quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


NSScreencast Episode #38 Class Introspection

Class Introspection - NSScreencast resignFirstResponder Class class = [self inspectClass:class] add @property methods self.methods = [self methodsInClass:class] import 'objc/runtime.h' SEL selector = method_getname(method) NSStringFromSele…

NSScreencast Episode #37 Xcode Tips & Tricks

Xcode Tips & Tricks - NSScreencast ^⌘↑ move .m .h files ^⌘← switch file ⌘0 toggle navigate pane ⌘5,6,7 ... ⌘Enter ⌥⌘Enter ⇧⌘` ⌘J switch pane ⇧⌘J ^⇧⌘W close split tabs fuzzy file search referencing ^6 jump to method ★★ ^5 move group file ^4…

NSScreencast Episode #34 Upgrading to iOS 6 and iPhone 5

Upgrading to iOS 6 and iPhone 5 - NSScreencast iphone 5 new screen size ⌘3 縮小, ⌘1 100% 568 black default view with XCode change view size rotation (shouldAutoRotate..., UIOrientation...) (BOOL)iphone5 UIInterfaceIdiomPhone height 1136

thoughtbot podcast Episode #20 ★

thoughtbot Learn Episode #20 Ruby Lightning まだRubyconf 全体的に難しかった。サービス名と人名とコンタクトは相変わらず聞き取れない。 engineyard, bosh, cloudfoundry chicago ruby ChicagoRuby - Chicago Ruby on Rails Meetup 2012 Videos - WindyC…