quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


thoughtbot podcast Episode #37 ★★

thoughtbot Learn Episode #37 You're riding the Rails bro! CTO of thoughtbot 良く出たキーワードは Suspenders Gemfile thoughtbotのRailsのテンプレートプロジェクト Gemfileの中 aribrakeとか jqueryは評価してた psych multi thread使っていない トレ…

Code School - videos (Storyboard for iOS)

Videos Storyboard for iOS - Part 2 ★★★★ UITabBarController Relationship segue - view controllers change root view controller UINavigationController Action seque - push prepareForSegue viewWillAppear Storyboard使う使わないに関わらず、ViewCo…

Code School - Try iOS, CoffeeScript

Done Try iOS ★★★★★ CoffeeScript ★★★★ Videos Agile Best Practices ★★ Planning isn't free Bad feedback is a chance to improve Definition of 'Done' miscommunication Storyboard for iOS - Part 1 ★★★★ IBOutlet IBAction Assistant Editor Very usef…