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thoughtbot Build Phase #48

F-ing Mush Mouth Swiftとinitの問題 話す言語もプログラミング言語も、既知の言語から翻訳して考える Swiftを考える時Objective-Cをもとに考えてしまう maxpow4h/swiftz · GitHub JSON parsing アクセス修飾子 public/private/internal Swiftのアクセス修飾…

thoughtbot Build Phase #47

Boom. Chaka Khan. UIBarButtonItemとfontの問題 Singularize and Pluralize Strings (mattt) water melon beer all of the sudden funky comedy musician earth knockers texus rock song badman1 slower romantic songs rap songs miami timezone complain…

thoughtbot Build Phase #46

A Touch Of Class Cluster Fawlty Towers Netflix form binding build phase repo build-phase/Episode 46 at master · thoughtbot/build-phase · GitHub XCode fuzzy finderがいけていない rating Build Phase 28 Ratingsで 全て★★★★★ Giant Robotは 56Rati…

thoughtbot Build Phase #45

My Stupid, Stupid Brain 5:30〜8:00までsnooze Swift Arrayが直った let immutable, var mutable syntax change (Array, Dictionary) let arrayNew : [Int] var dictionary02:[String: NSObject?] rangeが変わった ..< for half-closed … for closed Apple'…

thoughtbot Build Phase #44

Emergency Brisket ScrollViewとAutoLayout storyboardを使うかどうか facebookのsnapshotのテストケース canadic boring california tiny town isolated everyone knows everyone mexican food bbq cousin birthday autolayout hell scroll view user profi…

thoughtbot Build Phase #43

Golden Fontenot and The Mark Adams Effect SwiftよりもObjective-Cがまだconfidence持てる 簡単なProvisioning Profileの間違いで、丸一日はまった Apple Developer Portalのバグ 何年経っても理解できない アプリの名前のところで、失敗したら削除しても…

thoughtbot Build Phase #42

Best Language for the Gob swift regular expressionは言語のものでなくfoundationを使う必要がある array, constant arrayの挙動がおかしい officialの言語なのにRubyMotionと同じ仕組み replの仕組み Open Sourceになれば、Rubyとかのようにclient, serve…

thoughtbot Build Phase #41

WWDC 2014 swiftのtypeの話 Optional type haskelのtypeは良い haskelは実装系ではなくスペック === の挙動が変わった wwdc round table discussion funny playful keynote ibooks out of shadow steve jobs swift ios8 marvelicks not consumer my wife no …

thoughtbot Build Phase #40

Over the Hill スペースボール - Wikipedia OS11 Navigation Barの色など、実装時の色の設定の問題 APIの変更にどうついていくか easy mapping railsのvcr EasyMapping/EasyMapping · GitHub The easiest way to marshall and unmarshall Dictionary represe…

thoughtbot Build Phase #39

Shitty As Intended WWDC iOS8 Core Location, Privacy Sheets Asset Catalogは良い 色の管理の統合(consolidate color) 通常通りするとStoryBoard, Interface Builderで違いがある? androidみたいなアプリ間の連携ほしい iCloud and Core Data Syncing大変…

thoughtbot Build Phase #38

Not Just a Domestic Affair NSNorth 2014 podcast canada technicalトークとそれ以外のトークの割合とか偏り wwdc venue too big wifi, couldn't pull git code imposter syndrom ハーバード大学医学部留学・独立日記 第二部 三重大学医学部編 ... Impostor…

thoughtbot Build Phase #37

Assume You're Sharding Core Data Stack database sharding CoreDataをキャッシュに使う sqlite fileを分けて、キャッシュのクリアをやりやすくする(ファイル削除するだけ) tweetbot wrapping up project knowledge transfer concrete implementation dat…

thoughtbot Build Phase #36

No, We Don't Sing Or Anything Rubyの.reverseをObj-Cでできるようにする TDD DHHの話 Unit Testだけに頼りすぎるのは良くないと言っていると思う Integration Testだけに頼りすぎるのも良くない side project keeping me interest tony stray dogs fed tak…

thoughtbot Build Phase #35

One Step Away From Breaking Everything Urban Airship | Mobile Marketing Solutions learn new ns proxy hacky application delegate why how use it ns proxy ns object ns proxy subclass ??rbnership instruction awful all you actually need they do…

thoughtbot Build Phase #34

Darth Brooks Rodeo by Garth Brooks - YouTube Lindsay Lowend's Spotlight page on SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds Applicationの直下にapplication containerを置くかどうか UIViewControllerを拡張してcontainerを利用できるようにするか red soc…

