quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


NSScreencast Episode #6 AFNetworking

AFNetworking - NSScreencast podfile depencency 'AFNetworking' dependency 'JSONKit' pod install NSURLRequest AFRequestOperation success failure [operation start] JSON NSDictionary [obj objectForKey:@"field"] [cell.imageView setImageWithURL:…

NSScreencast Episode #5 CocoaPods

CocoaPods - NSScreencast linking static library (copy, linking) gem install cocoapods pod setup pod list pod search hoge Podfile platform dependency pod install Sample.xcodeproj/ Podfile.lock Pods in xcode proj Pods.xcconfig import header …

NSScreencast Episode #4 Automated Testing with Kiwi

Automated Testing with Kiwi - NSScreencast RSpec style Normal test suffix Tests (void)setup (void)tearDown STAssertEquals clone kiwi into lib foler drag as sibling of project Build Phases kiwi.a Build Settings some FLAGS other linker FLAG …

NSScreencast Episode #3 UITableView Basics

UITableView Basics - NSScreencast Protocol definition <UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate> Placeholders - Objects Cell reuse queue cell Identifier dequeueResusableCellWithIdentifier simulatorではパフォーマンスの違いが分からないがdeviceでは分かる NSBundle -> arrayWithContents</uitableviewdatasource,>…

NSScreencast Episode #2 Diagnosing Memory Problems

Diagnosing Memory Problems - NSScreencast over releasing Static analyzer (Menu -> Product -> Analyze) Profiler -> Leaks (Instruments) snapshot interval Profiler -> Zombies DON'T use nil in dealloc

NSScreencast Episode #1 Objective-C Basics

Objective-C Basics - NSScreencast interface (.h), implementation (.m) Instance Method(-), Class Method (+) can add line break in each argument objc_msgSend [recipient Message:message] arc (automatic reference countiing) [[Type alloc] init]…

NSScreencast Episode #11 Core Data Basics

Core Data Basics - NSScreencast Core Data Build Phases -> CoreData.framework mogenerator Relationiships sharedDataModel sqlite store Scheme -com.apple.CoreData.SQLDebug 1 App for Sqlite Menial » Base 2 insertInManagedObject CoreData book (…

NSScreencast Episode #12 Importing into Core Data

Importing into Core Data - NSScreencast CoreData add Build Phase on XCode mogenerator MBProgressHUD AFJSONRequestOperation dispatch_async 進捗表示(パーセント) むずい 慣れることだ

NSScreencast Episode #13 Setting up Jenkins

Setting up Jenkins - NSScreencast Jankins好きにはたまらない Mac上でJenkins brewで簡単インストール jenkinsでxcode projectをbuild