Ruby5 #579
- Fixing Slow Request in Rails App
- how to deal with slow requests in your applications
- skylight gem
- hidden loops
- move out of each or allocate in advance
inactivity_threshold = 1.year.ago
log "Processed customer".freeze
BLACKLIST = ["",""]
- Ship First, Optimize Later
- Revisiting rails:update
bundle exec rake rails:update
git diff > ../rails_update.diff
- Magic Numbers in Ruby
- × THIRTEEN_YEARS = 13 and TWENTY_COMMENTS = 20 would not be sensible constants
- Rails Enum Is a Sharp Knife
- Specifying enum values with underlying integers
enum status: { active: 0,
- Specifying enum values with underlying integers
- RubyKaigi2015
- Dec. 11th - 13th
- Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto, Motohiro Kosaki
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