thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #139-140
Mike Brittain, VP of Engineering at Etsy
- Code Dojo
- remote work
- Paris, aquired company
- Facebook's Vending Machines for Tech Nerds.
- aware cost, budget
- manager different roles
- favorite books
Sir John Hargrave, CEO of Media Shower
- Prank the Monkey: The ZUG Book of Pranks (English Edition) 電子書籍: Sir John Hargrave, Al Natanagara: Kindleストア
- Mind Hacking
- mind hacking program
- meditation
- concentration
- | Instant Coaching for Any Goal.
- GitBook · Write & Publish Books
- feedback
- マーク・アンドリーセン "Why Software Is Eating The World"を読んで考えた、ソフトウェアと企業の価値を決める、ある仮説:永井孝尚のMM21:ITmedia オルタナティブ・ブログ