post will show you how to ask Google to refresh it! hi…