thoughtbot Build Phase #33

Objective-C Folklore phonegap/ios-sim · GitHub Command-line application launcher for the iOS Simulator thoughtbot Learn : iOS on Rails (Beta): a book by thoughtbot This book is for a developer who wants to build an iOS application with a R…

thoughtbot Build Phase #32

Ed Bageley Jr. Reactive Coco KVO - Key-Value Coding and Observing Key-Value Coding and Observing - Foundation - objc.io issue #7 music on usually itunes punk ska begly junior actor floating back station mostly recycle paper disposable masa…

thoughtbot Build Phase #31

It Had A Good Run Liftoff 1.1 liftoffのdistribution pre build binary使えない facade pattern decorator pattern Decorator Pattern Categoryっぽい AutoCoding nicklockwood/AutoCoding · GitHub AutoCoding is a category on NSObject that provides a…

thoughtbot Build Phase #30

Rocket Fuel mdoc mdocのフォーマット .Nm liftoffとか liftoff/man/liftoff.1 at master · thoughtbot/liftoff · GitHub liftoff - CLI for creating and configuring new Xcode projects liftoffrc - ./, ~/, デフォルトの順 XCode回りがすぐ壊れるからメ…

thoughtbot Build Phase #29

Smoothies: A Private Affair goto fail; - braceを絶対に使う Detecting unreachable code is easy with AppCode 普通ならUnit Testでなんとかできる AppCodeリファクタリング使えるけど、XCodeから乗り換えることは考えられない this week majorably wife …

thoughtbot Build Phase #28

Too Drunk To Ruck static table view rubyでクライアント、Objective-Cでサーバーを作った CocoaHTTPServer robbiehanson/CocoaHTTPServer · GitHub RoutingHTTPServer mattstevens/RoutingHTTPServer · GitHub testflight買収の話 bustly SkyRocket Burstl…

thoughtbot Build Phase #27

Valentimes Day Ruby良い memoize ||= Categories, Façade pattern Custom UIViewController Transitions UIActionSheet UIActionSheet - iPhoneアプリ開発の虎の巻 this week auto layout nothing super exciting color background tint color issue missed…

thoughtbot Build Phase #26

Russia Is Watching You Shower やる気がなくてカンファレンス行かなかった、ゲームしてた dots, letterpress threes THREES - A tiny puzzle that grows on you Flappy Birdsが受けたのが理解できない fish bird (Splashy fish?) mario tiny wings adsの出…

thoughtbot Build Phase #25

Welcome To The New South PennywiseのFull Circleというアルバム何度も聞いてた http://www.rdio.com/artist/Pennywise/album/Full_Circle/ Bro hymn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_n8TuSVmOrw Fight Till You Die http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dmAW…

thoughtbot Build Phase #24

A Meat Sack Full of Impostor Syndrome Justified (tv show) Go (movie) Deadwood Interviewの話 FizzBuzzとかコーディングの出題 ペアリングの相性を見る Githubに物があると評価できる(無いと駄目では無い) playbook iOSチームの中では馬鹿な役割でいた…

thoughtbot Build Phase #23

Polar Vortex Open Radar rdar://15818149: Add boolean property to disable the resizing of UIPageViewController subviews WWDC videos WWDC 2013 Session Videos - Apple Developer carousel page view controller subclassed ui page view controller …

thoughtbot Build Phase #22

Punk in Drublic 年末年始休みの話 iOS dev weekly objc-run - shell script that makes it easy to use Objective-C files for shell script-like tasks 常に新しいことを学べる人を雇いたい PTO - Paid Time Off 有給休暇 Functional Reactive Programming…

thoughtbot Build Phase #21

thoughtbot : Build Phase : 21: Is this even an Episode? Haskell Hoogle GSHR (Gloriously Slow Haskell Reasoner) Package manager - Cabal hspec, test unit Function Reactive Programming Framework - Reactive Cocoa Deploymate for Xcode Deploymat…

thoughtbot Build Phase #20

thoughtbot : Build Phase : 20: Damn Snow NSByteCountFormatter - バイト数からMB, GBの形にしてくれる Storyboardで共同開発はCONFLICTしやすいのでNibsにした Spectaをテストで使う 異なるバージョンのSpectaをプロジェクトで使いたいがCocoapodsの制限…

thoughtbot Build Phase #19

thoughtbot : Build Phase : 19: Lazy Since 1998 AppKit, UIKkit AppKitにさようなら | pineapple blog Email apps Sparrow — Get mail done AirMail Command line email client Mutt Hazel - Automated Organization for your Mac Noodlesoft | Hazel Vee …