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NSScreencast Episode #119 URL Scheme Callbacks

URL Scheme Callbacks - NSScreencast URL Schemeでcallbackを使って、遷移してすぐ戻る Info Url types Url Sheme Add url scheme x-callback-wordrev Sending NSURL URLWithString stringWithFormat:@"x-callback-wordrev://x-callback-url?x-source=Schem…

NSScreencast Episode #118 Integrating with 1Password

Integrating with 1Password - NSScreencast 1Passwordのアプリと連携 Riposte/RPSTPasswordManagementAppService · GitHub いろいろなバージョンの1Passwordに対応 agilebit Developers: Here’s how to add a little 1Password to your iOS apps (Update 2x…

NSScreencast Episode #117 URL Schemes

URL Schemes - NSScreencast URL schemeで遷移して、URL上のwordをreverseするアプリ 例 somestring://asdf , tel://123 build settings info url types - url scheme name collision can jump from mobile safari wordref://asdf application openURL sourc…

NSScreencast Episode #116 Mantle

Mantle - NSScreencast #import "Mantle.h" @interface Episode : MTLModel <MTLJSONSerializing> NSCoder NSValueTransformer episodeTypeJSONTransformer publishedAtJSONTransformer thumbnailImageUrlJSONTransformer [NSValueTransformer valueTransformerForName:MTLURLVal</mtljsonserializing>…

NSScreencast Episode #115 Submitting to the App Store

Submitting to the App Store - NSScreencast AppStoreに上げる app icon launch image ifdef debug fps ifdef screenshot appstore folder for memo bundle id current version new version description support url marketing url ready to upload binary …

NSScreencast Episode #114 Playing Sounds with Sprite Kit

Playing Sounds with Sprite Kit - NSScreencast 音声を再生する audio files Royalty Free Music - Sound Effects - Stock Audio | AudioJungle wav to convert smaller × mp3 iphone cannot decode simultaneously ima4 afconvert -f caff -d ima4 in.wav …

NSScreencast Episode #113 Giggletouch - Part 2

Giggletouch - Part 2 - NSScreencast Smileyの画像を使って、縮小や画面から消えるアニメーション giggle touch change last time shape bigger rotate slower arc4random_uniform arc4randomはbiasがある (modular random) MAX_NUMが2の累乗であれば完全に…

NSScreencast Episode #112 Giggletouch

Giggletouch - NSScreencast タッチすると図形と赤ん坊の声が出るアプリの更新 old app iOS 5 Sprite Kit XCodeでSprite Kitゲームテンプレート 初心者の為のSprite Kit チュートリアル | Ray Wenderlich 座標の原点が左下(左上ではない) GTViewController…

NSScreencast Episode #111 Xcode 5.1

Xcode 5.1 - NSScreencast XCode5.1の解説 NSLogとdescriptionメソッドのオーバーライド debugQuickLookObjectで図などのオブジェクトがプレビューできる XCodeの下のペインの目のアイコン breakpoint時に変数を選択して目のアイコンで UIBezierPath 図形描…

NSScreencast Episode #110 Swipe to Reveal Redux

Swipe to Reveal Redux - NSScreencast セルをスワイプしてactionする機能で 以前のやつで問題を指摘されたのでその解決 challenging scroll view eating touches subclass of UIScrollView BSTapScrollView.h @optional scrollView touchesBegan scrollView…

NSScreencast Episode #109 MDMCoreData

MDMCoreData - NSScreencast 体重のデータをCoreDataに登録、表示 pod 'MDMCoreData', '~> 1.0' MDMPersistenceController.m [self.managedObjectContext setParentContext:self.writerObjectContext]; storeUrl = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[self documentsD…

NSScreencast Episode #108 Unwinding Segues

Unwinding Segues - NSScreencast unwind segueを使って画面を戻す unwindFromRecordWeight:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue unwindFromLog:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue drag back button to Exit of VC drag yellow icon(the most left) to Exit save _didSave …

NSScreencast Episode #107 Swipe to Reveal Cells

Swipe to Reveal Cells - NSScreencast 左スワイプして2種類のアクションを表示する Reveal $89 Reveal App cell - contentView - scrollView - view storyboard set same value of x, y(0, 0) and width, height to all views set autolayout 4 margins and…

NSScreencast Episode #106 UITableViewCell Swipe Action

UITableViewCell Swipe Action - NSScreencast TableViewでMark as readのマークをスワイプでトグルする SwipeCell layoutSubviews _scrollView = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:self.contentView.bounds]; [self.contentView insertSubview:_scrollV…

NSScreencast Episode #105 Strong versus Copy

Strong versus Copy - NSScreencast propertyのstrongとcopyの違い @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *name; にすべき mutable NSMutableString NSMutableArray [name replaceCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1) withString:@"A"]; 間違えるとおかし…

