thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #141-142
141: Don't Say No to Anything (Georgia Dow) | Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast
therapist/writer/podcaster/speaker/Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu champion Georgia
- ブラジリアン柔術
- 2 times champion
- mix wrestling
- train twice a day
- fun
- boxing
- 3 bad injury
- bit tangue off
- acl surgery
- senior editor
- mentor
- scuba diving
- time is more important
- シナプス
- stress
- gaming podcast
- Isometric - Relay FM
- fighting game
- speaking
- NSNorth
- falcon
142: The Power of Play (Justin Gitlin) | Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast
Justin Gitlin
- Mode Set / Home
- Ello | wtf | What is Ello? Ello is
- musician
- Communiky
- festival