quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


Ruby5 #351

Ruby5 - Episode #351 - March 8th, 2013 tpope plugin - herokuのプラグインいろいろ heroku-fucking-console heroku-remote heroku-wildcards heroku-buildpack-ruby-tpope heroku-binstubs heroku-surrogate heroku-pgbackups-pull 他にもvimが多い tpope…

RubyTapas #062 - #069

062 Fiber ?? Homemade numerator イミフ 063 Gem-Love Part 3 ? webmock, tdd ムズイ 064 Yield or Enumerate ★ 引数無しだとEnumeratorが返る return to_enum(:names) if block_given? return to_enum(__callee__) if block_given? 065 PulseFFI Part 7…

NSScreencast Episode #28 Creating a Cocoapod

Creating a Cocoapod - NSScreencast episode 25, 26 pod --version = 0.10.0 gem install cocoapods pod spec help pod spec create AppName https://github.url summary license :type => 'MIT', :file => 'LICENCE' source :git, :tag platform :ios, '5.…

NSScreencast Episode #27 New Objective-C Syntax

New Objective-C Syntax - NSScreencast clang compiler XCode 4.4 NSArray *items = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: .., nil] count @[@"item1", @"item2", @"item3"] no need nil terminate items[i] NSDictionary @{ @"backup" : @YES, @"hoge" : @15 }; opt…

NSScreencast Episode #15 HTTP Caching

HTTP Caching - NSScreencast cache-tester heroku app curl Etag, Last-Modified Cache-Control: max-age=10 curl -I -H "If-None-Match: \"xxxxxxx\"" 304 Not Modified curl -I -H "If-Modified-Since: DATE" Charles HTTP monitor FIlter url Pods SDURL…

NSScreencast Episode #10 Fun with Blocks

Fun with Blocks - NSScreencast block From iOS SDK 4.0 UIImageVIew frame = self.view.bounds contentMode, UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit addSubview UIActivityIndicatorView hideWhenStopped = YES center addSubview load resource startAnimating…

NSScreencast Episode #9 Automatic Reference Counting

Automatic Reference Counting - NSScreencast Erase [ autorelease/release/retain/dealloc] Erase dealloc method, @property, retain/etc.. Menu : Edit > Refactor > Objective-C ARC -> diff @property assign -> unsafe_unretained, weak (iOS5) Build…

NSScreencast Episode #8 Automatic UITableView Paging

Automatic UITableView Paging - NSScreencast Podfile dependency 'AFNetworking' pod install xxx.xcodeproj UITableViewController initWithDictionary NSDictionary objectForKey pragma mark NSMutableArray NSInteger currentPage, totalPages NumberO…

NSScreencast Episode #7 Serializing Data to Disk

Serializing Data to Disk - NSScreencast Lightweight Data login metadata caching activity while offline simple user generated data Property List Serialization NS Array, Dictionary, String, Data, Number, Data NSDictionary NSSearchPathForDire…

NSScreencast Episode #6 AFNetworking

AFNetworking - NSScreencast podfile depencency 'AFNetworking' dependency 'JSONKit' pod install NSURLRequest AFRequestOperation success failure [operation start] JSON NSDictionary [obj objectForKey:@"field"] [cell.imageView setImageWithURL:…