NSScreencast Episode #104 Blur

Blur - NSScreencast 画面下から出るビューにぼかし効果を加える Blur 50% alpha see through スライドするパネルの背景画像の固定など createPanel #if USE_TOOLBAR_METHOD [[UIToolbar alloc] initWithFrame:self.panel.bounds]; blurToolbar.barStyle = U…

NSScreencast Episode #103 Refactoring View Controllers - Part 2

Refactoring View Controllers - Part 2 - NSScreencast Twitterのフォロワーを一覧するアプリのリファクタリング続き refactoring -> simple view did load introduce concept of model TwitterFollower.m initWithDictionary map operation create new gro…

NSScreencast Episode #102 Refactoring View Controllers

Refactoring View Controllers - NSScreencast Twitterのフォロワーを一覧するアプリのリファクタリング #import <Social/Social.h> viewDidLoad has small lines of code eventually refactoring extract to new class extract with new method (completion block etc.) Add </social/social.h>…

NSScreencast Episode #101 NSPredicate

NSPredicate - NSScreencast csv NSString *contents = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:csvPath encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil]; NSArray *lines = [contents componentsSeparatedByString:@"\r\n"]; [lines enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(N…

NSScreencast Episode #100 Particle Systems

Particle Systems - NSScreencast 火の玉みたいなアニメーション CAEmitterLayer emitterShape = kCAEmitterLayerPoint; Point/Line/Rectangle/Cuboid/Circle/Sphere emitterPosition renderMode kCAEmitterLayer Unordered, OldestFirst, OldestLast, BackT…

NSScreencast Episode #99 Parsing and Formatting Dates

Parsing and Formatting Dates - NSScreencast 日付の変換 Unicode Date Format Patterns UTS #35: Unicode Locale Data Markup Language NSDateFormatter [dateFormatter setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ"]; dateFormatter dateFromString Not reco…

NSScreencast Episode #98 Camera Capture

Camera Capture - NSScreencast 動画の録画 AVFoundation @import AVFoundation; @import is that you don't need to add the framework in the project settings, it's done automatically objective c - @import vs #import - iOS 7 - Stack Overflow #imp…

NSScreencast Episode #97 Scrolling Nub

Scrolling Nub - NSScreencast スクロールバーの実装 dropbox app, instapaper (example) grabbable highlight when grabbed loadView (<UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate>) scrollingNub initWithFrame self.scrollingNub.layer.cornerRadius = 12; self.scrollingNub.alpha = 0; [self.view </uitableviewdatasource,>…

NSScreencast Episode #96 Face Detection

Face Detection - NSScreencast 顔認識 画像の目と口にポイントを描く、領域に四角を描く 座標が反対 CoreImage @import CoreImage; viewDidLoad self.imageView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit; dispatch_async CIDetector detectorOfType:…

NSScreencast Episode #95 Fun with iBeacons

Fun with iBeacons - NSScreencast デバイスとの距離が離れるごとに背景の色を変える iBeacon - bluetooth beacon emitter lgaches/BeaconEmitter · GitHub turn ibeacon on uuid, identifier, major, minor linked library core location #import <CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h> CLLocati</corelocation/corelocation.h>…

NSScreencast Episode #94 Upgrading an Old Project to XCTest

Upgrading an Old Project to XCTest - NSScreencast Kiwi/XCTestを使ってテストを動くようにする Podfile target :GuessTheNumberXCTests, :exclusive => true do pod 'Kiwi/XCTest' BuildsSettings Other Linker Flags Library Search Paths remove link b…

NSScreencast Episode #93 Background Transfers

Background Transfers - NSScreencast 画像のダウンロードをバックグラウンドで実行 downloadTapped if (!self.session) { self.session = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:config delegate:self delegateQueue:nil]; NSURLSessionDownloadTask *tas…

NSScreencast Episode #92 Background Fetch

Background Fetch - NSScreencast Weather appでlocationからの検索をバックグラウンドを使って実行 weather app search by location WeatherFetcher sharedInstance cachedResult needsRefresh NSTimeInterval interval = abs([lastUpdated timeIntervalSin…

NSScreencast Episode #91 AFNetworking 2.0

AFNetworking 2.0 - NSScreencast AFNetworking 2.0使って画像を表示とか Podfile platform :ios, '7.0' pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 2.0.1' view controller #import "AFNetworking.h" AFHTTPSessionManager [self GET:@"/search" parameters country term dis…

NSScreencast Episode #90 Table View Images in iOS 7

Table View Images in iOS 7 - NSScreencast TableView上のimageをロードする iTunes affiliate search api filter by entity type beatles , pink floyd artworkUrl100 sessiondatatask with url ns url session image cache depends on server cache contr…