quattro_4 scribble

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Ruby5 #478

Ruby5 - Episode #478 - July 8th, 2014

  • Rails 4.0.8 & 4.1.4
    • Rails 4.0.7, and 4.1.3 security releases that patched a vulnerability in the Postgres adapter for Rails
    • two hours later versions 4.0.8 and 4.1.4 were also released
  • Awesome Ruby
    • A collection of awesome Ruby libraries, tools, frameworks and software
  • MessageEncryptor
    • saves you the hassle of interfacing directly with OpenSSL which doesn’t feel very Ruby-ish
  • BHF Gem
    • Rails engine which generates an admin interface
  • Fourchette
    • use Heroku’s Fork feature in order to create a clone of your production environment, deploy a pull request to it and allow you to poke around as if you had deployed to your real production environment
  • Inch CI
    • grade how well your code is documented
    • automatically run Inch every time you push new code

♫ Flight Of The Conchords - Foux Du FaFa

by SoundHound